Friday, 18 October 2024


Lilith is a 1964 American drama film written and directed by Robert Rossen starring Warren Beatty and Jean Seberg. Based on a novel by J.R. Salamanca.

Set in a private mental institution, Chestnut Lodge in Rockville, Maryland, the film tells of a trainee occupational therapist, a troubled ex-soldier named Vincent Bruce, who is fascinated by seductive, artistic, schizophrenic patient Lilith Arthur. Lilith reminds him of his mother, who was mentally disturbed and took her own life.

Monday, 22 July 2024

Osho on Bullies

In every human encounter you will see it happening - people are throwing their authority all around; either bullying people or being bullied by others. 

And if somebody bullies you, you will immediately find some weaker person somewhere to take the revenge. [on]

If your boss bullies you in the office, you will come home and bully your wife. And if she is not a lib movement woman, then she will wait for the child to come home from the school, and she will bully the child. 

And if the child is old-fashioned, not American, then the child will go to his room and crush his toys - because that is the only thing he can bully. He can show his power on the toy. But this goes on and on. This seems to be the whole game. This is what real politics is....

So whenever you have some authority...And everybody has some authority or other. You cannot find a person, you cannot find the last person who has no authority; even he has some authority, even he has a dog he can kick. 

Everybody has some authority somewhere. So, everybody lives in politics. You may not be a member of any political party; that doesn't mean that you are not political. IF YOU ABUSE YOUR AUTHORITY, YOU ARE POLITICAL. If you don't abuse your authority, then you are non-political.

Become more aware not to abuse your authority. It will give you a very new light - how you function - and it will make you so calm and centred. It will give you tranquillity and serenity.


Saturday, 15 June 2024

Everyday Time Hard

The Selecter (Live At Tic Toc Club, Coventry)

Everyday things are getting worse

Everyday things are getting worse

Time so hard, dog and all a look work

Time so hard, dog and all a look work

Everyday things are getting worse

Everyday things are getting worse

I took him down to the market place

And them laugh at my dog

You never see smoke without fire

I said


You gotta hold your head up high

Everyday things are getting worse

Everyday things are getting worse

Time so hard, why oh why oh lord

Time so hard, look upon Maud and Gerard

Saturday, 4 May 2024