"No man made a greater mistake
than the man who did nothing, because he could only do a little." - Edmund Burke.
“But I've spent so much time judging
myself for my feelings - judging myself, condemning myself, buying into the
lies, trying to come up with some other explanation - other than the one that
holds him accountable (at the very least, 50%),” says a friend of mine about
her ex-husband, from whom she needs to claim child support for the sake of her
children. She has finally made an appointment with a ‘mean’ lawyer! “I'm always
turning things around on myself. Especially anger...causes depression. So
acknowledging the anger might not equal spiritual nirvana, but neither does not
acknowledging the anger that's all ready there and turning it on myself and
trying to mask it somehow (mostly unconscious).” She says she keeps making
excuses for not taking legal action. “I keep saying ‘oh, this is not the
spiritual answer...or that is not spiritual...you're just reinforcing being a
victim’ and the next thing I know I've got no support, no help, no friends and
no motivation - repressed pain (all of which, of course, is entirely up to me
to be willing to change) AND nothing's been resolved AND I’m not getting any
child support at all. Seems stupid. And a horrible example to set for my
daughters. Me, allowing this.”
She said she is growing her ‘balls’
back after several years in a stifling marriage! I replied, ‘Haha...well,
tigresses don't have balls but no one fucks with them! It IS natural for women
to be powerful too you know! And particularly when you have suffered and been
humbled in your life and have become stronger and wiser...it is really we who
are the ones whom the world needs to express power responsibly. Perhaps we
can't become leaders in the usual sense - but perhaps we can in our own way -
but we don't have to be victims either.’
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to
be." - Abraham Lincoln.
life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. If you think you are a
hostage or a prisoner in your life, that is how you will begin to behave. As
Buddha said, ‘Whatever you think - so shall you become.’" - Jaye Morris,
can bring you peace but yourself.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Power and rights are spiritual too!
Allowing people to walk all over us doesn't help anyone. It simply perpetuates
the powerlessness in the collective unconscious for egoists to exploit and
abuse. It empowers patriarchy and it’s time to put that beast to sleep. When we
suppress anger it tends to build up and torment us from within even though we
might not be conscious of the source of our discontentment. It can come to
resemble a hyena, prowling around in a pack of other suppressed emotions. It
steals our peace of mind, feed on our energy and jumps on us aggressively
later. It's best to express the energy positively and constructively at the
time so the feelings are channelled, not lurking inside waiting to cause mayhem
or lead to depression.
"Our deepest fear is not that
we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It
is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who
am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you
not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just
in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne
Some women seem to feel that if they
take action to defend their rights, or whatever, they are identifying with
their troubles and therefore breathing life into them. Acknowledging anger does
not mean that one is generating it. There is a reason for it and, by being
conscious of the more negative emotion stirring inside ourselves, it is
possible to use it as a cue for positive thought and action. It is signalling
us that we need to do something or focus our intent on an area of our lives, a
situation that needs to be resolved. The key in the ignition is turned and
unless we are accustomed to driving we will simply sit there along and feeling
frustrated, revving the engine in despair and just making a lot of noise and
burn up the fuel. Meanwhile, ‘Hot Rod Henry’ is whizzing past with a wave and a
wry smile. How did Penelope Pitstop in Wacky
Races get her name? Her pink racing car doubles as a beauty salon and
perhaps she is too relaxed about the
race. She might not be in it to win. Other contestants - especially Peter
Perfect, who has a crush on her - are always stopping to help her out of
“If everyone on your planet were
connected to their own Source Energy, there would be no assaults, for there
would be no jealousy, insecurity or uncomfortable feelings of competition. If
everyone understood the power of their own Being, they would not seek to
control others. Any feelings of insecurity and hatred are born from our
disconnection with who-you-are. Your (selfish) connection with Well-Being would
bring only Well-Being.” - Abraham (Manifest
Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA., U.S., 2008, p.150).
It is not necessary for a woman to
act like a man to win the game of life. It is also not necessary for a man to
be an ‘arrogant pig’ (as my friend refers to her ex!) to pull through either.
It is, however, vital that we express our potential as unique and powerful
individuals. We should all be like tall flames dancing together, or rays of
light emanating from the one Sun. By failing to express ourselves, whether on
an inner or outer level, we are not doing justice to either the fire or the Sun
themselves. Light is our essential nature and it both wants to shine on the
world and to illumine personal and collective consciousness. The more we limit
ourselves, the more ‘wooden’ we allow ourselves to be, the more power we give
away, so that even the spitting fury of the spark affects us - and, of course,
it targets those over whom it can feel a sense of power. The spark is growing
in its own way, at its own pace. So, too, is the flame that is neglecting to
burn some of the wood, leaving it in an inert, unconscious state. It’s a
wake-up call to illumine and empower part of our consciousness that is holding
us back.
If we simply shrug our negative
reactions off, and dismiss them by criticising ourselves for being negative (or
‘unspiritual’), all we are doing is repressing those emotions. We are leaving
them to fester, throwing another snake into the pit of our unconscious minds. We
are giving Indiana Jones a greater challenge, stacking the odds up against the
conscious mind. Sooner or later, we will have to face the music and dance! It
is our own weaknesses, not the outer world, and not other people, that we are
learning to survive and overcome. ‘My God, life is so cruel to throw me in this
snake pit,’ we exclaim in horror. Well, they’re our snakes! And they are there to teach us a lesson that we need to
learn if we are to move on and become the powerful and wise co-creators we are
destined to be. Of course...some of these snakes are old and we have forgotten
how they got there. They represent poison from the past, even past lives, yet
they are waiting for us to be bold and strong enough to take them on and
demonstrate the creative power God within us. They are opportunities for growth
for the adventurer in search of ancient wisdom.
“The masculine is more of a doing, thinking, focussed energy while the
feminine is a connecting, intuitive, feeling energy. As a culture, we are sadly
out of balance. We have too much masculine, which gives rise to a stunted
feminine nature. The masculine has dominated the feminine for so long now that
what we end up with are unconscious feelings, over-blown emotions, ignored
intuition. In human terms, women try to be like men or women try to control the
men in their lives. Too much masculine leads to men not listening to their own
feelings or to the women in their lives. Hello? Do you know anyone who has a
balanced, respectful partnership of equals? If you do, you are blessed!...If we
really want to re-balance, we need to let our feminine spirit teach us the
wisdom of the unity of all life.” - Cathy Pagano (‘The Sacred Marriage: Venus
and Mars Unite in the Depths,’ 21 April 2009, www.blogs.astrology.com/dream_blog/2009/04/the-sacred-marriage-venus-and.html).
Perhaps, in
a matriarchy or more earthly, tribal community, such needs are naturally taken
care of because the structure of society maintains order. The System in our
capitalist democracies is designed to maintain power in the hands of the few.
It is therefore easily abused by the smarter and stronger predators among us.
Together they - the System and selfish, greedy people - conspire to
‘manipulate, control and oppress’ us (my friend’s words). However, it also
serves to ‘help those who help themselves’ and who stand up for themselves (and
for truth). The more people do this the more individuality can take centre
stage. We are all ‘gods in the making’ and our salvation relies on this
realisation. Unless we exercise our freedom, we empower others to control our
lives. St.
Germain says the negative aspect of the masculine principle is control.
Self-will resists. ‘I am right.’ So one is not open to change. Ego does not
choose love because it is not open to growth since, when there is growth, it
then it expands and is no more a separate identity. St. Germain cleared the
right side of our bodies by hugging each of us individually, probably because
the masculine side is overemphasised through fear and we need to work more on
the left side; that is, surrender and love. (AFW, 31 December 2009).
Artwork by Michael Parkes
Even in the West, we are still in
the fledgling stages of democracy, still learning to stretch our wings.
Capitalism is an immature and therefore temporary example of ‘civilisation.’
It’s what we have for now but I believe that, since the older souls incarnating
now will be aware of its faults and require a more just and meaningful
collective existence, it is time to move on, to evolve beyond this stage.
“The rationale for universal
compassion is based on the same principle of spiritual democracy. It is the
recognition of the fact that every living being has an equal right to and
desire for happiness. The true acceptance of the principle of democracy
requires that we think and act in terms of the common good. Compassion and
universal responsibility require a commitment to personal sacrifice and the
neglect of egotistical desires.” - The Dalai Lama.
I guess men generally need to love
more and women need to express power more. We all need to take charge of our
lives and release the dragon inside us, to stand up and be counted. How are you
reinforcing the victim if you shine like the Sun with both love and power as a
unique individual? Surely you are allowing yourself and your children to be
victims by not taking action and expressing your power. Is the sun and victim of
the clouds? Or the turning Earth? Or the curtain covering my window? No, it
smiles eternally and shines its light so it reaches all places and people when
they're ready and when life permits.
I also told my friend, ‘I find that
repeating positive affirmations can invoke solutions from the Self. Solutions
can come out directly in terms of prompts to take action. And, as I said in my
journal, which you read, sometimes I was shocked at how forceful that action
was on occasion...completely out of character. But I never regretted it because
it was 100% effective and just what I needed to do! There's a feeling of purity
in that...because the action never came from ego or reaction but from a place
deep within me in response to my intent to resolve the issues effectively. You
know...this family living next door to me - believing I was helpless and
vulnerable just because I'm on my own. I had to shatter that illusion
periodically. Hopefully I have achieved that permanently now! But I'm sending
them love and light every day just in case! LOL. I really should have done that
all along and not given up so quickly. We live and learn!’
“If you must be selfish, then be
wise and not narrow-minded in your selfishness. The key point lies in the sense
of universal responsibility. That is the real source of strength, the real
source of happiness. If we exploit everything available, such as trees, water
and minerals, and if we don´t plan for our next generation, for the future,
then we´re at fault, aren’t we? However, if we have a genuine sense of
universal responsibility as our central motivation, then our relations with the
environment, and with all our neighbours, will be well balanced.” - The Dalai
Agnete Hegelund by Elina Kechicheva for Marie Claire Spain, November 2013
Life a seed buried in earth to sprout into a tree,
a human being must be modest and humble
in order to grow spiritually.
Nothing is gained by egotistical confrontations,
feeling important, thinking we know everything,
have nothing to learn and can defeat any argument.
Only after we ourselves have become good
are we in a position
to give advice to others.
Pride and selfishness will destroy us,
but if we feel love and compassion as if we are
everyone's servant, the whole universe will bow down.
Rain upon the mountain streams downhill
pooling in the ravine at the bottom.
So great is humility, everything rushes toward it.
In asking for surrender - total surrender -
to the supreme Self, spirituality
shows us the way to lasting happiness.
Surrender to the Supreme
is the only guarantee of safety
and the only way to bliss.
When huge trees are uprooted by a cyclone
and tall buildings collapse, the grass remains
unscathed - such is the greatness of humility.
Take it to be Divine will,
and there will be
no problem.
When we offer ourselves to the Divine,
our minds are purified, sorrows end,
and life becomes a festival.
is the sign
of true knowledge.
- Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi Devi).
is not the result of certain conditions. Certain conditions are the result of
happiness." - Neale Donald Walsch.
“As we ask,
Why would you like to be over there?
often the reply is, ‘Because I’m not happy over here where I’m standing.’ We
then explain that it is important to talk about what is believed to be ‘over
there’ and to try to find the feeling-place
of what is ‘over there.’ For as long as someone is talking about, and feeling, what is ‘over here,’ it is not
possible for them to get ‘over there.’” – Abraham (Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA., U.S., 2008, p.154).
I have
learned that it is vital to one’s wellbeing and promise for the future to work
on one’s vibration and get into a positive-feeling place each day, not only as
a buffer to the assaults that may be hurled from every direction in this messed
up world but also to release the old and create the new, to make room for more
Light in one’s life. Face what is and feel it. Don’t be afraid of the feeling
but don’t stop there either. Feel through it and when you feel everything
continuously and deeply and your intention is to be your true, joyful, eternal
Self and to be happy, then you get to the bottom of the glass and its starts
filling up with feelings you do want and which are pure, natural expressions of
who you really are as Spirit. And you find that this state of consciousness has
been there all the time
That’s not
to say that I myself have practiced this art of living creatively rather than
destructively sufficiently or achieved anything along these lines. But, I have
finally arrived at this understanding and feel that it is just a matter of time
before I change my habits, my attitude, my thought processes because I now
realise that if I am feeling negative in relation to my circumstances it is
because I am out of alignment with my Self. I’ve been sucked into the illusion,
in other words, and fallen prey to this vampire. In order to be free, we must
first centre ourselves in the heart where our own power lies…somewhere!
Eventually, we will connect with this Light more and more and it will flow more
easily to the surface and shine out into our outer world. And love and
gratitude are openings to this state of true being. Doors that require no key
or force to push them open. What they do require, however, is continuous
tenderness, self-love, openness and the sweetness of the heart with all its
potential for magic.

We must be
born again as children. For, as the Holy Bible says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom
of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:17).
And here is another pointer from Abraham Hicks which sums the situation up
succinctly and describes what we might do about the difficulties we are
experiencing in our present lives:
“If you
have been accustomed to thinking and speaking about where you are currently
standing, it is not an easy thing to suddenly shift your vibrations and to now
begin thinking and feeling something that is very different. In fact, the Law of Attraction says that you do not
have access to thoughts and feelings that are very far from where you have
recently been vibrating, but, with some effort, you could find other
better-feeling thoughts that are within
your reach.” – Abraham (Manifest Your
Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA., U.S., 2008, p.155).
certainly seems difficult to suddenly jump to feeling how we would IF things
were going our way. Many of us have given affirmations and positive thinking
our best shot and finally given up after becoming disillusioned with this
so-called ‘Secret.’ However, the reason why endeavours like these - and prayers
– do not result in manifestation is that there is resistance to allowing joy
and abundance, health and harmony, to flow freely. [See Appendix XIV: ‘ThePower of Thought’].
“The reason
you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself
in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your
desire. That is the only reason – ever! And an important thing for you to now
understand is that if you will stop and think about it, or, more important,
stop and feel about it, you can
identify your very discord. So now, the only thing you need to do is gently and
gradually, piece by piece, release your resistant thoughts, which are the only disallowing
factors involved. Your increasing relief will be the indicator that you are
releasing resistance, just as your feelings of increased tension, anger,
frustration, and so on, have been your indicators that you have been adding to
your resistance.” – Abraham (Ask and it
is Given. Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA., U.S., 2004, p.15).
Not that
this resistance is conscious. Most of it is likely to be unconscious due to
habitual emotional responses and reasoning processes which have secured for
themselves the momentum required for manifestation. We must learn to “offer
thoughts that are different enough in vibrational nature to hinder your natural
connection with Source,” as Abraham explains. “We refer to that condition as resistance…We want to assist you in
consciously allowing your connection, more of the time, to Source.” (ibid.
So, it is a
matter of adjusting the tracks and changing the direction of this train so it
drives us to the destination we want to go to. And we reprogramme ourselves in
the first instance not by suddenly taking a big jump but by starting with the
baby steps, patiently and lovingly conditioning ourselves to find a
positive-feeling place in every moment if we possibly can. And, really, the way
to do this is to keep feeling in the heart, keep loving. And love, I believe,
begins with acceptance and ownership (earth), moves up a notch into gratitude,
or purity of feeling (water), then up to intention, or conscious desire (fire)
and finally culminates in full, objective awareness and realisation (air),
realisation that all IS Light and all IS Love and there is no other reality.
The fruit has ripened on the tree of life. The Sun has broken through the
clouds that were concealing the mountain. Because we made our way slowly up to
the peak and discovered to very Source of life, the very heart of our
The trouble
with our Western society is that it is so male-oriented that we neglect these
initial feminine steps (earth and water are the feminine elements). Similarly,
in the East, there is a strong tradition of humility and the wisdom of being
content with what one has. Yet, people are wont to remain at that level, at the
foot of the tree or mountain, and neglect to reach up to the where the sun is
shining or the fruit is ripening. Intent (fire) should be our centre, it is
true. However, without the foundation of thankfulness for what we have produced
in our lives up to this point, we remain stuck in the ego, centred as
identities that are separated from everything rather than surrendering to the
infinite whole, to the Goddess.
All is one
consciousness and, as long as we defy this reality by not feeling and releasing
and allowing the whole of life to flow like a river through the village of our
lives we will remain stranded, cut off from the supply of nourishment for our
crops, our dreams. Most of us are staggering around dying of thirst and do not
even know the cause of our illness because we have yet to ask questions and
invite the medicine man or wise teacher into our lives who has this information
to share with us. We can’t even think straight and whenever we see something
that looks promising it turns out to be merely a mirage.
“With a
determination to feel better, you could change the subject and therefore find
other thoughts with better-feeling vibrations – but vibrational shifting is
usually a gradual process. In fact, a continual attempt, in defiance of the Law
of Attraction, to try to jump vibrational ranges is a major factor in the
feelings of discouragement that eventually cause people to conclude that they
really do not have control of their own life experiences.” – Abraham (Manifest Your Desires by Esther and
Jerry Hicks, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA.,
U.S., 2008, p.156).
“We want
you to know that you always hold the power and control of your own life
experience. The only reason that you could ever experience something other than
what you desire is because you are giving the majority of your attention to
something other than what you desire.” – Abraham (Ask and it is Given. Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther
and Jerry Hicks, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA.,
U.S., 2004, p.73).
We live in
the third dimension where a small bunch of crooks have cut off the water supply
and taken control of the land. They control our reality by keeping us in a
state of fear and ignorance. We have forgotten, however, that there are rivers
flowing here there and everywhere beneath the ground which simply need to be
found and unleashed. And, as one individual succeeds in doing this so do others
find their way back to ending the drought for themselves and others. What is it
they say? ‘Before we judge others, we must first tidy up our own front yard
before.’ Well, this also applies if we want the world to bring us what we want.
The work of ascension is clearing up and releasing the old negative habits and
we can do this in stages as long as we honour the truth and remain mindful of
the love lurking deep in our hearts. That love is not hiding from us. It is we
who have long forgotten what love is or that we are love. So, it rarely, if
ever, occurs to us to go within, to feel in our heart space and exercise that
muscle again. This is the teaching of St. Germain and the Ascended Masters, not
mine. I am learning the ropes, or remembering how to live according to my true
Being, just as you are.
“We want to
remind you of the basic premise that must be understood before any of this will
make sense to you: Well-Being flows; Well-Being wants you! Well-Being is lined
up outside your door. Everything you have ever desired, whether spoken or
unspoken, has been transmitted by you vibrationally. It has been heard and understood
by Source and has been answered, and now you are going to feel your way into
allowing yourself to receive it, one feeling at a time.” – Abraham Hicks (Ask and it is Given. Learning to Manifest
Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA., U.S., 2004, p.16).
P'taah: And those of you who come into this
new way of thinking and understanding that you create your own reality
absolutely, so it is that then you may begin to change the way that you make
choices. In other words, you can make choices from sovereignty rather than fear
and also come into the understanding that whatever you create is a gift…
Sovereignty is how you are with
whatever is occurring that is ostensibly beyond your control. When you have
created or co-created at some level a situation, such as the termination of
job, so it is that you can say, ‘Well, this is not my fault.’ Yet you have an
emotional reaction to it and so it is part of your creation, even if it is not
the sovereignty comes in how you choose to be with this circumstance, this
co-created event. And none of you can see around corners but what you may
absolutely take on faith is that whatever occurs may be a gift and of great
benefit to you.
you know, the greater part of you really knows all the possibilities and
probabilities and sometimes it is necessary to create something like this in
order to create that which is of greater benefit, of greater adventure, you
see, of more fun, of something quite wondrous!
Q2: So you use the word 'sovereignty'
in a way which means to keep your head and motivate yourself in such a
P'taah: We use it in a way that you have
freedom to choose how you will be with whatever circumstances you create or
co-create. You can go into a depression. You can go into great fear. You can
run around likened unto chicken with head off and be very woeful and have a
pity-party. Or you can say, ‘Well, this has been a bit of shock but I
understand that this will be to my benefit. That in this circumstance there is
a gift for me if I can allow it.’ And that is called surrender to what is. You
(Excerpts from November 2010 Message
from P'taah,
channelled through Jani King,
Police Chief (Alexei Sayle song):
Whenever people bother me
When they shout and raise their voices
I don't let it get me down
I just make some stupid noises!
When the boss is giving you the sack
'Cause you've lost all his invoices
Don't drink a bottle of sulphuric acid
Relax, make stupid noises!
Just go...[more stupid noises as he dances around].
The Young Ones (additional material written by Alexei Sayle: Season 2, Episode 2, ‘Cash,’ written by Ben Elton
and Rik Mayall, 1984, BBC TV).