Blake's 7: Sarcophagus (Season 3 Episode 9)

Blake's 7: 3x10 - Ultraworld (Season 3 Episode 10)

"Blake's 7 ran between 1978-81, which isn't much of a run frankly, but in those few seasons it managed to establish itself as the ultimate British cult SF series. Forget Dr Who and The Tomorrow People and even Quatermass, this was Britain's real answer to Star Trek.

What was particularly extraordinary is that the appeal was largely political. Blake's Seven were a small group of guerrillas fighting a vast dictatorial system with whatever tools are at their disposal. Which means that in the modern world they would be targeted under George W Bush's so-called war against so-called terrorism, but back then, in more enlightened times, we saw them as being part of the human struggle against tyranny. Also impressive was the sheer pointlessness of their campaign: the tiny pin-prick actions they staged did little to sabotage the operations of the Evil Empire, and didn't even work as armed propaganda. If they were going to have any real impact as freedom fighters, Blake and his group would have done better to study some theory before lashing out."