Tuesday 14 July 2020

Born to Kill

Written, directed and produced by Antonio Mollica, 1967

Italian Spaghetti Western film

Starring Gordon Mitchell as Rod Gordon and Femi Benussi as Flory Waltamore

"Gordon Mitchell is Rod Gordon, a fast gun who one night rides by a small ranch that has been raided, some of its buildings set ablaze. It isn’t long before Gordon runs into Dodge (Aldo Berti), the man responsible for the raid, at the local saloon. In fact, Gordon catches him cheating at cards, then cleans him out, so the animosity is mutual. Especially after Dodge interrupts Gordon’s tryst with a whore, stealing back the money he lost at the poker table. Turns out Dodge does the dirty work for a [greedy] land speculator named Tyson. Dodge and his men scare settlers off their land; then Tyson buys the property cheap.

Well, cheap land sounds good to Gordon, so he enters the fray, though he officially declines the contract some of the more stubborn residents — Lori Waladmore (Femi Benussi) and old John Storm among them — offer him to be their protector." (Mark Franklin).

For a town that has lost it's dancing girls and law and order Mitchell, the new arrival, just casually goes around smoking a cigar and shooting thugs. He appears to take his time deciding to take sides with townspeople. However, he's really just relaxed but quietly sharp and confident and going in for the kill: the ruthless land baron who is trying to take control of the entire area. It just may not seem that way to those who meet him.

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