By Scott Mandelker, PhD
From the Seminar Transcript, 28 April 2002, in Louisville, Kentucky, US
“RA also said, that ‘for the perfectly balanced entity, no situation would have emotional charge, but would be a situation like any other in which they could observe an opportunity to be of service.’ This is also a very important teaching. They're saying that when we're in balance then no situation would be seen or felt to have an emotional charge, and further, that situations in and of themselves are not emotionally charged. Me losing my address book, or your spouse doing what they do is not a charged situation, though you might feel charged, and if you do feel charged it is definitely your own problem.
It doesn't mean we should blame ourselves, but first of all, we need to take responsibility for our side of the situation. So we can definitely learn to take responsibility for everything we need to in our lives, without blaming yourself or anyone else. That's great, isn't it? It's a real challenge, very, very subtle, right? To be able to say that, ‘I made this personal conflict, or at least I co-created it.’
You know, in reality and beyond our illusions of me and you, if you want to speak about evolution from the perspective of the Law of One and true unity, then you have to realise there's no one here but you. And so there can be no ‘other’ out there to do things to you, no matter how much it appears to be so. In the view of unity, the self makes it all, and reality does not fit with the ideas that, ‘I did this, and he did that, she has this, and they have that.’
All these may well be clear and useful karmic reflections, understanding the causal chain of why things happen to us and around us - but from a non-dual perspective, we don't even say that, ‘this is my field, and this is yours, we're connected!’ Frankly, that's not real unity at all.
In the view of non-dual fusion, the Law of One in soul-awareness, what I call your field is also my field, so you are not a separate ‘you,’ but instead, you are of this greater unified field in which all things can be seen as One Thing. And it's the same from you to me: I am Scott, but I am also you appearing as Scott. Of course, if you take this too far that is how people go insane, so you have to be careful with all this talk of unity! (laughter) Such distortion of unity can be called megalomania. I am good at that one.”
It Ain’t Cool
You think it's cool to make me wait with
bated breath for what you'll say
You think it's cool to be the overlord of all that you survey
You think it's clever being clever that you wear your fortune well
You think it's cool to be the foxy one, but time alone will tell
That it ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
It ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
You think it's cool to be the comic, making cracks at my expense
You think it's cool to sit in judgement when I ain't got no defence
You think it's witty being witty when you know my tongue is tied
You think it's cool to be a prankster but your jokes are passing wide
It ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
It ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
It ain't cool to count your blessings one by one (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to say you've done what you ain't done (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to claim your winnings when you poop on your beginnings
And another person's innings has begun
You think it's cool to be a sharpy as you cut me down to size
But it ain't cool (it ain't cool)
You think it's cool to brush aside the little people you despise
But it ain't cool (it ain't cool)
You think it's nifty being nifty, and you think you're no-one's fool
But you ain't cool (you ain't cool)
You think it's cool to hold your victim up to cruel ridicule
But it ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to be a cucker
It ain't cool to be a crut
It ain't cool to make your mucker
Wait upon their if, you, but
It ain't cool to think you're pucker
When you're tearing off a sheet
It ain't cool to make a sucker out of everyone you meet
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to count your blessings one by one (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to say you've done what you ain't done (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to do subtraction, when you're checking every fraction
Now your little piece of action has begun
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool
You think it's cool to be the overlord of all that you survey
You think it's clever being clever that you wear your fortune well
You think it's cool to be the foxy one, but time alone will tell
That it ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
It ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
You think it's cool to be the comic, making cracks at my expense
You think it's cool to sit in judgement when I ain't got no defence
You think it's witty being witty when you know my tongue is tied
You think it's cool to be a prankster but your jokes are passing wide
It ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
It ain't cool
(It ain't cool)
It ain't cool to count your blessings one by one (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to say you've done what you ain't done (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to claim your winnings when you poop on your beginnings
And another person's innings has begun
You think it's cool to be a sharpy as you cut me down to size
But it ain't cool (it ain't cool)
You think it's cool to brush aside the little people you despise
But it ain't cool (it ain't cool)
You think it's nifty being nifty, and you think you're no-one's fool
But you ain't cool (you ain't cool)
You think it's cool to hold your victim up to cruel ridicule
But it ain't cool (it ain't cool)

It ain't cool to be a cucker
It ain't cool to be a crut
It ain't cool to make your mucker
Wait upon their if, you, but
It ain't cool to think you're pucker
When you're tearing off a sheet
It ain't cool to make a sucker out of everyone you meet
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to count your blessings one by one (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to say you've done what you ain't done (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool to do subtraction, when you're checking every fraction
Now your little piece of action has begun
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool (it ain't cool)
It ain't cool
- Lyrics of the song by Ian Dury and the Blockheads (featured on the album Ten More Turnips from the Tip, 2002,