“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” – Marcus Aurelius.
It is now time to distance yourself from all those
who do not seek to embrace harmony in their lives. All those who wish to embody
harmony or wish to be accepted into the family of Telos must do the following:
• You must strive to remain in a state of harmony
at all times, with all of creation and all of nature. For without harmony,
there is discord. Then with discord there is destruction.
• Regardless of what people may do or say, you
‘must remain in harmony.’ If someone tries to hurt you, then bless them, and do
not let them be part of your reality.
• If you encounter disharmonious situation, then
distance yourself. You have no obligation to remain where harmony does not
• Seek truth and harmony at all times, and do not
ever again allow yourself to deviate from this course or you will
self-destruct. Those who will continue to resist the new energies now flooding
your planet will not be able to do this much longer. The new energies are now
getting so very strong and intense to bring about the changes and
transformations you have been all waiting for. Those who will resist will
• You should no longer entertain feelings of
discord and guilt. Never be sorry for what you are or what you are going through
to balance your debts towards life. Rather strive always to improve yourself.
• Harmony should be the number one quality in your
life, and be assured that it will pave your pathway for admittance into the
Halls of Ascension. You will know when you have reached that level because then
nothing will bother you. Whatever people say or do to you, it will not grieve
your heart one way or the other.
• Someone who is in total harmony is totally happy with Creation. That
someone holds total acceptance of what is. When you become that, you are ready
for your ascension.
Excerpt from Telos Volume 2 by Adama with Master El Morya
Channelled through the late Aurelia Louise Jones
What the Ascended Masters, Adama, Sananda, Maitreya, Archangel Michael, St Germain and all other masters, are telling us is that at this time, NOW, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, more important than your personal spiritual and healing work. Everything else is a distraction to keep you away from the ‘real goal’ of your incarnation here...
Adama speaks to us of the Blue Ray/Flame, the Ray of the Will of God. He explains the spiritual benefits of surrender to the Divine Will...
‘Today, I would like to talk about the Will of God as the path of ‘surrender.’ You see, Without the Will of God, you are not going very far on your evolutionary pathway. This is the very first step, the first initiation that must be mastered before you can really progress into all the other steps. If you are not willing to surrender to the ‘greater will’ of your being, the Will of your own ‘Divine Source,’ how will you recognise your new home? If you are not willing to surrender to that which is seeking to bring you all the way back ‘home,’ the home of your divine perfection, joy, bliss and limitlessness, your lost paradise, then how do you expect to ever get there?
The Will of God is not a God outside of you. It is simply the God that you are and that you have always been, although when you are in a physical incarnation you tend to temporarily forget. Your divine Presence is totally omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, and can fulfil all of your desires. You have temporarily forgotten that you are nothing less than an expression of this great I AM, incarnated in a human experience. You came here with an agenda to attain soul perfection, and expand your divinity to the fullness of the God-Mastery and Wisdom. You are here seeking advanced enlightenment and total spiritual freedom. You are here to become an unlimited God in all planes of existence.

This is an agenda of love for the Self, and that Self is no one but ‘you.’ You are still too caught up in your mundane affairs, and are not seeking to attain the goals you have incarnated for. For too many of you, the affairs of your soul path and soul evolution have become the last concern on your agenda.
Well, my dear friends, when you are consciously putting aside the true goals of your incarnation for the sake of momentary human pursuits, your life turns out to be something very different than what you have envisioned for your life experience prior to your incarnation here. Once back to the other side of the veil, as you review the life you just left, there are always deep regrets. There is a profound desire to receive another opportunity for incarnation, to fulfil all of the soul’s desires that you have denied in your present life.
And this is how the merry-go-round of endless cycles of incarnations for the soul keeps repeating itself again and again, one incarnation after the other. Your divine presence, with great patience and compassion, have granted you thousands upon thousands of those opportunities. For so many of you, each time you come here, you ignore the reasons for your coming.
Lifetime after lifetime you did not meet your set goals for your incarnation. This is also why you are still here facing so many challenges instead of enjoying the bliss of the light realms. You will keep coming back again and again, until you finally surrender to the longings of your own soul. Your Divine Presence has watched you suffer, search and work endlessly for many lifetimes. It has observed your pain, your despair, your hopelessness, your fears, your tears, your doubts your shames and terrors. It has witnessed the great wisdom that has been gained in all of these incarnations, individually and for the whole of Creation. And it is longing now to bring you home, to freedom, to love, to mastery, to oneness, and to all that you are as a divine being.
It yearns to bring you back home, but it cannot force you; it requires your willingness, your intention and your cooperation. It requires that you embrace the parts of yourself that have been abandoned and hated along the way of your many incarnations.
This is why surrender to the Will of your own divinity is such a divine grace to bestow upon yourself.
It is ‘you’ who will be the greatest beneficiary of this grace. Someday, you will wonder why you have waited so long to come ‘Home.’ Someday, you will realise that you really never had to suffer; it was your choice. And it was your resistance to the Love that you are that created all the pains and lessons that you have experienced for so long. It is now time to embrace a way of life that will nurture and embrace all of you, instead of one that diminishes you.
When you surrender, it is the human ego, also known as the altered ego, that you gradually transform back into the original consciousness of your divine nature. As you surrender to the process of cleansing and healing yourself with absolute trust, without judgement and without any fear, you can get through this rather quickly. The process reveals itself to be much less painful than it would be if you fight it all the way. The first step is always the hardest, and most overwhelming part of the path. Trust that once you have taken that step, the rest is much easier.
When you resist what is best for your pathway, your soul will simply allow you to have your own way for a while, until you can’t stand it anymore. Time is not of the essence for the soul, but we, as the masters of light, know that all of you have suffered on this planet long enough. We invite you to choose a more joyful destiny...
With our assistance, this is what we are inviting you to do today. We have already treaded the pathway for ourselves, thus opening the way for you to follow our footsteps, holding our hands out to you. Because we are here for you now, the way will be much easier for you than it was for us. For all those desiring to join with us and share the type of life we enjoy, the path of love and surrender is the key to your homecoming.
We have reached the level of divine grace we are experiencing today in our lives only because, a long time ago, we have also ‘surrendered’ to that divine will. By doing so, our lives were gradually transformed, and so will yours be.”
Louise Jones was born in Montreal in a French Canadian family in the
early 40’s. She graduated as a nurse in the early part of her working
career, and also worked as a Spiritual and Health Counselor most of her
adult life, as a naturopath and a homeopath, using several holistic
modalities. She also included in her practice holistic animal care and
consulting, using nutrition, homeopathy, flower essences and several
other natural healing modalities. She moved to the U.S. in 1989.
the sponsorship of the Brotherhood of Light and the order of
Melchizedek, she was ordained as a minister in 1998, and devoted a great
deal of her time to her spiritual ministry. She was a devoted spiritual
teacher of higher consciousness principles leading to the Ascension
While living in Montana in 1997, she received guidance from Adama, and the Lemurian Council of Light of Telos to move to Mount Shasta to be prepared for a mission with them that would eventually become the major aspect of her life’s work. She moved to Mount Shasta one year later in June, 1998 and lived the next 11 years immersed in the passion of her mission.
Aurelia Louise founded and owned Mount Shasta Light Publishing and “The Lemurian Connection Newsletter. During this time, at the request of Lady Quan Yin, she channeled through her cat Angelo a touching message from the animal kingdom, now in a book called: “Angelo’s Message to the World”. Angelo was her favorite cat who incarnated to be with her again in order to bring his message on behalf of the animal kingdom, regarding the treatment of animals on this planet.
Aurelia Louise Jones published three books about Telos and the Lemurian teachings that are now published in English, French, Spanish, Hebrew, Romanian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Chinese and soon to be in Greek and Estonian.
At this time especially, these books are very important tools for the understanding of the future of this planet and for the understanding of how life was really meant to be lived here, and how we can change our present reality to a far better world by creating the consciousness of an enlightened civilization.
Aurelia Louise channeled Adama, the high priest of the Lemurian city of Telos as well as other spiritual masters of Light as part of her mission. She held Lemurian events in the Mount Shasta area once or twice a year, and facilitated initiatic journeys there in the summer time. As early as 2002, Aurelia held conferences and workshops in various countries of the world including Canada, especially in Quebec, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Spain. In addition she traveled to the French Polynesian Islands, Peru and Hawaii.
Aurelia made her transition in July of 2009 and has left a rich legacy of Adama and Ascended Master teachings through the Telos Book Series and The Seven Sacred Flames. Her deepest desire was that humanity awaken to their divinity and together ascend with beloved Mother Earth into the New Golden Age.