Tuesday 14 February 2012

Spiritual Hunger

“The Light has never been as plentiful as now, and will continue to be beamed to Earth in more powerful waves. It is your golden opportunity to draw it yourself, and speed up the level at which your evolution progresses. There is just so much being done for you all, so that no one shall be able to say in truth that they did not have the same chances as anyone else. Believe in your invisible helpers, as there are many with you on your journey just waiting for you to acknowledge their presence…If you feel weighted down by the pressures of life always try to set aside time for yourself. It is in those moments of release from them that you can contact those who are around you. Note any change in the energies that may signal their presence, and see if you can sense any meaning to them. Sometimes you need lifting up, or perhaps are unwell and this will attract their attention. You could be carrying a problem around with you that is difficult to solve, and they will impress you with a likely solution if you are receptive to them…Dispense with fear, and replace it with a faith that has the strength to carry you through the most testing personal traumas. Know that all will turn out satisfactory regardless of your experiences, and it will be in accordance with your life plan. I am SaLuSa from Sirius and most happy to be your contact at this time, Call on me mentally if you feel the need to do so, and I shall be pleased to help in whatever way I can. I will close with my loving blessings to you all.”

- SaLuSa (Galactic Federation message channelled by Mike Quinsey, 11 March 2009,

‘Spiritual Hunger’

By Lazaris

Channelled through Jach Purcell

On a very personal, very private level, understand that when the Vortex opened, it filled you with the Light, and that Light is now inside you and everyone else. Therefore, what you are going to notice in your world is that everybody is going to be reaching for their own spirituality – not for your spirituality, mind you, but for their own spirituality. It is not that others will copy you or will begin doing your spirituality. Nor is it as if everybody is going to start reading spiritual books, meditating and talking metaphysics. People will find their own ways, and those may involve ways quite different from your own.

And with the Light, with that energy now inside of all of you, people are going to respond to that hunger, perhaps without even knowing why. They are going to respond to a thirst that they perhaps don’t even understand.

There are so many ways to respond to this spiritual hunger – to this spiritual thirst. For example:

1)      People will seek human dignity for themselves, for those they love, for those they care about, and for all humankind. Human dignity is integral to the spiritual quest.

2)      They will seek to allow the Unconscious to become Conscious with a certain Ease and a certain elegance. The unconscious Mind has always released information into the  Conscious mind. Too often such release is accompanied by crises of loneliness or pain.  The spiritual quest yearns for new ways to allow the emergence of the Unconscious into  the conscious.

3)      Further, people will reach for a sense of longevity and immortality. People will give greater attention to things eternal.

4)      Additionally, they will search for a deeper sense of goodness and truth.

5)      they will yearn for the blossom of desire and expectation – for the blossom of imagination.

'The Spirit,' 4 January 1948. Illustration by Will Eisner

These qualities, these answers, can be found in the pursuit of beauty. Clandestinely, they can be found in the depths of violence. Ironic, but true. Those who commit hideously violent acts often talk of human dignity and unconscious truths finally revealed. They often speak of immortality and eternity. They are often convinced their violence has purpose and meaning: to vindicate goodness and truth. Though it seems insane to most, those who commit such violence often feel content: Their desires, though not the ones of their victims, have blossomed. Yes, the spiritual hunger can be answered, for some, in violence. Though the end results and the form are totally different, the function of beauty and the function of violence can be the same.

Beauty or Violence. In your world, people will either reach for more beauty, or they will reach for more violence. The Goddess is returning, and the battering of women is increasing. Rape is increasing. How can this contradiction of violence and beauty be? As the true feminine energy emerges, some will embrace it and some will attack it. Both are trying to answer a hunger and thirst. This is not to say that violence is OK, nor that one should look the other way. No. but understand: You will have greater violence or greater beauty.


And there are other dichotomies:

Love or Pain. We have talked of it before. The way to know someone, truly know someone, is to either love them or to inflict pain upon them. To truly be loved or truly be in pain is the way to know someone or to be known.

Enchantment or Crisis. In the depth of crisis there can be incredible growth. At the April, 1994, Los Angeles intensive we talked with a woman. Four years ago, she faced her ‘terminal’ cancer and her terrible home situation. She faced the fact that her whole life had fallen (was not just falling) apart. She faced all this four years ago because that was when her husband, in financial ruin, committed suicide. Massive crisis. Now, many years later, she speaks of it as the most unbelievable time of growth, the most enchanted experience. For the depth of crisis, some – not everyone, but some – will answer that hunger, answer that thirst.

Designed Solitude or Chaotic Loneliness. Here again, we do not say it is a good way, but understand that is why some of you are so unbelievably lonely-not just alone. You are desperately responding to a hunger and a thirst. Solitude, designed solitude, would work more beautifully and more positively.

You are going to see in your world those who understand and seek beauty more consciously and those who seek violence more consciously. Those who seek love and those who seek pain. Those who seek enchantment and those who seek crisis. Those who seek solitude and those who sink into loneliness. The Vortex opened and filled you with all the Light and information. It also has awakened a hunger, awakened that thirst, more deeply in each of you. And even for those who have no idea what we are talking about, that thirst and hunger is there. Expanding.

You are going to see it in your world. And depending on your intention and your attention and where you slide your resonance, you will see it in your reality. You will see it in your reality.

And so be aware of it and work within yourself, because everybody is going to respond. Your world is going to become much more spiritually aware. Whatever vocabulary, whatever vernacular, is used, it is going to be there more and more, everywhere. And you are going to feel a little vindication…’Um, hmm, hmm.’ OK, feel it a little bit and get off it…[laughter]…and just rejoice and keep stretching, responding to your hunger, to your thirst.

(Excerpts from The Sirius Connection. A Workbook, NPN Publishing, Inc., 1996, p.78-81).

“You will need to develop a tremendous amount of patience and compassion for those who feel this energy and do not want to respond to it in a way that can benefit them. You are going to have to become very allowing – perhaps even allowing others to destroy themselves so that they can earn the value of life.” – The Pleiadians (Bringers of the Dawn. Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak, Bear & Company, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico, US, 1992, p.175).

AWhen a celestial body travels into higher planes of energy, its vibratory levels increase and so do those levels and thus the consciousness of everything that exists on that body. This is what is transpiring on Earth - communication is flowing clearly between Earth and all her life forms and those lives with each other, including energy‑sensitive and clairaudient humans. Even though some people may choose to believe this is not even a possibility, the capacity for telepathic communion is an ingredient of every soul, therefore a totally natural occurrence. Regardless of beliefs, everyone on the planet is affected by the higher vibrations because they are magnifying all characteristics and intensifying patterns of behaviour. The differences between those who have embraced the light and those who have not are becoming glaringly obvious.@ - Matthew (channelled through Suzanne Ward, 26 May 2009,

“All of these attributes, including the DNA shift, bring you to an awareness level where you're more willing to search for the God within. ‘Is that really related to DNA, Kryon?’ It is! The quantumness of the parts of your DNA that talk to the chemistry will start to realize that there is more. Many will begin searching for the Higher‑Self, and that's when you're going to discover one of the missing pieces. It's something you've always known about, but something you've never given credibility to. I'll tell you what it is. It's an energy that you don't develop yourself. It's an energy that Humans all have, and from the depths of your ignorance, you think it's yours. It can't be. It's too big. It's love.” - Kryon (‘Attributes of the Shift,’ channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon, Moscow, Russia, 23 May 2009,

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