“May the forces of evil become
confused on the way to your house.”
- George Carlin.
“A storm that rages like a fire in
That is what the angry man is like.
Keep away from him, leave him alone.
God knows how to deal with him.”
- Amenemope (The Living Wisdom of Ancient Egypt by Christian Jacq, Simon &
Schuster Ltd, London, U.K., 1998, p.134).
“If you neglect a problem it will
bring a double load of difficulties.” (‘Stories of the Oases,’ ibid. p.137).
Johnson (Torin
Thatcher): “It’s when you run away, you’re more likely to stumble.” (The Snows of Kilmanjaro, directed by
Henry King, 1952).
“The first rule is to keep an
uncontrolled spirit. The second rule is to look things in the face and know
them for what they are.” - Marcus Aurelius.
In Search of the Miraculous. Volume
1 by Osho (Chapter
8, ‘The Decisive Moment is at Hand,’ 5 May 1970, Rajneesh Foundation, Pune,
India, 1984).
But we are very clever, and we have
our own clever devices. We are thieves and we dream of becoming
philanthropists, and this is how these dreams help us to remain thieves
everlastingly. Actually our dreams work like buffers that are there between two
bogies of a railcar to absorb the shocks of movement. The buffers absorb the
shocks and the passengers are protected from their hurts. Or dreams are like a
shock absorber in a motorcar. As the car runs along a bumpy road, it absorbs
the shocks and the gentleman in the car is saved from their hurt and
discomfort. Similarly doctrines and principles work as buffers and shock
absorbers in our life. I am a thief and I hold to the ideal of non-stealing. I
am violent and I have nonviolence as my motto; I say nonviolence is the highest
of religion. This ideal is my buffer, it helps me to remain violent. Because
whenever I will be confronted with the fact of my violence, I will say to
myself, ‘What violence? I am a believer in nonviolence; nonviolence is the
highest religion for me. If I deviate from it sometimes, it is because I am
weak; but I am going to attain to my ideal tomorrow or the day after. And even
if I fail in this life, I am going to make it in the next. But non violence
remains my guiding star.’
I carry the flag of nonviolence all over the world, and continue to be violent
within. The flag is an aid to my violence.
you come across a sticker saying nonviolence is of the highest, know it for
sure that a violent person is around. There can be no other reason for a sign
or a flag of nonviolence; it always comes with violent people. Nonviolence is a
shield to hide violence and perpetuate it. Man has all sorts of devices, and
only devices, so much so that he has lost himself in their crowd.
be sahaja, to be natural means: that which is, is: now there is no way to walk
out of it; I have to live it; and I am going to live it, to be it.
this being and living with what is, is so painful that it is nearly impossible.
Do you know what you will do if you are hurled in hell? You will find to your
surprise that only with the help of your dreams can you live in hell. You will
close your eyes and bury yourself with dreaming and dreaming. Have you fasted
on a day? Then you know how you had to pass your day dreaming about food and
food alone. Dreams about food help you to get through your fasting. If you stop
dreaming you will have to terminate your fast immediately. But the dream that
you are going to eat well the next morning sustains you through the fast.
violent person continues to be violent in the hope that he will be nonviolent
someday. An angry person continues to be angry in the hope that he will be
kindly and compassionate in the future. A thief continues to be a thief hoping
that he will be generous later on. A sinner remains a sinner hoping that he
will be virtuous the next day. These hopes are very irreligious. Be finished
with them. What is, is. Know this what is and live with it. That which is, is a
fact; live with that fact. Live with the facticity of your life.
to live with the fact is very arduous, hard and painful. It hurts the mind very
much to think that I am not a good man.
look: I am violent. I observe it. Because I don’t run away from it, I don’t
suppress it, I don't transform it into something else as non -violence, which
is absurd - the transformation of violence into nonviolence is stupidity, it
has no meaning. So as I am violent, I let it come out - not in action. Let it
flower, let it grow, as you watch it, it grows and dies. Haven’t you done all
this? That is,
sir, when you are angry, at that moment of anger you are not aware, you are
full out. Then a second later you say, ‘I have been angry.’ Right? So you have
divided yourself as not being angry and that you have been angry. So there is a
division between the observer who says, ‘I have been angry, and I must not be
angry.’ Right? So the division brings about conflict, saying, ‘I mustn't be
angry, how am I to get rid of my anger’ - and so on and so on, so on. Whereas
if you are aware of anger as it arises and let it come out non-verbally [laughs],
non-actively, not say, ‘I am going to hit you’ - let it flower, let it come
out, and you will see it disappears very quickly and withers away. And if you
do it properly you are never angry again, finished.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti.
Gandhi (directed by Richard Attenborough,
(Ben Kingsley): “I
believe that non-cooperation with evil is a duty.”
He tells a group of Indian political
figures not to let the British Raj take their self-respect away. “I am asking
you to fight against their anger,” he says, “not provoke it...Show them their
injustice, so it hurts - which fighting is supposed to do.” He tells them to
refuse to comply, to take all the pain, the imprisonment, loss of possessions,
and so forth. “They will have my dead body, not my obedience,” he says.
“Don’t let people, problems, and the
pain in your past, pause your present, punish your person, prison your
potential and paralyse your progress.” - Author unknown.
‘What do you say to a man who goes
around fucking people’s lives up?’
“It is better to be violent, if
there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to
cover impotence.” – Gandhi.
‘Transform’ by the Daily Buddha (29 December
2006, www.thedailybuddha.com/?m=200612).
"Mahatma Gandhi provides a perfect
example of how anger can be harnessed. As a young, unknown, brown-skinned
lawyer travelling in South Africa on business, he was roughly thrown from the
train because he refused to surrender his first-class ticket and move to the
third-class compartment. He spent a cold, sleepless night on the railway
Later, he said this was the turning point of his life: for on that night, full of anger because of this personal injustice, as well as the countless injustices suffered by so many others every day in South Africa, he resolved not to rest until he had set those injustices right. On that night he conquered his anger and vowed to resist injustice, not by violence or retaliation, but through the loving power of nonviolent resistance, which elevates the consciousness of both oppressed and oppressor.
We may never be called on to liberate a people or lead a vast nation, but Gandhi's example can apply in a small way in our own lives, when we decide to return goodwill for ill will, love for hatred, in the innumerable little acts of daily life."
"I have learned through bitter
experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved
is transmuted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmuted into
a power that can move the world." - Mahatma Gandhi.
Kan (Philip Ahn):
Those who speak convincingly of peace cannot go armed. Those who speak convincingly
of peace must not be weak. So, we make every finger a dagger, every arm a
spear, and every open hand an axe or sword.
- Kung Fu (Season 1, Episode 13, ‘The Stone,’ 1973).
“Nonviolence means avoiding not only
external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only
refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.” - Martin Luther King.
“You’ve got to try and work your own
head out, you know, and get nonviolent. It’s pretty hard ‘cause we’re all
violent inside, we’re all violent inside, we’re all Hitler inside, we’re all
Christ inside and it’s just to work on the good bit of you.” - John Lennon
(Interview with Jerry Levitan, aged 14, in Toronto, 1969).
The Divine Melody by
Osho (Chapter 8,
‘Trust is a touchstone,’ 8 January 1977, Buddha Hall, Rajneesh Foundation, Pune,
India, 1978).
Poverty is not the root, greed is
the root. Poverty is the outcome. You go on fighting with poverty - nothing
will happen. Greed is the root; the greed has to be uprooted. War is not the
problem, individual aggressiveness is the problem - war is just the total. You
go on doing protest marches, and war is not going to be stopped. That doesn't
matter - your protest marches, everything - you can enjoy the fun. There are a
few people who enjoy the fun; you can find them in any protest march. You can
ask Astha - her mother and her father have both been protesters. Anywhere you
will find them protesting; all over the world her mother goes on rotting, protesting
against everything. It is fun - you may have also enjoyed it.
my childhood, I used to enjoy it very much. I was in every procession, and even
the elders of my town started worrying. They said, ‘You are everywhere -
whether it is a communist procession or a socialist or a
congress...anti-communist...you are there.’ I said, ‘I enjoy the fun. I'm not
worried about the political philosophy - just shouting is so much fun; I enjoy
the exercise.’
can enjoy; it does not make much difference - war goes on. And if you look at
these protesters you will see these are very aggressive people - you will not
see peace on their faces. They are ready to fight. Peace-protest marches any
moment turn into riots. These are aggressive people - in the name of peace they
are showing their aggression. They are ready to fight: if they have power, if
they have the atom bomb, they will drop the atom bomb to create peace. That's
what all politicians say - they say they are fighting so that peace can
problem is not war, and Bertrand Russells are not going to help. The problem is
inner aggression in individuals. People are not at ease within themselves,
hence war has to exist - otherwise these people will go mad.
In a ‘Fish Tales’ cartoon by Mark Grant, a man encounters a shark carrying a sign that reads, ‘Vote Psycho.’ He comments: “You’re not going to get very far in politics with a name like ‘Psycho,’” and asks, “What’s your surname?” To which the shark answers, ‘Path.’
Elwood (Joaquin
Phoenix): "’When there is peace, the warlike man attacks himself’ - that's
Nietzsche, and his point is that there really is no peace. There's always some
war, somewhere, with someone. And there are no winners or losers either...just
those who are still around to fight another day.” (Buffalo Soldiers, directed by Gregor Jordan, 2001).
Pigsy is forcing my violent
reactions to the surface to be dealt with. They are co-habiting with my
spiritual expression of love and peace. They can’t co-exist. They can’t both be
expressed. It’s a war between two sides of myself. One must win. The will to
peace is gaining more and more peace as the will to violence surfaces but is
rejected through reason and truth. It is dying whilst my dedication to peace is
I am the one who is powerful here,
like a parent: my presence keeps everything stable - so there is no danger.
Pigsy just lies. The day after the
knife incident, he knocked on my door, scaring the hell out of me again, and
offered me a slice of Christmas cake on a plate. I had already decided that if
he should knock on my door the best course of action would be to open it
because he could always kick the door in or attack me later on if he really
wanted to. He said to me: ‘I’m sorry for
what I done but I didn’t like what you did.’ So he knew. Just stay away from
him please.
Pigsy - Frankenstein’s Monster - is
living in Hell. That is his state of mind. I must live in Heaven - as my state
of mind. When dark forces attack those who have Light the only answer must be
to express even more Light. That is the Light’s natural response When on the
receiving end of destructive energy it is only by expressing more creative
power than one can remain centred in the Light and never falter from the
experience and reality of one’s true Being. We human beings are fallible but
this is the ideal to which we should strive.
“When the fiat ‘create!’ went forth,
it was the signal of God’s gift of freedom to man. Therefore, man should be
free to create; moreover, he should be free to create without condemnation. To
insure his freedom from the impinging thoughts of others, the matrices of his
mind must become receptive to and fortified by the thoughts of God and there
must be spaces in the time of the day when, apart from the creating of the cloud
[the practice that is the main theme of the book], the alchemist attunes with
the mind of God and drinks in the fragrance of his being. True alchemy draws
man close to God and to his Christ, and it enables him to fulfill the ancient
fiats ‘Man, know thyself!’ ‘Create!’ and ‘Take dominion!’” - St. Germain (Intermediate Studies in Alchemy,
channelled through Mark L. Prophet, Summit University Press, 1971, MT., U.S., p.50).
[K] said something interesting: that
I’ve now said that Pigsy respects me for so he has eased off - like [R]’s fight
- the guy respected him because he won the fight and in willingly taking part
spoke his language. So, perhaps he respects the fact that I haven’t move, have
a couple of dangerous friends, have ignored his intimidation and also that I am
now actually learning to fight.
“If they
respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you, still respect them. Do not
allow the actions of others to decrease your good manners, because you
represent yourself, not others.” - Mohammad Zeyara.
He is permanently concerned
about/aware of my presence. He wants interaction: if not good - on his level -
then bad. He has no self-control. He is pushing to a conclusion. But, it is a
test for me not to react, to forget him, to strengthen my own being. People
want to make their problems your problems! They think that by imposing their
problems on you, you will have them, as if they are already yours not theirs,
which they are, since we are all one, but...
I never had a problem with people
trusting me because I never knew my own power before. Now I have it, suddenly
no one trusts me and people attack me in order to gauge my reaction, to see if
I can be trusted or not. But it’s like they are sure I can’t be trusted! So
they push me until I do react so they can then satisfy their suspicions and
also enjoy attacking and intimidating me - feeling justified, appeasing their
consciences: convinced I am savage, they enjoy releasing their own savage
beasts and feel justified, even morally superior for doing so!
They misinterpret my mental/emotional/spiritual power. In fact, I am ‘transparent,’ as someone (a young man who was black and gay!) once called me. All that I am, good or bad, conscious or unconscious, is somehow visible. This is partly emphasised by my natural openness and honesty. People often say I am like a child, that I am a young man in a man’s body...that part of me having been preserved albeit in a damaged condition and hiding in a corner in fear.
People try to manipulate others.
They are testing your responses...they feel comfortable with you if you respond
in the familiar way that they expect. They want to know that you are weak and
‘human’ like them so they do not feel so insecure with you, so they can relax
and overcome their fears. Being both independent and intuitive, I usually sense
when people are trying to manipulate me and being a rebel my instinct is to not
play ball. It is a mental choice: I can go with the emotional response if I
want to, if I feel that is right for me, for them, for the situation, or
whatever, but I am not obliged to respond at all. I am not ruled by my
subconscious. I am a complete individual with my own identity, thank you. OK,
so I don’t embrace people emotionally enough (I’m English after all!). But, I
have a degree of self-control and I apply reason to relationships with people.
Ultimately, I am centred in the being that is me and therefore do not run with
the herd or conform to others’ expectations just so they can feel safe or
comfortable. I expect to be trusted as an individual not because my personality
reflects the familiar social language upon which others depend. They hate
anyone to be different because they fear the unknown and they do not want to
grow for that requires much suffering if the truth be known.
“When you are at peace with yourself
and you love your self, it's virtually
impossible for you to do things to yourself that are destructive.
When you get enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, it's
almost impossible for you to be controlled or manipulated by anyone
The more you extend kindness to yourself, the more it will become your natural response to others.”
impossible for you to do things to yourself that are destructive.
When you get enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, it's
almost impossible for you to be controlled or manipulated by anyone
The more you extend kindness to yourself, the more it will become your natural response to others.”
- Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Perhaps people attune to a more
dangerous me in a past life and combine that with the power I now have in this
life: put two and two together somehow and arrive at, ‘He’s Dracula, let’s get
him, let’s drive a wooden stake through his heart!’
Pigsy tried to release his emotional
poison by pressing my buttons and trying to find my weaknesses any holes through
which I would receive or accept it. He wanted an emotionally toxic relationship
(in which he has the power and can show off to his girlfriend!) To find/release
self-destructive poison in me and to relieve his own stress on me, pissing on
me (even though temporary and likely to feed and increase it so he can get off
on greater negative energy which he can blame on me - and blame me - and blame
everything on me as his scapegoat), and also impress his woman that he’s
powerful and ‘strong’ (i.e. weak and violent!). Basically, the more positive
and peaceful I am (and the energy of my flat) the more he is stuck with his own
shit because it just gets sanitised and can’t spread everywhere, connect with
me and look like I have created it. That’s how I win that game. Like, hey, this
is what we’re doing, playing this game where I have all the power because the
other guy is afraid of me. His brain can’t delve any deeper than that and he
probably hasn’t met many people who think for themselves before.
Just like in India: at home,
you have to be careful of the vipers and scorpions on the ground. I have to be
careful of the aggressive, poisonous Pig Monster upstairs! He is like a
dinosaur (even looks like one!). Tyrannosaurus Rex.
“When someone criticises or
disagrees with you, a small ant of hatred and antagonism is born in your heart.
If you do not squash that ant at once, it might grow into a snake, or even a
dragon.” - Rumi, Masnavi II: 3467-72 (Rumi:
A Spiritual Treasury, compiled by Juliet Mabey, Oneworld Publications,
Oxford, U.K., 2000).
A woman regarding nasty men: “They
make you feel guilt for something they’ve done.”
Retrospective inserts.
Mark Passio
says that the Sacred Feminine is represented by the feathers of the quetzl
bird, which signifies higher consciousness and non-aggression. The venomous
serpent, the coatl, represents the Sacred Masculine principle of self-defence,
“Striking if your natural law rights are violated illegally.” (Natural Law
Seminar at the Omni Hotel, New Haven, Connecticut, 19 October 2013).
“So you’re seeing more of a Gandhi
approach to a peaceful protest, if you will, going on. And yet the Indigos, I
find, really need our help in learning how to channel their anger
constructively. When you have an Indigo in your classroom, or if you’re a
parent of an Indigo, the point is not to reduce their anger. The point is not
to squelch their anger. The point is to learn how to channel the energy – the
beautiful energy of existential angst, or existential anger. Channel it
in my opinion, the Indigos need to learn how to perform peaceful acts of
activism. Things like letters to the editor, getting involved in committees on
a very local level, such as city councils [and starting their own
projects]…They also need to learn how to learn not to be self-destructive with
this anger that they feel [not becoming violent because they feel frustrated
and chaotic, or cutting themselves, or attempting suicide]. They’re angry for a
good reason and I believe that anger can be used in the way that we’ve seen –
like in Dr. Martin Luther King – that it can champion a cause that can make the
world a better place. And it can be done with a great deal of love through
things like Gandhi taught us like passive resistance or Dr. Martin Luther King’s
Junior’s work with boycotting any business that is not in alignment with our
principles.” – Doreen Virtue.
Jessica Mystic, as always, explains
beautifully and with simple clarity that the Indigos are ‘system-busters who
have incarnated with a chip on their shoulder. Some are in gangs, she adds.
They have a lot of anger that they’re “working towards transmuting. And, once
they do, they go to this unconditional love state and they go into Crystal which is
basically a merging and balancing of all the chakras.” (‘A Fireside Chat with
Zany Mystic,’ 14 March 2009, www.bbsradio.com and www.jessicamystic.ca).
It could be
that all this darkness was created by young souls and that the starseeds have
come to help shift it by deliberately manufacturing their own karmic plans
which would eventually lead to this potent epoch in which we are reawakening to
Light and somehow or other loving and releasing the heavy burdens we have undertaken
(one potato at a time!). It is essentially the Indigo souls who have come as
warriors to remember the truth to some degree that they deserve a better life
than the one on offer in the corrupt societies of the Old World Order. Without
this revolution and the return of Light at this time, the Elite’s vision of a
New World Order in the form of a global totalitarian state might well have been
realised. There are sufficient numbers of people who, through an innate sense
of their own inner power, confidence and self-worth, reject such a poor quality
of existence and their responses range from angry resistance to awakening the
Christ love residing within the heartspace. On the outside, they may be bravely
facing apparently insurmountable odds, like ships wrecked by storms raging
mercilessly. They may even have resorted to drug addiction. Deep down, however,
they know the self-love which is to be expected of spiritual royalty. There is
an inner flame deep within the cavern of the heart which cannot be extinguished,
a faith and self-esteem which is ready to burn brightly once again in the right
conditions and when their focus shifts from the outer world of illusory
darkness to the inner world of the spirit.
On Gandhi’s peaceful non-compliance, Joe Marshalla says that the Mahatma
just “said matter-of-factly, ‘the British are going to leave’” and they will
leave as friends. People say, “‘It’s them that we don’t like.’” But, “I’m here
to say there is no them. The ‘that’ which we see outside ourselves that we
don’t like is in fact an extension of that which we have not accepted about
ourselves as individuals.”- (‘The Mechanics of Mind Control,’ a lecture
recorded live at Brave New Books, Austin Texas, 9 October 2008. Source: Google Video).
The Indigos’
demand for sovereignty influences the collective consciousness and generates a
desire in others to reclaiming their power and dignity. Thus, their karma
places them in circumstances where they rebel and instantly fire intense
emotions into the Earth’s magnetic grid to assist in raising people’s awareness
and expectations. Space is opened up for others people to question authority
and challenge the status quo instead of remaining inert and adding to the pile
of collective fear in the world. It is a clean-up job, one might say.
Incidentally, St. Germain was telling us about a guy in Canada who works as a
dustman and is fully conscious of the task he has chosen to perform in this
lifetime; that is, clearing away negative energy from people and their homes.
We each have a part to play in this challenging game. The Indigo Revolution is
a bridge to the new world that will be created by the Crystal Masters whom,
through full Christ consciousness, simply love everything and everyone
regardless, like little rays of sunshine who know they are the Sun, the Light
of the Source.
who does not see God in the next person he meets need look no further." -
Mohandas K. Gandhi.
That is, it
is in there somewhere. Although you may be far from being a Master, the Source
is there beyond all your false beliefs about who you are. We are never separate
from God. However, we can be lost in our projections, our holographic
incarnations, our egos, our badass Dr. Who costumes.
“Exercise: for ‘when you choose to
take the action of giving love’ – say ‘God, I know you are hiding in there. I’m
going to send love to you, hiding in that body, in that personality, in that
person with a name, a form. You can be honest – say, ‘I cannot see you, yet St.
Germain said you are there. You are the indweller of all beings. And I’m going
to keep sending this love to you and I will not stop. Then you bypass the
personality. And, you will be surprised what you will get from that action,
with that intention, how your life will transform, how your sufferings will
ease, how abundance will flow, lack will disappear…We have said it. We will say
it again and again and again. Love is the key to transform your world. Stop
your anti-war rallies, then start love rallies. Give no attention to that which
you choose to transform. Give full attention to that which you choose to anchor
and be and become. That is a master’s tool. Use it if you like. Deep breath.” –
St. Germain (channelled through Ashamarae McNamara, ‘St. Germain: The Key, Pt
2,’ YouTube video, posted by messagesfromwithin, 25 July 2008, www.awakeningfromwithin.com).
True Philosopher sees in each a fellow seeking after God." - Unknown
In Lak'ech:
I am another yourself. I am you and you are me (Mayan).
Ek Ong Kar: The Creator and Creation are One (Sikh).
Mitakuye Oyasin: We are all Relations (Lakota).
Ek Ong Kar: The Creator and Creation are One (Sikh).
Mitakuye Oyasin: We are all Relations (Lakota).
Retrospective note (20 August 2009):
Allowing yourself to get upset with your intimidators, protesting, shouting and
swearing at the neighbours (during intensive noise disturbance campaigns – in
which they are partly attacking me aggressively and selfishly declaring that
they can do what the hell they like - I have even sworn at them a couple of
times outside in a desperate attempt to deter them from keeping me awake at
night and this seemed to be effective because, although they laughed to each
other, they did not want to risk their children overhearing I think) is giving
them attention, feeding their negative energy and destructive emotions. Even if
you have succeeded in silencing them you’ve already nurtured the seeds of the
next campaign of selfish disturbance and hostility. You need to focus with even
more will and love on what you choose to be and do and be grateful for the
chance to meet this challenge of self-mastery. View it as a sacred, spiritual
initiation. For, that is what it is. Perhaps the only way to avoid repressing
your emotions when you ignore them and try to stay focussed on what you are
doing is to feel in your heart, endeavour to feel love and turn within, calling
to your spirit, to God/Goddess, to the Source, to any being of Light, for some
form of guidance or assistance. It is difficult however since the extreme
onslaught to the senses externally has a dramatic impact in contrast to the
subtle and less immediate, even imperceptible, Light that you might receive
through your heart, particularly if this is not a frequent practice.
Ultimately, it is something one ought to do each and every moment of course and
this might well produce a state of consciousness that transcends practice, a
state of true self-mastery.
Life without love is death:
“Quien camina una milla sin amor, se dirige a su propio funeral, envuelto en su propia
mortaja” (Those who walk a mile without love attend their own funeral, dressed
in their own shroud).
AWhat soap is to the body, laughter
is to the soul.@ - Yiddish Proverb.
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