Thursday 17 May 2012

In order to rise up, you must be cleansed

Excerpt from a message by The Brotherhood of Light

Channelled through Edna G. Frankel, 2005
"Do you understand now the scope of the changes, the magnitude of the 'rising up' that will shake off all pain and misery? For those energies of fear cannot and will not survive in the face of the incoming higher energies. In order to rise up, you must be cleansed. The earth is doing this now, in her own time and way. Are each of you ready to rise, to be cleansed of your imbalances so that you can merge into the flows of the rising planetary frequencies?

The escalation in world misery that you can now see and feel is due to more and more Divine light coming onto the planet, bringing to light the imbalances of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual perspectives on reality. These disparate ‘views’ of your lives must be merged into one harmonious, cohesive reality in which all peoples on the planet are happy and healthy, living together in peace. Therefore, all imbalances must be purged, at all levels, from the school playground to the global battlefields at hand. The earth does not need to be a battlefield, dear ones, it is your home. It is your choice. Will you continue to soil it with your own blood, or will you clean up your playground so that all can play happily?

Remember, you are in a specially-designed free will zone which necessitates that you, each one, decide for yourself how to believe in God, and how to live that expression of faith. We add that children have free will too. They should be free to grow and learn, and then choose how they wish to believe and behave. Your bullies are created by bully parents, who teach separation, racism, bigotry and misuse of power. How else, where else would these children learn to harm others? They learn it from grown-ups, they learn it at home.

We are delighted to state here that out of intense complexities, intense simplicities will emerge. If you can, in your everyday life, have respect for yourself and others, and take responsibility for your actions, you will be contributing to world peace. When peace among nations is more important than who is richest and strongest, world peace will be born. When we see you put your wealth and resources into healing a sick population, rather than into weapons to destroy an unwanted population, then we in Spirit rejoice. One day you will do it gladly, freely, and not in response to some cataclysmic event or military debacle. Along the way, you will see a shift in your media as well, from reporting only bad news, to reporting more and more good news!

Watch for it. It will come. You will see peace grow, especially in the next seven years [from 2005], as major changes sweep the globe, its surface and its people. Now, at the end of this piece, we remind you again, as we did in the beginning, that you are all Divine. You are each an expression of a divine soul, here to uplift and spiritualize the very dirt of this world. God is all that is your best potential. God is waiting to peek from your eyes and speak from your mouths. God can only blend with you if fear, hatred, bigotry and greed are no longer driving your physical vehicle. Do you understand this, precious little pieces of God? You can do this! You can heal the world, heal each other, and all lead more peaceful lives. It is a matter of choice. We say, now is the time to put better choices on the table, choices that all lead to peace. It is that simple, if enough of you can agree to war no more."

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