Saturday 5 May 2012

Love Is An Energy Field

By Ariole K. Alei

(Founder of The H.O.P.E. Project).

‘Love is not a feeling.

It is a spiritual energy.

Love is pure creative energy

at its highest level.

Love expressed in human form

actualises your divine self.’

~ Barbara King ~

Love is not a feeling.

Love is a spiritual energy field.

So often in our culture

we assume that love is a feeling.

That we either feel it or we don’t.

That it either exists,

it is present,

or it isn't.

Barbara King's words

direct our awareness

to the recognition that

love is an energy field

and as such, it can be cultivated.

Love is an energy field

in which we exist.

It is a state of being

which we exist within.

When we step into it,

it surrounds us, envelops us,

shapes us, fills us.

It nurtures us.

When we assume that

love is a feeling,

we diminish it.

Feelings come and go.

States of being,

energy fields,

ebb and waft like clouds.

And yet their substance

is always present.

It is energy available for creation.

When we assume

that love is a feeling,

we relegate it to

the realm of all feelings

shame, guilt, apathy, despair,

longing, excitement, contentment,

fear, sorrow, sadness, anger,

happiness, desire.

Love is more than this.

When we imagine that feelings

rise and fall within us

and that energy states

arise and evolve around us.

we begin to recognise that love is

something distinctly unique

from feelings.

When we learn how to contribute

to the well-being of the state of love,

we are sustained by it.

We are fed by it.

We are cared for by it.

We are loved by it.

Discover for yourself

and emulate

the Principles and Practices of love,

how to step into it,

how to stay in it,

how to flow with it.

When we misidentify love

as a feeling,

we have no responsibility to it.

There is no commitment

required to maintain it.

It , like most of the human created

world we live in

can easily be mistreated by us.

We can take it for granted,

become angry when it leaves us,

and vow to never succumb to it again.

This attitude completely shifts

when we realise what love is.

It is a state of being,

a vibration,

that we must learn to attune ourselves to.

This requires recognition of

what love actually is,

and discipline to attune ourselves to it.

When we are not attuned to love,

we fall out of love.

When we are attuned to love,

it never leaves us.

Because we never leave it.

What are some of the

Principles which support us

to step into love and stay in it?

Here are a few :

Truthfulness. Honesty. with oneself first.

Honesty ripples from this place outward.

Gentleness. Respect. Willingness.

Trust. Trustworthiness. Sensitivity.

Maturity. Grace.

Inner power. Porous boundaries.

Being present.

Honour, the ability to honour

that which is divine.

Rapture -

the ability to open oneself

to all that which is truly beautiful.

Awareness, and awakeness,

being conscious of what is,

in this present moment, now.

The willingness,

and the inner power,

to take appropriate action,

thus not being fossilised in,

or attached to, the past.


The willingness to be love,

to actually become it.

This is a process.

A process which requires,

at some turning point,

a decision, a commitment.

A decision

to align oneself with love.

Discover how to spiral yourself


consistently, into love,

rather than downward,

out of your inner power,

into the depression and apathy

of the lower levels of consciousness,

the lower realms of emotion.

These are just some of the Principles

which support us each,

as individuals, and together,

as a community, a culture,

to experience, and to be, in love.

In our culture we often assume

that one is either in love,

or not in love.

That we either feel love,

or we don't.

Let's redefine what being in love means.

Rather than simply feeling a feeling,

love to us means

living in an ongoing state of love.

Yes, other emotions do arise from time to time.

And yet, with Practice,

these are allowed to wash through.

They never linger.

They never last.

They are allowed, and encouraged

and supported, to arise and to fall.

We witness them,

with our Observer Mind.

And in so doing, we remain unattached.

We Practice

how not to feed them as a drama.

And, as if miraculously,

we discover that emotions feelings

rise, fall, and disappear.

Love is not the same.

When we Practice the Principles

which love invites us to re-discover,

love remains.

It is a constant in which

these other emotions

rise, fall, and pass away.

Love becomes the container

in which all of life exists.

Human communities, too,

can be love.

They can be containers of love

in which other experiences

including interpersonal experiences

rise, fall, and pass away.

This concept could be a quantum shift

for you in your life.

You can choose to

or default unconsciously to

living on the whims

of love the emotion

Or you can commit

to learn how

to step into love the energy field.

Find allies

to support you on this journey.

Together, discover how !

Carpe diem. Seize the day.

Seize this opportunity

to open and to awaken

to a new opportunity

of how to live your life.

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