“Make noise in the east to attack in
the west: Through the art of distraction you may often reach your goal. If the
direct path does not lead to success, a ruse may be necessary. To distract your
opponent you should kiss him on the left cheek so that you can slap him on the
- Chao-Hsiu Chen (The Chinese Art of Winning. Strategies for
Success, Diane Publishing Company, PA., U.S., 2002, p.39).
A pre-journal note from September
1994: I’ve got to become strong and impervious to others’ failings and
destructiveness towards me. Strong and tolerant.
My devilish neighbours: It takes two
to tango, but your daughters have created a negative, menacing energy here, and
I am trying to clear it. Shine your light to do just that. Don’t react to their
ignorant pestilence.
You should be grateful to Pigsy and
the other nasty neighbours for helping you to learn to shine your light. You
have to learn to shine always - be continuously mindful of your inner sun, your
spirit, and express it, subtly. Don’t hide behind anything. Embrace all.
In Touch with Raynor C. Johnson
by Sheila Gwillam
(Light Publishing, London, U.K., 1996).
Nature of Evil.
p.179. It is better to know the
Devil - I say ‘the Devil’ but in inverted commas; it is just an expression that
is used and is not really a man with horns or a tail. It is the absence of
light, the absence of love and the absence of knowledge.
p.180. ...we, as humans, do not
really need to apply justice in the punishment sense as we do on earth because
the punishment comes round, does it not?
p.180. ...if you make a curse
instead of forgiving someone for hurting you, you can end up doing that which you
have cursed somebody about.
p.180. So, if you do not try to work
through the pain and the understanding that you have when somebody hurts you,
or one of your family, then...it will go on and on until one of you can become
aware and cut the link.
am the Sun
You have to be a Sun and shine out
positive energy - give everything good away (express the pure being that is the
real you) - just like the Sun. It doesn’t get used up. More is found. The more
positive energy/light you give, the more you become, and the greater your
Ask yourself: am I doing that? If
you are quietly radiating light, positive energy, love, then yes. If you are
doing this for much of the time that you are awake, then definitely yes. This
is the meaning of life. This is what we call ‘mindfulness.’ It is a conscious
awareness of the light that is the real you - even if your personality, your
fears, emotions, instincts, desires, dependencies, concerns, needs,
circumstances and immediate experiences are, or seem, so close as to be real,
so personal and intimate, like the Moon is to the Earth. If you feel deeply
enough you can dig for gold in the dark soil of the personality. See the
flowers and weeds but do not engage with them. Don’t admire or curse them.
Interact with them as little as possible on a personality level and try to
replace that by being like the Sun. Digging for gold in the earth, one finds
the light of Heaven, the gold of the Sun in the sky. It is the same! The Sun in
the heavens is a higher manifestation of the gold in the earth. The fire in the
cave. The light in the darkness. It is the same. The soil is the Underworld and
the dark sky is the Underworld. In each case, the golden light of the spiritual
Sun is found.
Be peacefully radiant. Relax and
The Sun is still, centred. It just
is. It shines. It has no need to be anything other than light and express it.
Identify with the spirit. Speak and act minimally and only use the personal
levels as instruments.
“The most
authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to
transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.” - Ben Okri.
Retrospective inserts.
"Oh, Thou Sun, send me as far
around the world as is my pleasure and thine; and may I make the acquaintance
of good men but never hear anything of bad ones, nor they of me." - The
Prayer of Apollonius of Tyana.
Personally, I was thrilled to
discover the story of another Western Master named Apollonius of Tyana, whose
miracles and benign influence on the Roman emperors (during the first century
AD) whom he had known the Church duly suppressed. Apollonius appears to have
lived for over one hundred years and might well have been the most widely
travelled man in ancient times (the Nazarene, Pythagoras and Apollonius each
appear to have achieved their enlightened state at least in part through
spiritual Masters in India).
disappeared without a trace, so no one knows if or how he eventually died. The
same is true of Pythagoras, it seems. Indeed, “eleven centuries later there
lived in Spain
an Arab philosopher named Artephius, who claimed to be Apollonius of Tyana.” (Apollonius of Tyana by Reginald Merton,
www.alchemylab.com/apollonius.htm). Madame Blavatsky wrote in The Theosophist, June, 1881 that
“Apollonius Tyanaeus was the most remarkable character of that period, and
witnessed the reign of a dozen Roman emperors.” (Robertino Solàrion, 1999,
www.apollonius.net). However, he was eventually the target of persecution by
those for whom his popularity and influence was a threat. Blavatsky explains:
"At Rome,
Apollonius was accused of treason. Brought to examination, the accuser came
forward, unfolded his roll on which the accusation had been written, and was
astounded to find it a perfect blank...When nearly one hundred years old, he
was brought before the Emperor at Rome, accused of being an enchanter. He was
taken to prison. While there he was asked when he would be at liberty?
'To-morrow, if it depends on the judge; this instant, if it depends on myself.'
Saying this, he drew his leg out of the fetters, and said, 'You see the liberty
I enjoy.' He then replaced it in the fetters. At the tribunal he was asked:
'Why do men call you a god?' ‘Because,' said he, 'every man that is good is
entitled to the appellation.’” (Robertino Solàrion, 1999, www.apollonius.net).
I confess
that I laughed hysterically and jumped for joy when I read the report that
Apollonius’ trial was concluded with a death sentence at which the sage who
possessed the Philosopher’s Stone (immortality), simply laughed and said, ‘You
can’t kill me - I’m not mortal!’ Whether the story is true or not, it is
perfect! For me, this is better than anything in the Bible. As Oscar Wilde
pointed out, “Whenever I’m in doubt, I ask myself, ‘What would Jesus do?’ And
then I realise Jesus got crucified, so maybe his decision-making skills weren’t
all that great.” But, then, Jeshua, to his credit, came to demonstrate that it
is possible to raise one’s
consciousness to such a high frequency of Light (to activate and identify with
one’s Light body) as to transcend suffering, to be beyond harm, regardless of
what happens to one’s physical vehicle in this illusory plane of experience. [Retrospective note: Well, well well! Wonders
never cease. It turns out that I myself was Apollonius in that lifetime.
“Yeah, I
tell the Christians…I say, ‘I don’t believe Jesus died on no cross.’
‘Sacrilege!’ I say, ‘Well, wait a minute. He could walk on water, feed a
thousand with a loaf of bread, raise the dead, but you telling me this nigger
couldn’t handle three nails?’ I know brothers with nine bullet holes still
walking. His name is 50 Cent. You telling me 50 Cent is taller than Jesus?
Maybe you delusional, motherfucker!”
– Eddie Griffin, American comedian.
On the
subject of attaining immortality through “actively and consciously taking part
in the evolutionary process” in our given lifetime, one cool Christian writing
in the early 60s explained:
“The positive purpose of the universe is with us. Time (card 14) ever tries to weave us into a state of perfection, but as we see, the devil (card 15) stands there in her way influencing us always to deny our greater possibilities. He does this by playing upon our fears and doubts. Little wonder that Jesus tells us we must go without fear. Denial is the great power of the evil. Gurdjieff observed that the denying force was humanity’s strongest. This is to be seen at so many levels of our behaviour, starting at the simplest of invariably denying unfamiliar concepts the first time we hear them.
“The positive purpose of the universe is with us. Time (card 14) ever tries to weave us into a state of perfection, but as we see, the devil (card 15) stands there in her way influencing us always to deny our greater possibilities. He does this by playing upon our fears and doubts. Little wonder that Jesus tells us we must go without fear. Denial is the great power of the evil. Gurdjieff observed that the denying force was humanity’s strongest. This is to be seen at so many levels of our behaviour, starting at the simplest of invariably denying unfamiliar concepts the first time we hear them.
Faith in our great future must
be rekindled so that we may rise above the fears that hold us in bondage. We
need to purify ourselves by not always seeking mundane advantage, and by
becoming aware that all ill we do is ill to ourselves resulting over and over
again in our death. Once we truly realise this, then no matter what earthly
power we wield we would know that to abuse it was certain death. This
realisation could produce some wonderful people! A great change from the
present where everyone wants to be king or queen of the castle of death. A more
glorious existence could be that of one who swept the halls of the castle of
- Richard Gardner (Evolution Through the Tarot, Samuel
Weiser Inc., U.S., New York, 1962 and 1970, p.146).
“I come to
you now in this form so that you may change your image of who I AM." - Jeshua
ben Joseph in expression through Judith Coates (www.oakbridge.org).
Thomas Merton
adds: “The world, for the spiritual development of which he worked so
enthusiastically, has not done Apollonius full justice. He was surrounded with
hatred as well as with admiration. He made too many prophecies, even though
they were precisely realised, performed too many marvellous tricks. The
mediocre minds that create the reputations of great men insist that virtue
shall be muffled in tedium and that it shall not be illumined by anything of
the marvellous. If a man lacks the audacity or has too much sincerity to
present himself as a god, he must be content to remain within the limits of
honest humanity. If the philosophers glorified Apollonius, the Christian world
contrasted him with his contemporary, Jesus. While the ecclesiastical historians
for centuries, even down to our own times, have made his name a synonym for
charlatan and trickster - with such a tenacity that should suffice to prove his
greatness of soul!” (www.alchemylab.com\apollonius.htm). The same is true of St. Germain.
There also many legends of a white healer and ‘prophet’ who taught throughout the continents of North and South America whom some say could have been Jesus:
“The Shawnee told the author that this came from
the Prophet...’Do not kill or injure your neighbour, for it is not he that you
injure; you injure yourself. Do good to him, thus adding to his days of
happiness even as you then add to your own. Do not wrong or hate your
neighbour; for it is not he that you wrong: you wrong yourself. Rather love
him, for the Great Spirit loves him, even as He loves you.” - L. Taylor Hansen
(He Walked the Americas. Legends of Jesus (Jeshua)
In America, Amherst Press Wisconsin, 1962, www.wovoca.com/he-walked-the-americas).
Coordinator (Michael Palin): Crucifixion?
Prisoner: Yes.
Coordinator: Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each. [Next prisoner] Crucifixion?
Mr. Cheeky (Eric Idle): Er, no, freedom actually.
Coordinator: What?
Mr. Cheeky: Yeah, they said I hadn't done anything and I could go and live on an island somewhere.
Coordinator: Oh I say, that's very nice. Well, off you go then.
Mr. Cheeky: No, I'm just pulling your leg, it's crucifixion really.
Prisoner: Yes.
Coordinator: Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each. [Next prisoner] Crucifixion?
Mr. Cheeky (Eric Idle): Er, no, freedom actually.
Coordinator: What?
Mr. Cheeky: Yeah, they said I hadn't done anything and I could go and live on an island somewhere.
Coordinator: Oh I say, that's very nice. Well, off you go then.
Mr. Cheeky: No, I'm just pulling your leg, it's crucifixion really.
The Life of Brian (directed
by Terry Jones, 1979).
In the
early 60s, Vietnamese Buddhists felt it was time to resort to more extreme
methods of protest in the form of staged suicides. On 11 June 1963, a Buddhist
protest march in Saigon involving around 400 Buddhist monks and nuns suddenly
came to a halt. They quickly surrounded a light blue Austin that was part of
the procession and had its hood raised as if the car had engine trouble. Thich
Quang Duc, a 66 year old monk, who had evidently been meditating in the
vehicle, calmly stepped out and sat on a cushion in the centre of the circle to
continue meditating in the lotus position. Two monks poured a mix of petrol and
diesel over him, having discovered that this “would burn hot yet burn long
enough to guarantee death.” Quang-Duc then lit a match at 9.22 a.m. and was
instantly engulfed in flames. He burned to death whilst remaining in
meditation 13 minutes
later, his spirit having been liberated from his body which he sacrificed
in protest against the establishment and the war it was waging. It was a way to
make a point about the persecution of Buddhists as well as demonstrate the
power of life over death.
theatrical event was designed to make use of the media to show the world that
there is a higher path, that the spirit lives on, that an individual can lay
down his life and still be alive. This was the first of many suicides in
Vietnam in which both monks and nuns doused themselves in fuel and set light to
themselves. Most Western reporters had given up waiting for the rumours to
manifest in such a display. Malcome Browne was the only one who was present to
take a picture of the monk on fire. When John F. Kennedy saw the image he was
heard to remark, "Jesus Christ…This sort of thing has got to stop!"
This marked the beginning of the end of American support for the Ngo Dinh Diem
regime. “The Buddhist protest exposed the hypocrisy of the American policy in
Vietnam. The question of how could the White House claim to be protecting freedom
by supporting Diem when the government practised such severe religious
persecution was not answered.” (www.famouspictures.org/mag/index.php?title=Burning_Monk). Jesus Christ indeed! Zen style!
In Search
of the Miraculous. Volume
2 by Osho (Chapter
4, ‘The mysteries of the seven bodies,’ 7 July 1970, Rajneesh Foundation, Pune,
India, 1992).
If you go to the seashore you
experience greater peace, if you go to the forest you experience greater peace,
because the other is not present there and so your I remains firm and strong.
If two men sit in a room, there are waves and counter waves of tension there
even though these two may not be fighting or quarrelling or even talking. So
even when they are silent the I of each is constantly working. Aggression and
defence are there in full swing. These things can go on silently also and there
is no need for a direct encounter. The mere presence of two people and a room
is filled with tension.
you were to gain full knowledge of all the currents that come out from you, you
would see clearly that a room containing two persons has been divided into two
and each individual has become a centre. The energy vibrations from both stand
facing each other like armies on a battlefield. The presence of the other
strengthens your I. When the other leaves, the room will become a different
place altogether. You relax. The I that was on edge will let itself go. It now
leans against the cushion and rests, it now breathes freely because the other
is not there. Hence, the significance of solitude is to relax your ego and to
help it to let go. It is for this reason that you are more at ease near a tree
than in the company of another person.
is why, in countries where tensions between man and man are becoming deeper,
people tend to live with pets. It is easier to live with animals than with men,
because they have no I. Tie a collar to a dog, and he goes about happily. We
cannot tie a collar to a man in this way, though we try very hard. The wife
ties the husband, the husband the wife, and they both go about happily - but
these collars are subtle and cannot be seen openly. Yet each tries to shake off
the collar and be free - but the dog walks happily along wagging his tail. So
the pleasure the dog gives no other man can give, because another man at once
brings your ego to your attention, and then the trouble starts.
man tries to break his relationship with others and establish relationships
with objects because they are easier to handle. So the bulk of objects is
increasing day by day. There are more articles in the house than people. People
bring disorder and confusion; objects give no bother. The chair remains where I
place it. If I sit on it, it creates no trouble. The presence of trees, rivers,
mountains, is not troublesome; therefore, we feel at peace near them. The
reason is only this: the I is not standing in full strength before us;
therefore, we too feel relaxed. When the other is not there, where is the need
for the I? Then the I too is not. But the slightest inkling of the other, and
the I jumps to attention. It is worried about its security, about its lack of
information as to what the next moment may bring; hence, it has to be ready all
the time.
ego always remains alert until the very last moment. Even if you meet a person
of the seventh plane, the ego is alert. Sometimes it becomes excessively alert
before such a person. You are not so much afraid of the ordinary man, because
even if he hurts you the injury is not very deep. But a man who has reached the
fifth body or beyond can inflict deep surgery that reaches up to the same body
of yours that he has reached.
your fear becomes more, because ‘God knows what he might do.’ You begin to feel
something unknown as if unfamiliar forces are watching at you through him, so
you become wary. You see an abyss all around him. You become alert and on
guard. You begin to feel the experience of the deep valley, and you are caught
by the fear that if you go within him you will fall into this abyss.
is why when men like Jesus, Krishna and
Socrates are born we kill them: their very presence causes great confusion
among us. To go near them is to go wilfully near danger. Then when they die we
worship them because now there is no fear. Now we can cast their image into
gold and stand with folded hands before them calling them our beloved master.
But in their lifetime we treat them differently. Then we are very much afraid
of them and this fear is of that which is unknown to us: you do not know for
certain what is the matter.
deeper a man goes within himself, the more he becomes like an abyss to us. Then
it is just like when someone is afraid to look down into a valley because it
makes his head reel. Similarly, to look into the eyes of such a person will
also create fear: our heads are sure to reel.
Extract from an email to a friend who said that some people were
attacking her for a Pleiadian message she put on the Internet:
“The truth movement is full of personal biases.
Semi-conscious people (who don't meditate or know their spirit) react and
oppose what exists outside of themselves instead of shining from within and
creating from their own being. Basically, they are interested in truth but they
don't LOVE the truth...
truth opens us up to a higher perspective, to universal truth beyond what we
might be prepared for as human egos, and to trust the Source (e.g. the
Pleiadians and Sirians etc). It's very hard...when you're near the top of a
mountain and sensitive to those who can only see the ridge before them lower
down and they want to bring you down to conform to their level of awareness.
The challenge is to climb up further and stay focussed on the Sun, to become
more like the Sun, to know the Sun and to feel how it shines its light on all
equally, smiling down on all who prefer the shade and don't know that they
started this journey to find the Sun themselves.
have served by shedding light on a shadow, and planted a seed that may or may
not germinate one day. They may have rejected that part of the jigsaw but when
they are closer to completing it they will be looking for it! And their soul
will tell them, 'Ah, do you remember that piece you threw in the cupboard
believing it didn't fit?' Ding dong
(rushes to the memory cupboard!). 'Yay!' Haha. :) It might be in another
lifetime even but now that slither of light has peered into their consciousness
through the door opening just slightly.
doesn't give a hoot what others think! That's why the Egyptians always chose
Leos to be their generals...and why Obama is President in a time when the
advisers are used to controlling the U.S. govt. A Leo attuned to God is
incorruptible and will not be led astray in his heart. He might appear to go
along with things if it is necessary but the centre remains and the light of
the Sun will shine when the time is right, when old patterns and processes have
run their course.
centred and keep smiling...like a Leo Sun.”
“Always remember, there is more strength in you than you ever realised
or even imagined. Certainly nothing can keep you down if you are determined to
get on top of things and stay there.” - Norman Vincent Peale (www.quotelady.com/subjects/strength.html).
“When a
thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.” - George Bernard Shaw.
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