Wednesday 6 November 2013

Monstaville Book I. Chapter 37


“I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.” - Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus (The Matrix, directed by Andy and Larry Wachowski, 1999).

Useful principles to know.

“‘If you want to contain something, you must first let it expand. If you want to weaken something, you must first let it grow strong. When you want to get rid of something, you must first let it be promoted. When you want to take something away, you must first concede it. This is called subtle enlightenment. Softness overcomes the hard, yielding overcomes the strong.’” (The Laozi, or Daodejing, quoted in Opening the Dragon Gate. The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard by Chen Kaiguo and Zheng Shunchao, translated by Thomas Cleary, p.159, Charles E. Tuttle Co, Inc., VT., U.S., 1998).

So, to get rid of Pigsy, you must first let him promote his power (so that people can see he is trouble?). To remove him, to take him away from here, you must first concede that it exists and allow him to be here, to live here. Thus, one’s method of achieving success is to be the most still, soft, gentle and yielding in order to allow the cycle to end as soon as possible without holding it up! Everything has a beginning, culmination and end. If you interfere and react, and struggle, the long, bitter and bloody battle will delay an outcome. If you allow the enemy to win without fighting, the enemy no longer has anything to prove. He will be confident and relaxed and feel secure, have his fun, indulge - and basically grow weaker and more vulnerable. It is then that the end is in sight, that the decline can set in. Allow a man to feel very strong, when it is not real, spiritual, inner strength and feel secure without true, inner peace, and he will experience the power he has craved all his life. It is a temporary hassle and stress for you but, if you react and ‘fight fire with fire,’ the conflict and tension will be prolonged. When a person feels settled and strong, they relax and can then be uprooted, or may naturally keel over - or have the money to move and buy a house. You must put down roots, be patient and wait.

“To be at peace is to create peace.” - Anon.

“One is sure to find himself where he can solve his problems best.” - Levi (The Aquarian Gospel, Chapter 15).

Pigsy intended to use the knife once and threaten to kill me and stuff to scare me, to shake me up and make me frightened of him so he could always intimidate me and say things to make me feel nervous and remember what he’s capable of. Just because he thought I was vulnerable, on my own, and not very physical, and wanted me to think that ‘martial arts’ were a waste of time as I can’t fight, to make sure I don’t feel I can beat him in a fight. And because he likes showing off in that way in front of his girlfriend. Macho, but really this is victimisation. He is taking his anger out on me and he’s angry that I didn’t move out so he could buy the property. He’s angry because he blew all the money he once had. And, finally, he’s an utter asshole!

"Anger is a demon. Anger leads us to commit all other sins. In the case of Vishwamitra, we know that all the good he acquired by tapas was nullified by this one evil, anger. The merit he had accumulated through tapas undertaken for thousands of years was all lost in a moment of anger." - Satya Sai Baba.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” - Gautama Buddha.

Ozzy comedian Benny Boots says he’s always thought of the word ‘knife’ as being a bit dodgy what with the ‘k’ being silent and concealing a knife!

“‘Blessed are ye when ye suffer through the fault of another, for in this wise do ye carry the cross of humanity and lift the weight from the shoulders of the Christ, for only as ye suffer blamelessly can ye share His burden.’” - St. Francis (The Shining Brother. Recording the spirit return of St. Francis of Assisi and its sequel Francis Speaks Again by Laurence Temple, Psychic Press, London, U.K., 1941, p.245).

“Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” - Abraham Lincoln.

“Everyone wants a happy life without difficulties or suffering. We create many of the problems we face. No one intentionally creates problems, but we tend to be slaves to powerful emotions like anger, hatred and attachment that are based on misconceived projections about people and things. We need to find ways of reducing these emotions by eliminating the ignorance that underlies them and applying opposing forces.” - Dalai Lama.

26 December 2002.

Meditation. Positive thinking: Pigsy is staying away from me, respects me, has no evil intentions towards me - is filled with light, is transformed by my spiritual light here and the light I send to him. The conflict is all over. I am powerful and free - invincible - and he cannot come near me. He must steer clear of me.

Tripitaka, in one of the first episodes of Monkey, says when one realises that we are all one, all each other, there is no fear or animosity.

Road House (directed by Rowdy Herrington, 1989). A modern-day Western (kinda).

James Dalton (Patrick Swayze): Nobody ever wins a fight.

Dalton: I’m only good at one thing - I never lose. (The legendary bouncer says this to reassure his girlfriend before the face-off with Wesley).

Dalton: All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.

Dalton: Take the biggest guy in the world, shatter his knee and he'll drop like a stone.

Dalton: If somebody gets in your face and calls you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal.
Dalton: I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice.
Steve (Gary Hudson): Being called a cocksucker isn't personal?
Dalton: No. It's two nouns combined to elicit a prescribed response.
Steve: What if somebody calls my mama a whore?
Dalton: Is she?

Dalton: Be’s just a bunch of words stringed together to illicit a prescribed response.

Jimmy (Marshall R. Teague): Prepare to die.
Dalton: You are such an asshole.

Jimmy: Damn, boy. I thought you were good.
Dalton: Go fuck yourself.
Sam Elliott (Wade Garrett): When a man sticks a gun in your face, you have two choices, you can either die, or kill the motherfucker. (He tells Dalton to cut the bad memories he’s dragging around with him loose; that is, kill the nasty reaction to his antagonists).

Retrospective inserts.

“To have someone come into your home like that, and threaten you [with a knife], is probably one of the worst things that can happen to you.” - A Policeman on Traffic Cops (BBC1, 14 August 2008).

Kwai Chang Caine (David Carradine): You have the weakness to defend your injury with killing. Have you not the strength to forgive?
                - Kung Fu. ‘He is a man of peace in a violent land...He lives humbly yet knows great contentment.’ (From the back of the DVD box set cover).

“With forgiveness, your true power emerges - the power of presence.” - Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth, p.160).

“…convert pain to a love of life.” – Roger King (in his cool ‘Forgiveness Meditation,’

‘Forgiveness’ by Larry James (adapted from the book, How to Really Love the One You’re With, 1994. Extracts from

To forgive means to ‘give up,’ to let go. It also means to restore oneself to basic goodness and health. When we forgive, we are willing to give up resentment, revenge and obsession. We are willing to restore faith not only in ourselves, but in life itself. The inability or unwillingness to do this causes harm in the one who is holding onto the anger. If you are at war with others you cannot be at peace with yourself. You CAN let go…and forgive! It takes no strength to let go…only courage. Life either expands or contracts in direct proportion to your courage to forgive. Your choice to forgive or not to forgive either moves you closer to what you desire or further away from it. There is no middle ground. Change is constant.
Want peace of mind? Forgive…Forgiveness is the most important single process that brings peace to our soul and harmony to our life. All of us, at some point in our lives, have been hurt and wounded by the actions or words of another. Sometimes the grievances have been so great we thought, ‘no way, this I cannot forgive!’ Resentment and hostility can run so deep that forgiveness becomes very difficult. We feel we have a right to our indignation!
However, living from resentment takes so much effort. It creates a tremendous void in and around us. All the toxic feelings of hatred and resentment stay bottled up inside and eventually seep into all the areas of our life with the result that we become bitter, angry, unhappy and frustrated. And so, living from forgiveness becomes a necessity…
Forgiveness helps you move forward. No one benefits from forgiveness more than the one who forgives!...Forgiveness means choosing to let go, move on, and favour the positive. Forgiveness is a form of love within the context of a personal crisis. To forgive is, in a sense, to love one's enemy. When forgiveness is given because you think you should, it no longer is forgiveness but an act of self- interest. The act of forgiveness constitutes a mental bath, letting go of something that can only poison us within…
As long as you are blaming anyone else for anything, you are giving away your power and creating more negative effects in your life. This is the secret behind the Hawaiian practice of ho'oponopono, popularised by Joe Vitale in his book, Zero Limits.”

Blaming the other person, says Marshall Rosenberg, “increases the likelihood of violence.” He explains, in a workshop titled ‘The Basics of Non-violent communication’: “So, what could be more tragic than that, than expressing ourselves in a way that gets in the way of our getting what we want and increases violence? So, anything that we want to say that implies wrongness on the part of the other person I’m suggesting is a tragic, suicidal expression of an unmet need. Say the need. Learn a need-consciousness.” He adds: “Make sure that no words come out of your mouth that imply wrongness on the part of other people. Do everything you can to promote in people the trust that when you make a request it is a request and not a demand. And that increases the likelihood that people will enjoy giving to you.” (

A YouTube video by Humanity Healing Projects adds part of the following extracts from ‘Being Truly Free. Letting Go,’ an article on Daily Om (,, 30 March 2005:

“Like pruning dead branches or like a snake shedding an old skin, we need to let go of the what no longer serves or what no longer fits, so that there is room for something new, alive, and what is needed at this time in our lives…For so much of learning to let go is about learning to trust. We have to be able to trust that, indeed, new branches will grow, that there is a new skin under the old one. And yet, to the degree that we are willing to let go, we are able to receive. When we stop holding on and clinging to anything, we realise we have everything.”

Also added:

“To forgive is to remember that we have room in our hearts to begin again and again, and again.” - Author Unknown.

“To forgive is to remember that we are so much more than our mistakes.” - Author unknown.

"There are some things so serious you have to laugh at them." - Niels Bohr.

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