you love, there is neither one nor many: there is only love. It is only when
there is love that all our problems can be solved and then we shall know its
bliss and its happiness." - J. Krishnamurti.
Black to the Future V: Back to Pac - It’s a wrap
They don't want to see us unite:
All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting.
They don't want to see us live together:
All they want us to do is keep on killing one another.
All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting.
They don't want to see us live together:
All they want us to do is keep on killing one another.
- Bob Marley (‘Top Rankin',’ from
the album Survival, 1979).
This is
just a story. It is not an academic study of racial issues. I realise that this
is a very difficult and delicate subject. While I have no wish to go charging
in like a bull in a china shop I’m also not going to sit on the pavement all
day with a crowd of sheep who are too scared to enter. So, now that’s out of
the way, here we are, in da shop!
Like me,
the majority of black people may feel that they do not fit into society, at
school, in the whole System. It is a
negative situation if you feel outcast, as we artists and philosophers also do.
Me, I’m too sensitive for this dull, hostile, harsh, gloomy environment. In
addition, I find myself having sunk down to the bottom of the glass. Not that I
started at the top! I just was not brought up in an urban ghetto like this. A
white village one maybe. Haha. So, of course, it is a shock to my system (and
worth three books of study and observation).
people, it can be argued, have always felt marginalised in Western societies,
and with good reason. They may feel that do not belong here even though there
is no longer so much reason to feel like second-class citizens now. Institutional
racism may still be rife but old racial wounds will heal quickly as we unite
through the heart. They may search for a source of self-esteem or sense of
superiority in Egypt and Africa, claiming to be the oldest civilisation or
whatever but, the truth is, we are all both Source to enjoy the divine Oneness
and unique expressions growing evermore consciously of ourselves as the
Creator. Black people and Native Americans have every reason to reject the
System as the form of slavery that it is. It may be an improvement on direct
ownership and feudalism, but that is not enough for some people – including me!
The System has little to offer me compared to what I regard as my divine inheritance
and the quality of life we could all enjoy if the world’s wealth were not
concentrated in the hands of a few profiteers bent on enslaving humanity.
Industrial Ruling Class, according to John Trudell, are now massacring American
citizens mentally and psychologically. They are doing what they have always done,
he says. It is just the technology and terminology that have changed. They have
imprinted us with “paranoid perceptions of reality”:
“I have
watched, in my lifetime, I have watched what they have done in poisoning this
air. I have watched the mass murder of the indigenous people. I have watched
what I consider to be the mass murder of the back communities, in the Latino
communities, you know. Oh yeah, it’s called ‘drug wars’ and this and that but,
you know, it’s the programme, it’s fed right in there by the old killer man.
It’s all fed in there because they want that energy to feed on itself, just
like they want us to eat on ourselves and our heads but it’s just different
drugs. See, if we are truly going to fulfil our responsibilities, we have to
ask real questions. But, to me, it’s like, if I look at what’s going on, you
know, it’s almost like a welcome relief to have some new questions to ask, you
know? It’s like, we have the ability. So, to me, it’s like, I would welcome the
challenge to think about these things.” – John Trudell (1992).
Those of us
who defy the System do so because there is no hope of us getting on in or along
with it. Poverty causes so many other problems. Life becomes a constant
struggle just to survive. But no one can control your mind or your soul unless
you allow them to. Deep down, we are all free. Contentment and balance come
from exploring the depths and expressing one’s true potential regardless, at
least being true to oneself even if there are many sacrifices along the way. A
strong sense of purpose is a source of power, confidence and self-esteem that
gets you through and at times enables you to feel on top of things. Having high
expectations - of power, fame, wealth, external sources of ‘happiness’ – as the
Elite and their corporations encourage, is to dig our own graves. We are then
doomed to frustration because what is required for such a great leap is an
inner process such as those described by Abraham-Hicks.
Many black
people tend to be more physically oriented in my observation and are therefore
more likely to express their anger and frustration physically and aggressively before
turning within. People who tend to project their anger and grievances onto
others take it out on innocent parties who have no involvement in their troubles.
They want someone to blame instead of taking responsibility for how they think
and feel; and anyone will do. A Turkish girl with whom I worked for a few
months, and who is a fairly large young lady it may be said, told me that
within a few weeks of living in London twice black men had kicked her bottom.
She was not concerned about the pain or discomfort, she said, but the feeling
of helplessness. I told her, yeah, they feel insecure and they bully people
because it makes them feel powerful physically. They feed their egos by picking
on people who they know cannot defend themselves. How responsible hip-hop music
and culture over the past 15 years is for such behaviour, I don’t know. She
asked me if I like black people. I told her I like individuals! On reflection,
I never encountered a Rastafarian I didn’t admire just by their appearance.
They always seem to look thoughtful, wise and knowing (whether stoned or not)!
So there are black people I like more than others in a collective sense but
this applies to all races and all groups of people where individual identity
has been compromised by some, if not all, members of course.
Some men
prefer to wear blue, or brown, or black because they have distinctive
identities which are reflected in our taste in clothes, like racial identities
of a sort. In this case, I’m a ‘black man’! One black guy told me that black
people are special because they have the most melanin in their skin which gives
them special gifts and intelligence. He added that ‘they were there before
Egypt’ - as though he was inferring they were responsible for founding Egyptian
civilisation (when I mentioned the Atlantean colonies the information did not
register with him). Melanin, of course, provides greater protection from the
Sun’s ultraviolet rays and enables the skin to absorb more of its heat. This
may have an effect on physical energy, I don’t know. If it does boost one’s
power on that level I’m sure it can be directed mentally to increase spiritual
awareness but I suspect that it tends to reinforce the physical identity (that
is, the ego) unless the soul is very evolved. In a similar way, white people,
or the 5th (‘Aryan’) race, certainly appear to be generally stuck in
their ‘heads’ which, most of the time, means relying on the rational intellect
rather than seeing with the eye of the heart first and foremost. Again, the
evolved soul applies intuition and imagination in the manner that Alfred
Einstein reportedly suggested. “Imagination is more important than knowledge,”
he is said to have claimed, for example.
This guy
also claimed explained that black people need more Sun and this ongoing
concern, as opposed to the transatlantic slave trade, appeared to be his main
gripe against the uprooting of so many people from Africa. He also reeled off a
series of claims that implied he believed in the superiority of black people
although he denied this. Among them, the very plausible notion that black
people’s hair grows upwards towards the Sun whilst everyone else’s falls down
towards the Earth. Africans were also the first vegetarians he claimed. It is
also a question of genes, he told me, although he did not go into any detail
about how special his genes, as a black man, must be! Europeans have recessive
genes, he said, and our rate of reproduction is low. My response to that jibe
(as though my own self-esteem was dependent on scientific statistics whether
true or false) was that, clearly, some people are more dependent on such
characteristics while others have their own identity and source of power and
intelligence, etc. Indigos, for example, I added, not caring if he knew what I
meant or not. I explained that the thirteen families of the Global Elite have,
through a tradition of incest that dates back to Atlantis, preserved a superior
level of intelligence that has given them an edge over everyone else and
enabled them to achieve power over humanity, actively weakening the masses in
order to further increase their dominant position. However, these bloodlines
have become mixed and less potent now and Indigos (and Crystals) are the new
royalty on Earth but they are here to use their gifts to uplift, liberate and
empower humanity. And, so, blood no longer determines status and we are all,
now, with the return of the Light, capable of filling all of our DNA strands
with Light and achieving full consciousness.
“I live in
Manchester, Northern England, which is tough. I got robbed. In my house. While
I was there. By guys with machetes. I’m sitting there at 3 O’clock in the
morning with my flat mate watching this DVD…these two lads in the lounge, got
machetes at our throats. I’m sitting there thinking to myself, ‘Who’s this
cunt? They’ve come for all our stuff.’ [Snigger] Come to the wrong house! You
want a sandwich? The only thing of value I’ve got here mate is about 300 metal
CDs. I don’t want to stereotype anyone but I’ve got a pretty good feeling
you’re into hip-hop.” – Steve Hughes (at the RAW Comedy Club, Sweden, 2
November 2009).
Meanwhile, across the pond, a friend reported that there was a gang
robbery right at the corner of her building only the other day. Two blacks
approached a teen at gunpoint and knifepoint and stole money and a mobile
phone. So, she’s worried because now it's right at her door too and she hates
where she lives. In her next email she explained, “Oh yes, those gangs. Guess what?
Today was my son's first day back to school. The first thing that happens on
his way home on the bus, a ‘Blood’ gang member was in the bus and it was
only he and one other guy who was not with the black guy. Plus my
son. This guy was staring bullets at him and he knew the guy was going to
try to rob him. So he got off at a stop where the gang member didn't have
time to get off too. My son walked for an hour trying to find a phone. I had
told him to not take his phone in case he was robbed. But then, if he's
approached and he doesn't have one on him, he may get beat up. So anyway
he knocked on some homes to ask for a phone to call me. They slammed the door
in his face. He finally got home after 2.5 hours of leaving school…He will
not be taking the bus again. I'm furious that I have to be trapped in this
HELLISH nightmare.”
spent a few weeks digging around for information on what exactly happened to
rapper Tupac Shakur in the mid-90s, I have learned that rap music was hijacked
by the ‘Illuminati’ who found it necessary to assassinate yet another important
black leader. Their policy is to get rid of the best of their enemy. The rise
of black people to any semblance to equality in society is not part of their
agenda. Far from it, they were behind the Klu Klux Klan and it was they who
were traditionally slave traders and set up shop as such in the New World [See
Appendices IV and IX]. At the same time, the patriarchal Elite ensures that the
minority of potential hooligans in society, be they ‘black, white or Muslim,’
are, like themselves, provided with the necessary conditions and encouragement
to upset the applecart regardless of the consequences for themselves and society
as a whole.
Martin Luther Jr: "I Have a Dream" '63
and non-violence help us to see the enemy's point of view, to hear his
questions, to know his assessment of ourselves. For, from his view we may
indeed see the basic weaknesses of our own condition and, if we are mature, we
may learn and grow and profit from the wisdom of the brothers who are called
the opposition.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
Even the
Civil Rights movement was directed by the Elite (who worm their way to the top
of any charity or movement once it reaches a position of having the resources
and influence to make a difference for good. As Ethan Jacobs explains,
"Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated 4 April 1968, shortly after he
started speaking out against the global elite and the injustice they inflict on
all of humanity though orchestrated wars and economic oppression. He
believed that ‘a nation that continues
year after year to spend more money on military defence than on programs of
social uplift is approaching spiritual death.’ While King may not
physically be with us today, we are fortunate that he left us with powerful
principles and tools for defeating tyranny. King, Gandhi and many others have
set the precedent for our liberation, proving that courage, love, persistence
and some simple tools are ultimately victorious. In fact, the tools and
principles utilised by King are so powerful that they rocked the foundation of
the global elite's power structure. As Andrew Gavin Marshall writes: ‘When Martin Luther King began speaking
about more than race, and openly criticised the entire social structure of
empire and economic exploitation, not simply of blacks, but of all people
around the world and at home, he posed too great a threat to the oligarchy to
tolerate him any longer. It was at this point that the National Security State
chose to assassinate Martin Luther King, and the philanthropies greatly
expanded their financing of the Civil Rights Movement to ensure that it would
be led in their desired direction…’” (‘Martin Luther King, Jr. and the
Tools of Freedom,’ 16 January 2011, www.activistpost.com/2011/01/martin-luther-king-jr-and-tools-of.html). In his conclusion, Jacobs quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr’s
‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’ (1963): “We
know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the
oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
John Covici
asks, “Why? Why has the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a self-proclaimed
‘anti-bigotry’ lobby, acted to save the KKK's national monument? For starters,
the ADL is officially subordinate to the B'nai B'rith, a pro-slavery Masonic
secret society formed under Scottish Rite control in the 1840s. The ADL, the
Scottish Rite, and the Klan appeared openly together in the early 20th century
as elements of the ‘British party’ within American political life. In shameful
national public statements and private actions, B'nai B'rith and the ADL
denounced and viciously sabotaged all 1930s anti-Hitler protests by Jews.”
(‘The Scottish Rite, the KKK and the ADL. Evidence that
Pike was Chief Judiciary Officer of the KKK,’ 19 January 1993, www.itwasjohnson.impiousdigest.com/fox.htm). On the same web page: "B’nai
B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League recently opened a vicious campaign to label
American black leaders as anti-Semites, aiming at a racial conflict, and
stomping on the memory of the young Jews who fought for civil rights in the 1960s.
It is essential that the religious, national and historical character of this
racialism be precisely understood." (Anton Chaitkin).
“Now to
remove all doubts; I'll take a few moments to give you the documentary proof of
this racial strife plot. First of all they had to create the leadership and
organisations to draw in millions of dupes, both Jewish and Negroes, who would
do the demonstrating and commit the rioting, looting, and lawlessness. So, in
1909, [Jacob] Schiff, the Lehmans, and other conspirators, organised and set up
the National Association for the Advancement of the Coloured People known as
the ‘NAACP.’ The presidents, directors and legal councils of the NAACP were
always ‘white men Jews’ appointed by Schiff and this is the case to this very
day. Then, in 1913, the Schiff group organised the Anti-defamation League of
the B'nai B'rith commonly known as the ‘ADL’ to serve as the gestapo and
hatchet man outfit for the entire great conspiracy. Today the sinister ADL
maintains over 2,000 agencies in all parts of our country and they advise and
completely control every action of the NAACP or of the Urban League of all the
other so-called Negro civil rights organisations throughout the nation
including such leaders as Martin Luther King, Stockely Carmichael, Barnard
Rustin, and others of the ilk.“ – Myron
Fagan (The Illuminati and the
Council on Foreign Relations, 1967).
“At that
banquet, Israel Cohen told me he was then engaged in writing a book which was
to be a follow-up on Zangwill’s ‘The Melting Pot.’ The title of his book was to
be A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century. At that time, I was
completely absorbed by my work as a playwright, and significant as that title
was, its real objective never dawned on me, nor was I interested in reading the
book. But it suddenly hit me with the force of a hydrogen bomb when I received
a newspaper clipping of an item published by the Washington, D.C. Evening
Star in May 1957. That item was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt
in Israel Cohen’s book, A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century,
and it reads as I quote:
must realise that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By
propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they
have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to the program of the
Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming
the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instil in the Whites a guilt
complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise
to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of
sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to
intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to
our cause.’
That same excerpt was entered into the Congressional
Record of June 7, 1957, by Representative Thomas B. Abernathy. Thus, the
authenticity of that passage in Cohen’s book was fully established. But the one
question that remained in my mind was whether it represented the official
policy or plot of the Communist Party, or just a personal expression of Cohen
himself. Hence I sought more proof, and I found it. In an official pamphlet
published in 1935 by the New York Communist Party’s official Workers’ Library
Publishers, that pamphlet was entitled, ‘The Negroes in a Soviet America.’ It
urged the Negroes to rise up, form a Soviet state in the South, and apply for
admission to the Soviet Union. It contained a firm pledge that the revolt would
be supported by all American Reds and all so-called liberals. On page 38, it promised
that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits to Negroes than to
Whites, and again this official Communist pamphlet pledged that, ‘any act of
discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the
revolutionary law.’ That statement proved that the excerpt in Israel Cohen’s
book, published in 1913, was an official edict of the Communist Party and
directly in line with the Illuminati blueprint for world revolution issued by
Weishaupt and later by Albert Pike.”
“I took my obligation to White men, not to
Negroes. When I have to accept Negroes as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall
leave it.” – Albert Pike (the 33rd-degree Mason and Sovereign Grand
Commander who founded the KKK in 1866). [See Appendix X: Eric Phelps interview].
“Klan and Black Legion meetings were usually
held inside Masonic Temples and Halls in the Midwest during the 1930's. The
Klan recruited almost exclusively from within Masonic ranks and often the
membership of both organisations was indistinguishable. All of the Leadership of the old and new Klan were high degree
Freemasons. The Ku Klux Klan was in fact a Masonic movement.” (www.freemasonwatch.com. The Order of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is ‘Hardcore evangelical militant Racism personified’).
We are One,
One Love, One Being, God/Goddess. The Global Elite does not want us to know
that. Consequently, they maintain a degree of social discord to keep us divided
through fear and anger. Multiculturalism will never work until we see ourselves
and others as divine beings of Light. The unrestrained immigration of Mexicans
into America and Asians into Western Europe is purposely designed to agitate
and unsettle, to foment conflict. The Khazarian Zionists consider the Muslims
and the ‘white race’ to be their enemies. They weaken and exploit us through
war and they now have us clashing and competing at home.
are the evil puppets and slaves of the New World Order!” exclaims Illuminati 'whistleblower and reformer' (or shill lol) Leo Zagami. “Modern Terrorism, including
fundamentalist Islam, is created by the CIA, Mossad, the MI6, the FSB and other
intelligence agencies on behalf of the Vatican and Zionist Illuminati elite
circles to wage war on mankind for the strategy of tension in the end of
times.” He claims that Muslims are taking over Scandinavia on behalf of the New
World Order. During his exile in Norway, Leo Zagami claims that he was in secret meetings with
the leaders of the Muslim communities of the Scandinavian countries and, he
adds, “they were planning a complete takeover.” [Retrospective note: As we
entered 2012, Ben Fulford stated that “the Khazarian Satanic rule is ending”:
“In Europe as well, the move to turn Europe into a Soviet Union type of
totalitarianism is falling apart. There also, there is serious debate behind
the scenes on how to improve European systems of government and finance. The
general consensus, though is that in the G5 countries, the older structures
will have to collapse further before big, historical, changes can be
made…Finally, the main reason this writer feels confident that 2012 will, at
last, be the year when this nightmare Khazarian secret totalitarian rule ends
is that the people of the planet have woken up. Within the G5, warm summer
weather will bring large demonstrations and at last revolution.” - Benjamin Fulford (‘The Year of the Fire Dragon
has started, expect big changes,’ 2 January 2012, www.jhaines6.wordpress.com/2012/01/02/ben-fulford-complete-january-2-2012)].
A similar
tactic is being applied all across Western Europe as well as in the States
(Hispanics): an invasion from within, while the Elite gets settled in China. No
one is suggesting that Jews or Muslims are responsible for the mess. Or the
Vikings! The Elite infiltrate, fund and establish extremist groups to do their
dirty work. What's more, the Zionists have exploited true Jews and consider
both Muslims and the 'white race' their enemies. So they have us fighting in
wars, interbreeding and struggling to live side-by-side on the same land, all
of this creating more racial tension and weakening both sides, assaulting our
peace of mind and quality of life. This tension they are able to further
magnify through their control of the media, their intention being to give
blacks a threatening profile thereby creating conflict between them and other
races. The real trouble is that many people believe the lies and many black
youths seem to go along with it and identify with them, making a bad situation
worse. Where my father lives as a youth in the East End there were a lot of
Jews and fights between them and Italians, who hated each other, broke out
regularly. There have always been groups of gangs fighting each other but
murders from these incidents were rare before this import hit our shores.
Free Spirits
It’s not a question of win or lose
They fought for their lives, to be
one and true
In the court and on the street
Where corporations chew their meat
They fought for you and me
Two halves of a circle meet
They stood their ground, on their
own two feet
They gave the world hope taking on
the Elite
These Indigo warriors
Held the torch of colours
High enough for all to see
Just who it is that lie and cheat
They each withstood the heat
They understood they were beat
Honest and strong, sensitive and
They gave the world hope taking on
the Elite
(My poem dedicated to Michael
Jackson and Tupac Shakur, written on 18 May 2011).
It is the
Elite who believe that black people are an inferior race, keep them in conditions
of poverty and promote the idea that all are violent thereby bringing out the
potential for destructive behaviour. They foment racial conflicts. Bear in mind
that they control not only the media but our education system as well and wrote
our history books. More physical they may be but keeping them impoverished and
in negative conditions (including prison) is a ball and chain to keep blacks
down in the lower vibrations where they are of more use to the Illuminati as a
social device for keeping everyone else in check, in fear of losing what they
have, thereby making them more willing slaves of the corporate heavyweights
(even though their plan is actually to eventually cause chaos and strip
everyone of their wealth to form a one-world Communist government, the
realisation of which the spiritual hierarchy has now prevented).
In Britain,
of course, even Prime Minister Blair ended up saying it was ridiculous for the
media to always avoid mentioning the racial identity of thugs on London
streets. ‘Attitude’ and street thuggery, with their pretence of self-esteem and
power, had flown like pollen across to these shores suggesting that racial
harmony was not such a sure thing after all. The deeper implication, of course,
is that this is the shadow of corporate capitalism which is a little harder to
sell in Europe than its birthplace.
There is
nothing to fear in my view, however. The Elite are finished. It's just a matter
of time. And the best way to speed up the Spring clean is not to yield to fear
or anger but to have fun and be in the heart where the higher vibes of the
spirit shine forth and add to the positive energy - the light - beaming all
over this planet now. The beings of Light are not about to abandon the Earth
during her Ascension back to 5D regardless of what humanity is doing. But, if
we all want to be happy, then it's helpful to be involved, not in the external
revolution that is to commence in 2010 but the inner one that is creating the
new world.
“Soon all obstacles that stand between you will be overcome, and you
will recognise all souls as your brothers and sisters. The barriers will fall
away and you will take each other to your hearts. It is of course necessary to
create a climate of full cooperation, and race and colour will not be an issue
anymore.” - SaLuSa (channelled
through Mike Quinsey, 17 January 2011, www.gfbymikequinsey.blogspot.com).
immigration keeps wages down and creates more struggle and more stress for the
working classes and skilled workers alike. This does not create more equality.
Rather, it enables the rich to preserve their position of wealth and power over
the rest of us. Their New World Order combines the principles of both
capitalism and communism like two hands which reach out from Big Brother to
strangle everyone. They really don’t give a fuck about any of us! Their
intention (in America, at least) is to divest people of their wealth and
opportunities for financial gain under the guise of greater equality which is
exactly how they bled the Soviet Union dry. However, it seems that they have
been tricked and that the economic crisis is actually affecting their own
financial status adversely. The Elite are fighting to survive now which is
allowing all the pioneering adult Indigos who have been manoeuvred into
positions of influence sufficient space to set examples of alternative,
positive and harmonious ways of living and working. This is our time, quite
simply, and nothing will be allowed to interfere with this evolutionary leap
which is preparing the way for the Crystal Children to create the new Golden
enters the office wearing a colourful African turban].
Dick Solomon (John Lithgow): Nina! What’s that
ting on your head?
Nina (Simbi Khali): It’s called a
‘de-kou’ [?].
Mary Albright (Jane Curtin): Oh, I think
it’s beautiful!
Nina: Thank you! It’s authentic. It makes
me feel connected to my ancestors.
Dick: Oh. So that’s the traditional
headdress of ancient secretaries?
Nina: No! Of my African ancestors. In case
you haven’t noticed, I’m black.
Dick: Well, of course I noticed! And, er,
Dr. Albright, you are…?
Mary: Could I be any whiter? [Nina shakes
her head].
[Dick gives
them both a funny look. Mary then Nina, and again].
Nina: What?
Dick: Huh, I’m sorry. All you people look
alike to me.
Nina: Excuse me?
Mary: What?
Dick: I-I just don’t see why people have
to divide up into these arbitrary subsets. I mean, skin colour? Please! You may
see colour but I see people.
Mary: Aren’t we fortunate to have someone
so enlightened? Oh, Pious one, show us the way!
Dick: This verges on sarcasm.
Nina: You know, my heritage happens to be
very important to me.
Mary: As it should be. I’m Irish and I’m
very proud of that and you’re, [Turning to Dick] what?
Dick: Me? I-I-I-I’m, er, er, one of
those, er…you know, one of the really good ones [Dr. Albright motions with her
hand encouraging him to finish answering her question]. You’re this big
anthropologist. You tell me. What am I?
Mary: Certifiable.
Dick: Yes, that’s what I am. Certifiable!
[Walks over to his desk] Certifiable and damned proud of it. Yes, my father was
before me and his father was before him and his father before him. Certifiable.
Of course we no longer practice [Turns away sheepishly covering his face with
his hand because he does not know who the people were whose bodies they took
over to explore Earth].
3rd Rock from the Sun
(Series 1, Episode 16, ‘Dick Like Me,’ written by Joe Fisch, 1996).
A Swede by
the name of Krister shows, in an article for Henry Makow’s website, that the
European Jewish Fund is doing all it can to subvert European national
identities whilst actively reinforcing Jewish culture and Zionist identity.
Fanatical Zionists are at the centre of the changes and they are fully aware of
the resentment that would result and the precautions required to protect
themselves should they be in a position to rule because they have been doing
this for a century if not longer in Russia and they have the law behind them in
America in regard to ‘anti-Semitism’ as well as having made holocaust denial a
serious crime. “The
‘European Jewish Fund,’ says Krister, “states on their homepage, that the
organisation is opposed to Jewish assimilation. In other words,
multiculturalism is only for the goyim, not for Jews.” – Krister (‘Organised Jewry as a
Nation Dispersant,’ 23 September 2010, www.henrymakow.com/a_letter_from_sweden.html). Makow’s comment after the article
reads: “Multiculturalism is part of the New World Order agenda to dilute and
destroy Gentile national identities. Ordinary Jews need to be aware of the
agenda organisations pursue in their name, because they will take the brunt of
the resentment. I believe the plan is to pit Muslims versus Christians. We
should not fall into this trap and direct our attention at the Illuminati
bankers and their minions.”
Lerner Spectre, an American Jew who runs a government-funded Jewish study group
in Sweden claims that Jews will play a ‘leading role’ in promoting
multiculturalism in Europe.’ She suggests that European nations cannot survive
without this leadership and shift to multiculturalism. That is what the
corporate powers have been repeating in the media in order to programme us all
into believing that these sacrifices (played down or absent in the mainstream
media naturally) are necessary. Someone on the Internet commented that,
contrary to this propaganda, we cannot survive as multicultural entities due to there being hidden costs and no
benefits. The whole point, it seems, is that Europe is forced to join together
as a result of this incapacitated state (with the Vatican puppets in the E.U. -
the Pope’s Revived Holy Roman Empire, as Eric Jon Phelps calls it - and other
organisations usurping all the power of course). Israel does not seem too keen
to join in the multiculturalism ‘trend.’ I wonder why!
“My sixth
advisory is this: Do not rise to the Zionist bait and blame the economic
depression on Muslim immigrants in Europe and elsewhere. For sure, I'm as mad
as hell when I read of 'honour murders' in accordance with illegal Shariah law
and fully approve of sending in the full force of law to hang the bastards for
any crimes they may have committed against their own children on secular soil.
But remain vigilantly wary of the mainstream media and their hysterical
reporting, and avoid any association with Zionist controlled organisations,
such as the English Defence League and the BNP. They are the anti-English tools
of the Zionist New World Order establishment.
My seventh advisory is this: Love
your fellow human being, whoever he or she may be. We are all about to face a
severity of economic hardship unknown to even the eldest among us. The ruling
elites will rejoice at our apportioning the blame to this group or that. They
always win by means of dividing us and setting us at war with one another.
We have a unique opportunity to
defeat the billionaire psychopaths who rule the world by standing as one and
rejecting their economic blackmail. Do not, under any circumstances, turn
against your neighbour on account of his religion or the colour of his skin. He
did not bring you into the world of misery you are now experiencing. He was not
responsible for robbing your children and your grandchildren of the future that
was rightfully yours.”
Michael James (‘The Art of Resisting
Zionist Terrorism,’ 3 August 2010, www.rense.com/general91/art.htm).
Muslims are
also being used to create a climate
of fear and resentment on both sides. That means most are not aware of it and
are simply following money, beliefs, pride, and so forth. There are enough
Muslims in Europe now to create quite a disturbance should they be offered
incentives such as the promise of practising Sharia law and more freedom from
our cultural values and societal laws (as a ‘protected species’ which is not
expected to integrate). They can be assembled and mobilised collectively which
was always the whole point of the Abrahamic religions. They become
controllable. There are enough Muslims (not just the radicalised ones) here now
to consider this a necessity. The issue is no longer just about being here to
make money. They want more than that now: their own freedom and protection as a
society within a society. Zionist-funded Islamic terrorism (problem) has made
them feel less safe (reaction) and they want political power (solution) which
the Elite might possibly be offering them in the Liberal Democrat Party.
of other European countries may look to Britain as an example of ‘successful
integration of Pakistanis and Indians.’ The truth of the matter is that British
people are slaves to a post-feudal system and no amount of protesting will do
any good while those who accept the instrument of suppression which is
political correctness are paralysed by fear or ignorance.
“…we [Europeans] should still be proud of our civilisation - and divest ourselves of the guilt and self-hatred indoctrinated in us by the globalists. I realised that we are exposed to carefully planned strivings - they are even being successfully kept absolutely secret to us - on the part of our politicians and media towards the Euromediterranean/Eurabian Union… - first comprising nine Muslim countries from North Africa and the Middle East - besides Israel. Therefore, I turned to our politicians and media. But I met a wall of silence about the topic. No wonder. On October 24 the E.U. Parliament treated a proposal declaring the E.U. to be constructing an Illuministic society, i.e. the New World Order as announced by President Bush Snr. during the first Iraqi War. The New World Order is to substitute the national state for a multicultural dictatorial one-world state. Now this endeavour is called globalisation, however. My last hope is that through insight into the intentions of the strivings of the E.U., the Euromediterranean and the New World Order the Europeans will finally wake up and bring pressure to bear on politicians and media to stop the on-going process of Islamisation to batter national states and Christianity in order to build their corporate, enslaving one-world government.” - Anders Bruun Laursen (www.euro-med.dk).
“…we [Europeans] should still be proud of our civilisation - and divest ourselves of the guilt and self-hatred indoctrinated in us by the globalists. I realised that we are exposed to carefully planned strivings - they are even being successfully kept absolutely secret to us - on the part of our politicians and media towards the Euromediterranean/Eurabian Union… - first comprising nine Muslim countries from North Africa and the Middle East - besides Israel. Therefore, I turned to our politicians and media. But I met a wall of silence about the topic. No wonder. On October 24 the E.U. Parliament treated a proposal declaring the E.U. to be constructing an Illuministic society, i.e. the New World Order as announced by President Bush Snr. during the first Iraqi War. The New World Order is to substitute the national state for a multicultural dictatorial one-world state. Now this endeavour is called globalisation, however. My last hope is that through insight into the intentions of the strivings of the E.U., the Euromediterranean and the New World Order the Europeans will finally wake up and bring pressure to bear on politicians and media to stop the on-going process of Islamisation to batter national states and Christianity in order to build their corporate, enslaving one-world government.” - Anders Bruun Laursen (www.euro-med.dk).
We, as a
society, are being attacked on two fronts: Islam and hip-hop! Both of which are
being directed behind the scenes by the Elite. It doesn’t take a rocket
scientist to realise that elements of hip-hop culture have sent flames of
violence waving through Western societies, stirring up trouble. According to
John Potash, 70% of rap albums are bought by white youth. White youths, not
just in America, but in England as well, appear to have found a source of
confidence and empowerment in mimicking this alien and angry ‘attitude.’ This
was epitomised by Sacha Baron Cohen’s comedy character Ali G. As Wikipedia
explains, Ali G “plays on the stereotype of a white suburban male who revels in
a mixture of American gangsta rap and British Jamaican culture, particularly
through hip hop, reggae and Grime music.” According to John Potash, 70% of rap
albums are bought by white youths! The music industry is dominated by the
Global Elite and their promotion of crude, unenlightened hip-hop instead of the
original brand which served as a vehicle for sharing a deeper understanding of
life in the same vein that reggae once did. I confess that I only really like a
few of the catchy excerpts included in Michael Jackson and R&B songs. I do,
however, have ‘It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back,’ Public Enemy’s
album from 1988. I also quite like Biggie’s and Eminem’s music. And I have now
had the good fortune of hearing what the wise and knowledgeable Professor Griff
(a member of Public Enemy – and an adult Indigo, I’m sure) has to say about the
Elite and the black community. In the U.K., since the early noughties, a
British brand of hip-hop has evolved which I really cannot stand! Wikipedia
explains that the genre known as ‘Grime’ is defined as Urban music and emerged
from Bow in East London. According to Hattie Collins and Frere-Jones, grime is
"an amalgamation of U.K. Garage with a bit of drum ‘n’ bass, a splash of
punk and a touch of hip-hop thrown in for good measure." (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grime_music).
All I am
saying here is that black culture has been fucked with the most by the look of
things and that is the root of some of the violence in our society. The Elite
and its music producers started with rock music and then moved over to hip-hop
in a campaign of divisive brainwashing aimed at youths, black, white and
Hispanic, through rappers whom they could control. They have attempted to
corrupt all cultures, religions and races but rap is where they have focussed
their intent because they cannot bear to have black leaders setting a positive
example and telling the truth. That is how young men express unity now, through
the language of gangsta street gangs whose motives, while they might not be as
psychotic as the Droogs in A Clockwork
Orange (1971), still appear to have more sinister intentions than previous
youth movements. It allows them to bond and feel more powerful. English kids
are doing it. Asian kids are doing it. Hell, even Munchkins are doing it! That
is why mainstream hip-hop is mostly shit and has a lot to do with why young
people think violence and greed are cool. Seriously, that stuff has been spiked
to fuel negative emotions. Wake up!
Mind Control and the Meaning of
“So, look at the interesting thing about 'Stimulus – Response.' How one is addicted-to something that is a stimuli to make you feel something or be something or be a person or be part of the World, or 'life means-something but it needs a stimulation.’ And, then, that stimulation, unfortunately, is re-programmed so that even a simple song with particular sounds and words can stimulate you to feel something. That should be of great concern that music, for instance, or anything for that matter, has got so much power over you. The same as cigarettes, alcohol - you name it. Partying, going out with friends - I mean, a friendship can have such power over you that you feel, without a friend, you feel like not-complete. A relationship shouldn't feel like that. You must be in a relationship to work together as One. Not to try and make each other more. So, investigate all the things where you have a response to any form of stimulus and have a look at what it is the stimulus makes you feel, experience, makes you aware of, in terms of meaning, makes life more meaningful. I mean, to have music do that to you - that would say, what, life is not being meaningful until you have that music? And, without the music, you will be 'less than.’ It's all part of how the bipolar disorder was originated: create extreme polarities so that you need constant, constant stimulation to be someone. And, if you don't get that stimulation then you go into extreme depression because you’re not someone; there's something missing in your life. Meantime: it's the stimulus of the programme. Make sense?” - Bernard Poolman (10 June 2010, Desteni Productions, www.desteni.co.za).
“So, look at the interesting thing about 'Stimulus – Response.' How one is addicted-to something that is a stimuli to make you feel something or be something or be a person or be part of the World, or 'life means-something but it needs a stimulation.’ And, then, that stimulation, unfortunately, is re-programmed so that even a simple song with particular sounds and words can stimulate you to feel something. That should be of great concern that music, for instance, or anything for that matter, has got so much power over you. The same as cigarettes, alcohol - you name it. Partying, going out with friends - I mean, a friendship can have such power over you that you feel, without a friend, you feel like not-complete. A relationship shouldn't feel like that. You must be in a relationship to work together as One. Not to try and make each other more. So, investigate all the things where you have a response to any form of stimulus and have a look at what it is the stimulus makes you feel, experience, makes you aware of, in terms of meaning, makes life more meaningful. I mean, to have music do that to you - that would say, what, life is not being meaningful until you have that music? And, without the music, you will be 'less than.’ It's all part of how the bipolar disorder was originated: create extreme polarities so that you need constant, constant stimulation to be someone. And, if you don't get that stimulation then you go into extreme depression because you’re not someone; there's something missing in your life. Meantime: it's the stimulus of the programme. Make sense?” - Bernard Poolman (10 June 2010, Desteni Productions, www.desteni.co.za).
are only one type of puppet controlled by the Global Elite. They have been in
control of the music industry and related counter culture since the advent of
Rock ‘n’ Roll – that is, to the degree that the public has followed their
manufactured bands and bought into the corporate news media’s lies and
propaganda. It’s called managed opposition. Dave McGowan has been writing a
highly engaging series of articles called ‘Inside The LC: The Strange but
Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation,’
which he is sharing freely on the internet as they are finished (available
here: www.davesweb.cnchost.com).
The Byrds were a manufactured boy band who mostly couldn’t play instruments and
were therefore atrocious live. They were modelled on The Beatles over in
Britain (hence the choice of a name of an animal with one vowel changed).
Potential stars in the music industry were suddenly and inexplicably drawn from
all over the place to Laurel Canyon which appears to be a dark little place on
the doorstep of Los Angeles and which once overshadowed Hollywood. The area was
home to Lookout Mountain Laboratory, a
facility that was run by the U.S. Air
Force and which had been built in 1941, was a covert military
laboratory-cum-film studio hidden from view and surrounded by an electrified
fence, explains McGowan. The studio was added in 1947 and “produced some 19,000
classified motion pictures.”
to McGowan’s extensive research, the majority of these young (mostly) men who showed
up like moths to a flame in Laurel Canyon, were sons of military men who were
exempt from drug charges and being drafted into the army. Oh yeah, and in most
cases they also had a parent who had apparently committed suicide (or, in
truth, been ritually sacrificed). Moreover, despite appearances, some of these
stars were from wealthy backgrounds and politically conservative, supporting
the occupational war in Vietnam whilst the media blew them up as counterculture
spokesmen. In other words, they were just the kind of people whom the Elite
wanted to lead the counterculture…up the proverbial garden path. Some even had
multiple personalities from some kind of interference in their youth resulting
from family ties to a cult or whatever. It seems that the Hollywood
establishment were happy to fund and promote such individuals lest people with
messages of true substance – such as John Lennon and his message of love and
peace - find their way into the spotlight. Even some of the songs hailed as
protest songs were anything but.
“Hippies came out of nowhere and sort of co opted it, I think it was quite
deliberate...they wanted to give the anti-war movement a face that would be
completely unacceptable to mainstream America...I mean everything about them
was offensive to mainstream America, to middle America, the hairstyles, the
clothing styles, the open drug use, the music, everything about them was
designed to repel mainstream America and prevent the anti-war movement from
gaining any additional speed by putting this face on it...I think the whole
hippie flower child thing...was a creation of the Intelligence community to take
the steam out of the anti-war movements and various other
movements...Black Empowerment, Women's rights, Civil rights movement...The battle
cry of the hippy movement was turn on, tune in, drop out...telling people don't
worry about it, get high.” – David McGowan (from an interview in 2010).
This crowd
turned Laurel Canyon into the epicentre of the music industry. By the sound of
it, they were right where the establishment wanted them, could keep an eye on
them, indulge in ritual sacrifice and surround them with temptation. LSD, for
instance, was made freely available through Augustus Owsley
Stanley III. The first groupies who were given free (or dirt cheap) board
and lodging at the Log Cabin (which had been designed by a renowned architect
named Robert Byrd in the 1920's) with
its successive ringmasters Frank Zappa, Vito Paulekas, Charles Manson and Eric
Burden. Sex, drugs and (often badly played) rock ‘n’ roll put down roots there
so that people like Frank Zappa, Alice Cooper, John Phillips, David Crosby and
Stephen Stills could act as pied pipers who were presented by the media as
being ideal leaders, or messengers, for the counterculture which had been
hijacked early on. Vito Paulekas, by the way, led a group of underground
hipsters called the ‘Freakers’ whose wild
movements attracted much attention and provided the inspiration for the hippie
generation. This dance troupe, combined with media attention, was
largely responsible for the early success of bands such as David Crosby’s,
Arthur Lee’s, Frank Zappa’s and Jim Morrison’s. The Doors happen to be one of
my favourite bands but after reading about his Laurel Canyon credentials and
lack of interest in music I no longer trust the story about him turning up on a
beach one day with three albums’ worth of songs already composed.
The Hell’s
Angels turn out to be some kind of homeland militia comprised of military men
to sabotage the anti-war movement. “It was certainly no secret,” writes
McGowan, “that the reactionary motorcycle clubs, formed by former military men,
were openly hostile to hippies and anti-war activists; as early as 1965, they
had brutally attacked peaceful anti-war demonstrators while police, who had
courteously allowed the Angels to pass through their line, looked on. It was
also known that the Angels were heavily involved in trafficking meth, a drug
that was widely blamed for the ugliness that had descended over the Haight.” (Part XIV, 17 March 2009, www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr106.html). The Angels were a drug-running cult working
for the Elite. The writer also discusses the death of Meredith Hunter, “the young man who
was stabbed to death by members of the Hell’s Angels right in front of the
stage while the band (in this case, the Rolling Stones) played on.” This took
place at a concert at Altamont. “The song they were playing,” adds McGowan,
“contrary to most accounts of the incident, was ‘Sympathy for the
Devil.’”(ibid). By the end of the concert, he explains, four people were dead
and 850 injured as a result of the Hells Angels swinging leaded pool cues,
‘breaking heads.’ This was a vicious attack on people who largely wanted peace
in the world and who were lured to a free concert and plied with acid which was
freely available at the concert. “By the late 1960s,” writes McGowan, “the drug
that would later become the drug of choice of the disco crowd had already begun
pouring into Laurel Canyon. As glam-rocker Michael DesBarres recalled, ‘Every
drug dealer was in Laurel Canyon.’ Along with the drugs came lots of guns and
huge piles of cash.” (Part XVI, 13 June 2009, www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr108.html).
like rock music before it (although, of course, hip-hop also has its roots in
African music), is a vehicle for political and philosophical expression - and,
therefore, truth - which has been turned into a religion. And, religion is all
about compensating for lacking self-awareness, confidence and faith in oneself,
a sense of purpose and the power and passion of individual identity. It’s about
people lounging around in slimy orange goo in their pods, fed stimuli from an
external source so that they become to certain beliefs and the feelings they
produce and do not wake up from the Matrix! At the same time, they are kept in
a low-vibrational state so that their awareness never rises above a certain
level. This ongoing programming campaign is not limited to the world of hip-hop,
of course. It applies to all areas of news and entertainment in the media,
particularly where they feature sound and moving images. It’s just that the
Elite targeted hip-hop to stamp out any signs of political movement such as the
one Tupac was threatening to start. Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll became sex,
drugs and bitches.
Goddamn! Rap music I hate that
It's just so violent and it destroys everyone, it makes the kids crazy
The kids kill people
There cop hater
Here going against society, I don't understand the music
It's too loud, it's too rowdy, it's too violent
Let's ban all rap music
It's just so violent and it destroys everyone, it makes the kids crazy
The kids kill people
There cop hater
Here going against society, I don't understand the music
It's too loud, it's too rowdy, it's too violent
Let's ban all rap music
- 2Pac (‘Don’t Stop,’ a song from
the album ‘Pac’s Life,’ 2006. “This rap game all we got left/So try to
comprehend where we coming from,” he sings later in the song).
“I’m not a
hater. I just don’t like what some of you are doing. Let me give you an
example. These hip-hop artists. They started off good. Conscious rap. Like
conscious gospel. Conscious poetry. Conscious plays. But, then, something went
wrong. The glorification of the gun killed the pig. How you gonna say that
about killing police and don’t think for every action there’s an equal and
opposite reaction? We were losing it. Big time. See? So, when the Million Man
March took place, they had tanks underground…They couldn’t bear to say that it
was the largest gathering in the history of America, the most peaceful of any
gathering. Nobody got arrested and the park, the mall, was cleaner than at any
other time in any other gathering because I had gone throughout the nation
telling the brothers, ‘Don’t bring no weapons up in there because if you come
right God will show you that His Spirit is more powerful than your weapon. See,
I’m following Scripture now. [Reconcile differences] Not by might nor by power
but by my spirit.” – Louis Farrakhan (speaking at Savannah, GA, U.S.).
Time to question our lifestyle, look
how we live
Smokin weed like it ain't no thang, so even kids
wanna try now, they lie down and get ran through
Nobody watched 'em clockin the evil man do
Faced with the demons, addicted to hearin victims screamin
Guess we was evil since birth, product of cursed semen
Cause even our birthdays is cursed days
A born thug in the first place, the worst ways
I'd love to see the block in peace
With no more dealers and crooked cops, the only way to stop the beast
And only we can change
It's up to us to clean up the streets, it ain't the same
Too many murders, too many funerals and too many tears
Just seen another brother buried plus I knew him for years
Passed by his family, but what could I say?
Keep yo' head up and try to keep the faith
And pray for better days
- Tupac Shakur (first verse of ‘Better Dayz,’ 1995).
Smokin weed like it ain't no thang, so even kids
wanna try now, they lie down and get ran through
Nobody watched 'em clockin the evil man do
Faced with the demons, addicted to hearin victims screamin
Guess we was evil since birth, product of cursed semen
Cause even our birthdays is cursed days
A born thug in the first place, the worst ways
I'd love to see the block in peace
With no more dealers and crooked cops, the only way to stop the beast
And only we can change
It's up to us to clean up the streets, it ain't the same
Too many murders, too many funerals and too many tears
Just seen another brother buried plus I knew him for years
Passed by his family, but what could I say?
Keep yo' head up and try to keep the faith
And pray for better days
- Tupac Shakur (first verse of ‘Better Dayz,’ 1995).
“Laughter brings you to reality as
it is. The world is a play of God, a cosmic joke. And unless you understand it
as a cosmic joke you will never be able to understand the ultimate mystery.” -
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