Monday, 12 March 2012

Love is Consciousness

By Kryon

Channelled through David Brown, 7 April 2009 at Marina da Gama, Cape Town

There are many, many, changes coming, a new world coming, a different world, a world where negativity will be in the past and no longer creating from the past. We have always said that in these channellings, that as the new world beckons the ones who get there first will be creating their reality out of love for all to see, for all to know, for all to admonish, for all to desire, for this is true human consciousness. Love is consciousness.

Let us remind you that love is always the answer in any situation for whenever you are in a dark space love is the light that lights your way, love is the lantern that will guide your way. Whenever there is conflict in your life observe the conflict. Don’t enter into the conflict; see it for what it is, more emotional upheaval. Don’t engage in the conflict for the conflict is the inner child playing its games, uttering its utterances, doing what it has to do to be seen, that is all. The inner child is doing what is does so that it can be seen; it has to create its reality so that you know it is there, so you can heal it.

The days are becoming very few now where your child will create these negative realities for there are many of you that have understood this path. There are many of you who have been deeply, deeply wounded in your childhoods and you have learned and you have understood how to heal and how to work with your wounded child and you have come to understand the reality that this child creates. We wish to say once again this is not the end but this is the beginning. In the end times an ending is always a new beginning, a rebirth. You are all light vibrations and energy, nothing more nothing less.

...For where there is pain do not magnify the pain, observe the pain be with the pain. As you engage in conflict around your pain you only energise the pain, you will only make the blockage deeper and more difficult to release to heal and to transform. Every blockage can be transformed from something negative to something positive.

Always in your darkness there are gifts, always, always, always, not 99% of the time but 100% of the time. The gift always comes from a place of love from a place of heart. The darkness that lies dormant in your body is always an aspect of your inner child or your inner parents. It is always along that axis, that axis that connects you to Father Sky and Mother Earth and that is where your healing work is done in that axis. Any other healing is superficial. Like cutting or mowing dandelions the roots get stronger the dandelions come back stronger, more flowers more seeds more problems. When you really work with the inner child you are working at the roots of the problems and the same with your inner parents. Your parents were the gods of your childhood. Your child just copied your parents. It copied their behaviours, it copied the way they related, it copied exactly the emotional patterns of your parent’s lives and if it doesn’t look quite that way that is because they will have done exactly the opposite on the same polarity...

We say Dear Ones, that love conquers all, love truly conquers all. Love is the answer in every situation. Where you act out of love and integrity then your energies open up and your energies flow. You will be an unmanageable person in the true energy of love, in the energies of ecstasy...

If you ever take time out to look at an old building of 200 to 300 years ago you will see the massive foundation stones that were placed underneath these buildings. Christ consciousness is the foundation, is the springboard for the next step of evolution. This can no longer be suppressed on this earth plane and no longer will be suppressed. Often it is very, very difficult and you think of yourself as weak for not handling a situation with love. Christ consciousness is not an easy consciousness to master but if you treat all difficult situations with love you have to know that what is happening is your inner child is creating its reality and the only thing that you have to do is let the reality come and let it go and find out what part of you created this. The one phenomena we always speak of is the mirror, your parents are your mirrors, your parents have inside of them a child, an inner child that has exactly the same wound as you have, exactly. So at the same time as you are healing the inner child take time out to heal the inner child within your parents and, if you so wish, allow Kryon in to assist with this healing. For it is important to bring your parents to a stage of the sacred marriage within yourself, for in this state of sacred marriage they are allowing the masculine and feminine to merge and as we often say the only creation happens when the masculine and feminine merge. That is what creation is. Everything on your planet speaks of this, everything, everything. It is not worth being angry with a person of the opposite sex, just not worth it, but it happens. But when you are angry with a person of the opposite sex then you push them away but what you are doing is just pushing your own masculine away or own feminine away and you are stopping this process of creation, of manifestation in your own lives.

We ask you to watch, to observe. Once you have been hurt, there is no point in prolonging the hurt. Let it come, let it go. If you react, it is okay, but know that in your reaction there is a wound, know that that is a place where you heal, that needs healing. Step by step of the way the love will dissolve the wounds inside your body. Step by step of the way...

Dear Ones, you are the ‘I AM.’ You are ‘One’ and in this state of consciousness just allow yourself to connect to your magical child. That is the aspect of you that is coming back, very last of all. Just allow yourself to receive guidance from this magical child, receive the love, the honouring and the respect for the journey that you have been on.

All shadows will have dissipated as the clarity of Reality surrounds you

 By Saul

Channelled through John Smallman, 26 February 2012

Many of you are feeling down and depressed as it seems that your awakening is not getting any nearer. You feel that you have been holding the Light, changing your attitudes, practicing loving behavior and yet nothing is happening that indicates your efforts are in any way effective. Remember, the illusion is fighting for its existence, it is a collective egoic structure that is maintained by fear, suffering, and violence, and what you see happening, if you focus on the bad news around the planet, are its death throes. It is making its last desperate efforts to renew itself, but its foundations are crumbling prior to its inevitable collapse. Continue to have faith in God’s divine plan for you to awaken into the brilliant Light of eternal day where all that has caused you pain and suffering will be gone, leaving only Reality, Love, the absolute bliss of being one with your Father, complete, joyful,and forever at Peace in the enlightened Knowledge of His loving embrace. Then all will be clear and all shadows will have dissipated as the clarity of Reality surrounds you.

You have been working your way homewards towards this glorious conclusion to the game of separation in which you have been engaged for many lifetimes, and that conclusion, that awakening into awareness of who you truly are is fast approaching. Do not let the apparent reality of the illusion, with the chaos and confusion it is spreading in its final attempts to convince you that it is real, drag you down into a morass of self-doubt and self-recrimination about your worthiness to experience God’s Love for you, or, worse still, into doubting the existence of God. You are, you always have been, and you always will be perfect creations of your divine Father, forever at one with Him in Heaven – Paradise, Reality – because there is nowhere else. That is where you are, and the realization of that, the awareness of that, the truth of that will show you, once and for all, that you have been asleep and dreaming of a nowhere place that you had made up in your minds to amuse yourselves. The amusement ended, and since then you have been endeavoring to awaken, and the moment for that to happen is at hand.

God in His ineffable Love and Wisdom could not and would not allow you to remain asleep and unaware of who you really are, which is why He provided you with all that you need to awaken, and why He has been actively encouraging you to do so since you first entered that unreal state. He knows you want to wake up, He knows you have undergone the very convincing but completely unreal experience of intense suffering, and He wants only for you to release yourselves from that nightmare by embracing one another in the Love that is your true state of being. Love is infinite, utterly complete in and of Itself, and within It nothing that is unloving can possibly be present. Your awakening is a process of letting go of anything that is incompatible with that divine state, and you have been working towards it for what seems like an interminable length of time.

The point at which you started to realize the insanity of behaving unlovingly was the moment when it became possible for you to consider letting go of the illusion, because it became immediately apparent that what you were experiencing so vividly could only be unreal. Nevertheless, you were reluctant to disengage from the behaviors that had become endemic as you sought safety, acceptance, and love in that strange illusory environment from which they had been excluded.

Those very behaviors that you thought would protect you were, and continue to be, the ties that bind you to the illusion, because, as you have often been reminded, anything unloving cannot be present in the state of Love. You have been reluctant to release them because of the intense sense of insecurity with which the illusion presents you, and because as you look around you you see intense suffering from which you wish to be separated. But separation is suffering, it is the delusion that separation from others provides you with safety and security from attack, and enables you to attack others to keep yourselves safe. As all are one to attack anyone is to attack yourselves.

Your awakening process continues to move rapidly forwards because your awareness of this truth is intensifying and spreading, and more and more of you are intending to cooperate in loving behaviors that will enable you to release that fearful need to be separate. It seems to many of you that you have one foot in Reality and one in the illusion – you believe that there is only oneness, that separation is an illusion, and yet you are still experiencing separation. However, this concept is in itself a great step forwards. And with each step forwards you increase your acceleration towards your inevitable arrival at your heavenly destination. Just continue holding your Light on high; doing so reminds you of your divine heritage and strengthens your intent to awaken, and this will assist and encourage others to do the same. It is an acceptance of the reality of your oneness and it helps to further dissipate the sense of separation that binds you to the illusion. The bindings that remain are far fewer then ever before, and are now close to breaking. You know this, so relax into the certainty of your impending awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

On Judgement

From sequential light polarity perspective by the Essessani

(2006, Leading Edge International Research Group).

"’Judgement is invalidating everything you prefer. When you invalidate something, you become equal to it, and thus what you do not want you become.’ Seen from a Hermetic standpoint, when you focus on something you bring it into your life. If you focus on what you do not want, you become resonant with the frequency of its reality and manifest it. The answer to all of this lies in the apparent paradox of Hermetic Law, wherein you must see the reality you prefer as currently existing in the moment, despite the apparent contradiction of its immediate lack of presence. Hard for most people, but not impossible to do. Furthermore, ‘every being has their own way of exploring the idea of existence. It does not mean you must judge the way they are living as invalid. If you are busy judging that what they are doing is less than what you think they could be doing, YOU are the one maintaining those effects and those realities in YOUR reality. You are focusing upon them.’ 
Want a real challenge? Consider Reptilian Draconians eating human children and maintaining a 4 billion year history of tyrannical behaviour, and attempt to attain a state of non-judgement while at the same time focusing on a reality YOU prefer to exist. YOU may move to a parallel line of existence where these guys do not exist...they won't be shifting their perspective, so YOU are the one who must do so.”

Other Concepts Presented [extracts]

"When you assume that where you are is where you need to be and begin to enjoy it and live in the moment, then you will not try to be somewhere else, and that is what will let you get there."

"Allowing everyone to live the lives they choose is granting equality and validation to All That Is, which means that you, as a part of All That Is, are automatically supporting everything you do, and letting All That Is support you." 

"If you believe you need to be are inviting attack."

"All situations are fundamentally neutral. You give them meaning, 'positive' or 'negative'. When you assign a 'meaning', you invite that reality." 

“I wanted to say about the Illuminati that I really see them as a bully in high school - that they’re very insecure and very afraid. More so of us than we are of them. And, to me, I just see them as the Wizard of Oz, that they’re smoke and mirrors – great and powerful but when you get to the root, the heart of the matter, it’s a frail old man behind the curtan.” – Jessica Schab (‘A Crystal Child Speaks Out,’ a Project Camelot production by Kerry Lynn Cassidy, November 2008).

“Being connected means that the need for conflict and confrontation is eliminated. Knowing that the same invisible force that flows through himself flows through all others allows the spiritual being to truly live the golden rule. The spiritual being thinks, ‘How I am treating others is essentially how I am treating myself, and vice versa.’ The meaning of ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’ is clear to the spiritual being, while it is considered nonsense by the non-spiritual being. Negative judgement is not possible when one feels connected to all others. The spiritual being knows that he cannot define another by his judgements, that he only defines himself as a judgemental person." - Dr. Wayne Dyer PhD.

Extract from a Message from Ag-agria of Sirius

Channelled by Mike Quinsey on 25 March 2009

“You will know where you are going and find your true spiritual path. You can then see people more as they truly are, and without judgement make allowances for their shortcomings. Humans tend to pick up on people’s faults and criticism is quite normal, so we do understand that is a common trait amongst you. It is one that must be overcome if you are to accept that each of you are thrown into situations, that have the potential to teach you lessons in correct living. It is far better to be the compassionate and understanding one, who can lift people up rather than put them down. Do you question the credentials of a drowning person – of course not, life is too precious to be concerned with such things. Love can overcome any challenge, and that is your real power.
            We know that it is difficult to set aside habits and beliefs formed from childhood, but there does come a time when you realise that you are in total charge of your self. There is a tendency to feel safer when others do the leading, but there comes a point when you have to take hold of the reins yourself. This present period lends itself very much towards those who seek to better themselves spiritually. The energies coming to you are capable of awakening many a soul to their true selves, and as they grow more powerful there is a great opportunity to lift up out of the pull of duality. It is possible even so the task seems daunting, and many upon Earth at this time are succeeding. Looking back we can see how far you have come, and it is most encouraging.
            When the changes start to remould society and you benefit from abundance, a new sense of contentment and happiness will surface. The promise of a new world will become tangible and it will galvanise others into action. A coming together will gather momentum, and great strides will be made. At heart you are beautiful people, and would love to be uninhibited and show your closeness and appreciation of others. Over many lives you have been held back in expressing your feelings for each other, even to the point of being guarded in your praises of another. To say to another ‘I love you’ carries such an uplifting powerful energy, and can heal those wounded souls in an instant.
            With Ascension you will have overcome so many of the frailties that exist now. Eventually the vibrations will be so high that you will be entering a state of near perfection as a Light Being. Then you will be able to be yourself, that is your Higher Self adorned with the Light of many suns, and radiate the love that knows no ending. One day many of you shall be seated on the Councils that preside over the Universe, and in your greatness serve God directly. However, that is a long way off but indicates your unlimited potential to rise to the highest levels.
            For the moment your thoughts are bound in earthly matters that are all consuming. It is a volatile period where much is in upheaval, and your destiny is to see it through all of the changes. The degree of your involvement will grow, and you will actually determine how many of the changes are carried out. You the people, as a collective group have immense power if only you will come together in a common purpose for the good of all. That will also attract help from Higher Beings, in addition to what we are already doing for you.”

"Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world." - Dr. Wayne Dyer PhD.

"Every thought you think is a force sent out, and in accordance with its nature and intensity will it go out to seek lodging in minds receptive to it, and will react upon yourself for good or evil. There is ceaseless reciprocity between mind and Mind, and a continual interchange of thought-forces." - James Allen.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Major changes to the way society is organized are happening right now

By Saul

Channelled through John Smallman, 12 February 2012

In the spiritual realms we are observing with joy the rapid progress that humanity is now making in its spiritual evolution as the moment for its awakening approaches.  In the illusion the majority of wonderful events that are occurring across the world are not widely reported, and much is done to discount the importance of the few that do make it into the news and to discredit those who report them.  But do not fear – the tide will not be turned!  Major changes to the way society is organized on Planet Earth are happening right now, and the enormous benefits that this will bring to all mankind are long overdue and will not be prevented.  Many loving souls have been working gently and discretely for a long time to help bring this part of God’s plan for humanity to fruition, and that moment is nigh.

Love is the power, the energy, and the lubricant that enables the creative endeavors of life to flow easily and smoothly as God intends.  Humanity is finally beginning to understand this wondrous Truth.  However, to very many of you this does not seem to be the case as you observe those self-serving ones who have taken power and authority unto themselves enriching themselves, while the vast majority of humanity struggles to maintain even a subsistence level of existence. This is changing, and it is doing so because so many of you have decided to exchange loving attitudes and behaviors for the irresponsible and self-centered ways that have been endemic on Earth for so long.  You have always been surrounded by guides and teachers from the spiritual realms who nudge you towards love whenever you open your hearts a little to accept it, or when you pray for guidance and assistance in your earthly lives.

Love is a very gentle energy, but infinitely powerful and infinitely abundant.  When you start to open your hearts to allow It in the flow is slow and steady so that you will not be overpowered or overwhelmed.  In your physical form you have to take It in slowly because your bodies are delicate and take time to adjust to Its enormous warmth and strength.  And even when they have adjusted the amount that an individual body can process as a conduit is, of course, severely limited by the physical limitations of the body itself.  By entering the illusion you chose to experience severe limitation, and although that can be somewhat alleviated, it cannot be utterly dispelled until you leave it by awakening.

In the meantime, while you remain embodied within the illusion, you are receiving loving assistance on a scale never before seen or experienced on your beautiful planet.  And the reason for this is because you are to awaken, and to do so you must turn away from the self-centered survival modes of behavior and thinking that have been prevalent for so long, and embrace the Love that surrounds every one of you at all times.  It takes practice, determination, and willingness to make this essential change of heart and to engage lovingly with everyone with whom you interact, in whatever situation you may find yourselves.  That is why you are being given so much assistance.  You cannot fail, and you will not fail, because your Father has decreed that you will awaken into Reality to enjoy eternally the marvels of that divine state.

While you maintain unloving and self-centered attitudes and behaviors you support and maintain the illusion – the only place where they could even appear to exist – and enclose yourselves within it.  Love can seep into your awareness while you remain in hiding within the illusion, but only if you choose to open yourselves to receive It, and It then requires that you share It indiscriminately with everyone that you encounter.  This is why you are receiving, and becoming aware that you are receiving, such an abundance of assistance from those in the spiritual realms.  The Love that you share in this divine and indiscriminate manner links you with many others doing likewise, strengthening and intensifying the divine Love field that desires only to embrace you and bring you Home.

As the numbers of you engaging in this divine and loving practice continue to increase, so does the strength of each individual taking part, and that gives each one of you the confidence that you need to hold your Light high for all to see.  It is all of you coming together in this way that makes your awakening possible and, of course, inevitable.  The divine plan has always been for you to awaken, not to be awoken, and this is what you are about to achieve.  When you do, your joy will be supreme.

With so very much love, Saul.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Judgment adds to the pain and confusion of the illusion

By Saul

Channelled through John Smallman, 25 January 2012

The awareness that something big is shortly to occur is rising into the consciousness of nearly everyone on Earth.  And so it should!  You have been praying and intending to awaken for a very long time, and now the progress you have made is becoming visible all over the world in the form of people’s concern for the well-being of others.  It has been a long journey to arrive at this point in your spiritual evolution, and from here there is no going back.  You are all set to continue, and your progress is accelerating as you become ever more aware of your divine spiritual essence and of your desire to be truly Yourself – the being of infinite value and integrity that God created eons ago.

Life on earth has been traumatic, stimulating, confusing, and painful, and by experiencing it you have been presented with the lessons that you chose to learn as part of your spiritual evolution.  You have now reached a stage where you can learn the remaining lessons far more quickly because you are far more willing to let go of grudges and judgments as you realize that they serve no useful purpose in your lives.  They merely add to the confusion and pain of the illusion.  This realization is a massive step forward after eons in which judgment, condemnation, and revenge were generally considered to be not only the natural retaliatory response to any offense committed against you, but also your duty in order to regain your honor.

The ineffectiveness of these attitudes – well demonstrated by the never-ending series of wars between nations and feuds within families – has at last been properly recognized.  New methods of dealing with disagreements and conflicts are now being successfully developed to ensure that, in the new age that is approaching, all will have access to impartial mediation to enable all disputes to be resolved amicably for the benefit of all concerned.  Peace on Earth is most definitely possible, and it will be achieved.
The satisfaction that these new, and initially unusual, ways of interacting with one another provides will lead to an increase in humanity’s communicative abilities, as the previous apparent need for obfuscation and confusion to protect one’s interests fades away and is replaced by honesty and transparency. Consequently, everyone will be heard and their needs taken into consideration as decisions are made for the benefit of all.  Because of the transparency in discussion and negotiation everyone will understand why decisions have been made and it will be quite clear that no one has been disadvantaged for the benefit of another.  What a different world you are building!

These changes are now coming into effect very widely as humanity makes the transition from living independently and self-centeredly to living generously with awareness and concern for all life.  They are profound changes to make, and they will beneficially assist all to live graciously in the cleansed and renewed earthly environment that your new ways of behaving are going to bring to fruition.  It is indeed a most exciting time to be living on Earth because you will see with amazement what can be achieved when all cooperate to provide a stable, friendly, and beautiful living environment for all to enjoy.

Your different cultures and ethnicities, which previously seemed only capable of dividing you into diffuse warring factions, will now come together to share and honor their diversity, and to create new and beautiful ways of interacting in art, dance, literature, and music.

There is indeed much to look forward to in the times ahead.  As you move forwards on your path to awakening, allow your anxieties to fall away.  Do not focus on them; just remind yourselves that the divine Will is always achieved and that it is the divine Will that you awaken.  There will be moments, or days, when you feel dispirited, enervated, depressed; this is part of the illusion, and like the weather they will pass, because the illusion is ephemeral and insubstantial.  Reality is eternal, everlasting, and that is where you truly have your existence, and it is into Reality that you are scheduled to awaken. Deep within yourselves you know this.  Focus on it and bring it about – it is your inevitable destiny.

With so very much love, Saul.

Photo by David Lachapelle

Thursday, 8 March 2012

None of you are the victims of your circumstances

Message from SaLuSa for 3 April 2009

Channelled through Mike Quinsey

Following on my last message, I wish to make it clear that none of you are the victims of your circumstances. Whatever experiences you go through they are by choice, going right back to the time you allowed your selves to drop into the lower vibrations. It is all in aid of your spiritual evolution, and although duality may strike you as extreme, it is the quickest way that you can progress. From the commencement of the last cycle over 12,000 years ago, it was known that it would be completed through the process of Ascension. It is therefore an extremely important time for all souls engaged in the experiences of duality. At the end of every cycle there is an emergence of those who are ready to move on to the higher realms. However, as many of you are now aware this one is unique, as you take your physical body with you. Not as your existing carbon based body, but one that has become crystalline and can function in the 5th Dimension. One that has become lighter, and has moved into a near perfect expression of itself.
            Of course there are amongst you people who have been wronged as you would interpret it, and do consider themselves ‘victims.’ However, this is all by arrangement and you are a willing partner to the karma being played out. No matter how severe the circumstances, the fact remains that you were aware of your agreed life plan before you incarnated on Earth. Many will argue against it, convinced that they could not have agreed to suffer or indeed see others suffer. Be assured that when you pass over and return to the astral planes, you will clearly understand all facets of your life. You will review your life, and this can be a sobering time when you find out how well you have done where your life plan was concerned. The vibrations of Earth dull your senses, and it is not until you rise up higher that you can fully grasp the purpose of life on Earth.
            It is therefore understandable that in this present time, there is a distinct separation between those still bound by the pull of the lower vibrations, and those who have risen into the Light of Awareness. All of you have been urged to seek the truth over many live times, but you have been faced with confusing advice and experiences that have made it difficult to find the God within. The realisation does eventually come that all knowledge IS within, and you do not need to seek outside of yourself. Sharing your knowledge is a different matter, as no one is forcing his or her beliefs upon another. In some lifetimes you have been strictly brought up and beholden to certain religious beliefs, and that carries forward in your consciousness to your next life. Even today you are still affected by you experiences over many lifetimes, but there does come a time when you are sufficiently empowered to dispense with anything that is not held in Light and Love.
            Think for a moment as to why you are drawn to certain countries, and adopt their art and enjoy their customs. Possibly you feel attracted to people from a particular race, and so it goes on without any realisation as to why. However, once you can accept re-incarnation as a natural part of your evolution, it can explain many mysteries. The fact is that you have intentionally experienced many different cultures and religions, and these form your outlook and beliefs that eventually lead you to the truth. Your consciousness gradually expands and you draw upon your higher understanding. There will come a time when you will desire a cleansing of all old thought forms associated with past lives, and willingly move forward without any regrets. You worry about friends and family, but know that your true loved ones will never be parted from you, and your paths will meet again for a wonderful reunion.
            The Creator is Love Supreme and is not some cruel unloving or unforgiving God. Would it not therefore follow that you will never be led astray, and that regardless of your experiences in duality, you will always be considered worthy of a place with the Creator. Be God, be Love and live life to the best of your ability so that you do not contemplate harming another soul, but become a beacon of Light in the dark. You affect every life you touch in some way, and the collective consciousness of Mankind reflects back to all and a sundry. Your direction now in these important years is determined by such energies, which is why there is so much turmoil. Fortunately, the Light is all-powerful compared to the dark, and a relatively small number of souls can have an affect far beyond their actual numbers. The Light is emerging and becoming stronger each day, and is powering along the decisions that are being made to bring stability to Earth. It is breaking down the resistance of the dark forces, who have nothing to offer except more of the same threats and chaos.
            Dear friends and fellow travellers, you are not going to be stopped in your pursuit of freedom and happiness. It is, and always has been your right to live your life as a sovereign Being. Let no one pull you down, and meet darkness with Light and Love, as you have the benefit of great help and guidance in your life once you allow the Light in. It is not denied to a single soul as it is all around you if you would but let it in. It is the seeking of self-power and greed that dims the hearts of those who walk in the dark, yet they could easily turn their lives around if they wished. They are not victims as they might claim, or privileged classes as some think, but cast in the roles of their choosing. The poorest are sometimes the richest, as they have no illusions of grandeur or self-importance. Accept your life as it is, but make the best of it by being loving, forgiving and sharing, and living it as your god self.
            In some senses there is not much time left before the upliftment that will accompany Ascension. Yet everyone of you still has the opportunity to change the direction of your life. Put out the thoughts that invite change, and see yourself as already having been successful, and you will surely draw the necessary energies to yourself to achieve it. Be positive as you have far more creative power than you realise.
            I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation comprises members that have already ascended and serve in the Light. There will come a day you shall rightly stand next to us as One in the Light. Hence, you are all loved and cherished because we see you as you really are, and your true potential.

Excerpt from SaLuSa’s message on 18 Novermber 2009

“Dear Ones, know that there are so many souls working with each of you, both off and on Earth. Trust them to know what is best for you, and that they are helping you to complete your life plan successfully. Every soul is on Earth for a specific purpose, and some set goals for themselves that are extremely high, but you will never take on more than is humanly possible. Guides always attend your discussions prior to incarnating, and decisions are made based on your achievements, or lack of achievements as the case may be. You will not normally be aware of the lessons your life experiences are going to lead you into, but they will be set up to ensure they take place. Freewill is still yours to use, but you would not wish to go back on arrangements that are for your spiritual evolution. If you did, they would only come up again in another lifetime. It is best to allow your experiences to unfold, knowing that you have been party to the plan.
            Naturally you are not always the key figure in your experiences. Often your part is to partake in another soul’s plan and the likelihood is that they are close to you. You will take whatever role the situation demands, and can be the leading light that shows the way. You all have a lot to thank each other for as nothing is really happening by chance. Therefore, think carefully of the responsibility you have undertaken, and always try to see a situation from all angles. Do not judge another soul who crosses your path, as you know no more about their level of consciousness or life plan, than they know about yours. Do what is necessary to help anyone in need and you will gain through such acts. Compassion is vital regardless as to who requires your help, and do not let an opportunity go by where you can express your own Light and Love. Evolution comes with finding your spiritual self and exercising your love for all other life.
            I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is guided by Higher Beings who reside at levels of pure Light. They have the wisdom and the power of God, and oversee all that happens in your Universe. Their decisions are all based on a total understanding of life, and an immense love that enfolds it all. Should they appear to you, you would believe that you had met God; such is their magnificence and majesty. They are the Masters of the Universe that carry out the Creator’s plan.
            We have been with you and followed your progress for millennia of time, and we are not going to fall away now. We will go hand in hand to the end of the cycle, and victory shall be yours as decreed, We are of the Light, and you are of the Light, and so it shall remain forever. Together we shall overcome all obstacles, and achieve upliftment to the higher dimensions. We Are One, and it has always been that way and so it will remain for all Infinity.”
            - SaLuSa (channelled through Mike Quinsey, 18 November 2009).

Love is Power

"LOVE IS POWER, for it carries the Essence of Creation, and all energies that are infused with this Essence are transmuted into a more refined or purer level of frequency patterns. It is this DIVINE ALCHEMY that will save humanity and your world: THE POWER OF LOVE, THE POWER OF RIGHT INTENT, THE POWER OF RIGHT ACTION...That is why what we ask of you at this time is of such vast importance. We ask you to shine your LOVE/LIGHT more brightly than ever before. We ask you to take your LIGHT out from the closet where many of you have had it safely hidden so that you do not have to experience ridicule or criticism from your family and acquaintances, or seem ‘different.’ We ask you to take your LIGHT from beneath the basket of compliancy, and rev up the power so that its radiance shines forth for all to see - sweeping wide like the beam of a LIGHTHOUSE, filling the shadows and dangerous shoals with Light so that others may find their way through the obstacles and barriers of fear, hate, guilt, and bigotry." - Archangel Michael (channelled through Ronna Herman, ‘A Time of Drawing Together,’ 11 November 2001,

‘Transforming Your Physical Body into a Sacred Light Body’

By Mashubi Rochell

Your physical body is a sacred vehicle of light, which was created by God and joined with physical matter in order to accomplish a holy purpose that your soul chose before incarnating. It may seem as though your daily life is mundane and has little in the way of divine soul purpose, but one day this veil over your perception will life, and you will see and feel deeply the full splendour of your soul's radiance and beauty as a child of God.
            When this realisation comes of your divine nature, you may also begin to feel shame and remorse as you look back upon previous times where you acted out of harmony with God's love. This is the time to open your heart even more, to feel your true emotions, and pray for healing and forgiveness. As you see and feel the truth of who you are, light will open within you and heal the pain, and release you from the cycle of negativity that can be created when we create actions that are out of harmony with God's love.
            Today we live in a time where a great transformation is happening upon the Earth. Up until now this transformation has been largely invisible, except to those who could perceive other dimensions of reality. Now, these changes are beginning to manifest more clearly in the physical realm, and each embodied soul on the Earth is experiencing a process of transformation as well. The higher dimensions of God's light are entering the atmosphere of the Earth and accelerating the subatomic frequency of all physical matter.
            This can be seen as a quickening, which manifests in many different ways, in the development of technologies that enhance global communication and in a greater collective understanding of our relationship with the Earth and our responsibility to care for her, who supports all life. This quickening also is having a major purifying effect on our physical bodies, creating changes that open us more to God's love and to the spiritual realms, and that also cleanse our beings of emotional and physical toxicity that we have been carrying.
            There are some who are already experiencing the quickening effect of greater light, which is causing an upsurge of past emotions, thoughts and physical symptoms. In this situation it is important to create supports for yourself so that you can be helped to understand what is happening, and to cleanse and heal your body, mind and spirit. There are more and more supports available now as God's light is awakening many souls who have incarnated at this time in order to help humanity through this time of transition.
            Dearest ones, at this momentous time in the history of the Earth, all of our physical bodies are undergoing a process to transformation so that we can vibrate in greater harmony with God's love. Our bodies are becoming light bodies, which can greatly accelerate our own healing processes, and our ability to help others to heal.
            There are a growing number of supports available to help smooth the way in this process, and your own faith in God and desire to live a life of love and purity will attract to you exactly the right people and resources to assist you in this process. As each of us becomes more light filled and capable of radiating God's light and love to others, we become a positive force for change that will help our entire planet to heal.

Mashubi Rochell is a spiritual counsellor and the founder of World Blessings, an online spiritual support community which offers spiritual guidance and healing to people of all faiths. For more on the light body please see

Willingness to embrace both the light and the dark sides of ourselves

“The more you allow a person to be - you know, take away all their masks, all this multi-mirror show that they constantly do…like people telling you what they think you want to hear. Just letting them share whatever they want. If they want to cry, that’s fine; I’ll probably cry with you. If you want to be angry, that’s fine; use me as an emotional vomit target; I’m not going to take it personally and, you know, be upset with you later. Just share. Share for the sake of sharing. Let it all out. And this is why we’re in, again, so much discord and so much uck right now – it’s because it’s purging. It’s like everybody’s vomiting an it’s like clearing up the closets, letting everything come to the forefront now - so that we can finally heal and deal with it. Because all those other lives have been running form it. Like, you know, in the Bugs Bunny cartoons: when he tries to escape the hunter, sometimes he puts on a fake moustache, you know, and a hat and a western outfit, and points to the side and says, ‘He went that way.’ That’s what we’ve been doing to our darkness, to that part of ourselves that we’ve been hiding from. The misunderstood. Because it’s all arbitrary costumes…all the different forms we take on in past lives. You can run but you can’t hide.” – Jessica Mystic (‘A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic,' 14 March 2009, and 

Excerpt from SynchroDestiny. Harnessing the infinite power of coincidence to create miracles

By Deepak Chopra

(Rider, London, 2003). p.188-192.

I am that involves looking at everything in the world, everyone else in the world, and realising that you are looking at another of yourself. You and I are the same. Everything is the same. I am that, you are that, all that is that. We are all mirrors for others, and we need to learn to see ourselves in the reflection of other people. This is called the mirror of relationship. Through the mirror of relationship I discover my nonlocal self. For this reason, nurturing relationship is the most important activity in my life. When I look around me, everything I see is an expression of myself.
            Relationship, then, is a tool for spiritual evolution, with the ultimate goal of reaching unity consciousness. We are all inevitably part of the same universal consciousness, but the real breakthroughs happen when we start to recognise that connection in our daily lives.
            Relationship is one of the most effective ways to access unity consciousness because we’re always in relationships. Think of the web of relationships you have at any time - parents, children, friends, co-workers, romantic relationships. All are, at their heart, spiritual experiences. When you’re in love, for example, romantically and deeply in love, you have a sense of timelessness. You are, at that moment, at peace with uncertainty. You feel wonderful but vulnerable, you feel intimate but exposed. You’re transforming, changing, but without trepidation; you feel a sense of wonder. This is a spiritual experience.
            Through the mirror of relationship - all relationships - we discover extended states of awareness. Those whom we love and those whom we are repelled by are both mirrors of ourselves. Whom are we attracted to? People who have the same traits as we have, but more so. We want to be in their company because subconsciously we feel that by doing so we, too, might manifest more of those traits as well. By the same token we are repelled by people who reflect back to us traits that we deny in our own selves. So if you are having a strong negative reaction to someone, you can be sure that they possess some traits in common with you, traits that you are not willing to embrace. If you were willing to accept those qualities, then they wouldn’t upset you...
            The next time you’re attracted to someone, ask yourself what attracted you. Is it beauty, or grace, or elegance, or influence, or power, or intelligence? Whatever it is, know that quality is also blossoming in you. Pay attention to these feelings, and you can begin the process of becoming more fully yourself.
            Of course, the same is true of people who repel you. In becoming more fully your true self, you have to understand and embrace the less attractive qualities in yourself. The essential nature of the universe is the coexistence of opposite values. You cannot be brave if you do not have a coward inside you. You cannot be generous if you do not have a tight-fisted person inside you. You cannot be virtuous unless you also contain the capacity for evil.
            We spend much of our lives denying that we have this dark side to ourselves, and then end up projecting those dark qualities onto other people in our lives. Have you ever known people who naturally attract the ‘wrong’ people into their lives? Usually they don’t understand why this happens time after time, year after year. The truth is not that they attract that darkness, but that they are not willing to acknowledge it in their own lives. Finding a person you dislike is an opportunity to embrace, and to discover a new facet of yourself. It is another step toward developing your spiritual self. The most enlightened people in the world embrace their full potential of light and dark. When you’re with people who recognise and own their negative qualities, you never feel judged by them. It’s only when people see good and bad, right and wrong, as qualities outside themselves that judgements occur.
            When we are willing to embrace both the light and the dark sides of ourselves, we can begin to heal both our selves and our relationships. Start very simply, with the most distasteful person you can think of. For example, think of Adolf Hitler and say, ‘How could I possibly be like Hitler?’ Most people refuse to accept that they contain even the smallest shred of an Adolf Hitler. But think more deeply. Have you ever expressed prejudice toward any group of people just because they had a certain name, or a certain skin colour, or a certain accent, or a certain disability? If you can think of any example of that in your life, then you must embrace the similarity between yourself and Adolf Hitler. We are all multidimensional, omnidimensional. Everything that exists somewhere in the world also exists in us. When we embrace these different aspects of ourselves, we acknowledge our connection to the universal consciousness and expand our personal awareness.
            There’s a wonderful Sufi story that illustrates how this mirror affects our lives. A man entered a village and went to see the Sufi master, the wise old man of the village. The visitor said, ‘I’m deciding whether I should move here or not. I’m wondering what kind of a neighbourhood this is. Can you tell me about the people here?’ The Sufi master said, ‘Tell me what kind of people lives where you came from.’ The visitor said, ‘Oh, they were highway robbers, cheats, and liars.’ The old Sufi master said, ‘You know, those are exactly the same kinds of people who live here.’ The visitor left the village and never came back. Half an hour later, another man entered the village. He sought out the Sufi master and said, ‘I’m thinking of moving here. Can you tell me what kind of people live here? Again the Sufi master said, ‘Tell me what kind of people lived where you came from.’ The visitor said, ‘Oh, they were the kindest, gentlest, most compassionate, loving people. I shall miss them terribly.’ The Sufi master said, ‘Those are exactly the kinds of people who live here, too.’
            This story reminds us that the traits we see most clearly in others exist most strongly in ourselves. When we can see into the mirror of relationship, then we can begin to see all of our selves. To do this, we need to be comfortable with our ambiguity, to embrace all aspects of our selves. At a deep level we need to recognise that we are not flawed simply because we have negative traits. No one has only positive traits. Recognising that we have negative traits simply means that we are complete. And in that completeness we gain greater access to our universal, nonlocal selves.

A Wise Heart

“You can be foolish and react with negativity, have an emotional outburst, or vent your uncontrolled indignation, but this won’t change the other person and only makes you look ridiculous and feel enraged. Not only does being foolish not give you what you want, a foolish heart makes things worse. It causes you to act before you think, lash out before considering the effects, and become so invested in being right that you sacrifice all hope for peace and tranquillity for a temporary moment of control.” - Sonia Choquette (The Answer Is Simple…love yourself, live your spirit, Hay House, London, 2008, p.96-97).

Excerpt from The Answer Is Simple…love yourself, live your spirit

By Sonia Choquette

(Hay House, London, 2008, p.92-94).

“I learned (accidentally) to engage the wise heart when I was about ten years old. Walking home alone from school one day, I encountered a group of public-school kids who taunted and teased me for being the ‘Catholic girl in the stupid uniform.’
            Embarrassed, afraid and outnumbered, I didn’t know quite what to do. My fearful self wanted to cry. My instinctive self wanted to run. My courageous self wanted to fight back. Yet my higher self even then knew than none of these options would serve to protect me or get me out of the predicament I had fallen into. The only option left was to be quiet and do nothing - in other words, not to react.
            I looked my tormentors right in the eye as they heckled me, but held a neutral expression. I revealed neither fear nor anger, much the way my older brother often looked at me when I taunted him. To my surprise, it worked: My neutrality and absence of reaction disarmed them. In a matter of less than five minutes, they became bored with their game and moved on. I stood immobile for a few more moments as the pack began to drift away, then I continued slowly on my route -or at least until I turned the corner and was out of their sight. Then I ran the rest of the way home as fast as I could.
            The first person I encountered when I arrived home was the very same brother I often attempted to torment. He listened dispassionately as I spilled the details of my frightening story, telling him how I refused to react or show any fear and how, to my surprise, the other kids eventually moved on.
            His only response was: ‘That was wise,’ and he, too, sauntered away. Thinking it over, he was right. It was wise to hold my tongue, to look them in the eye and to wait it out rather than react. And it wasn’t something I normally did. In the midst of the threat, I accessed a wisdom that I didn’t know I had. And that wisdom spared me from a number of possible unpleasant outcomes - it saved me from harm.
            Since then, I’ve often thought about wisdom and how it protects and serves us in all situations. One thing I’ve learned is that in order to access it, we need to forfeit the need to be ‘right.’ The minute we believe we’re ‘right,’ someone else must inevitably be ‘wrong.’ And as long as there’s ‘right’ versus ‘wrong,’ there will be conflict.
            This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t have morals, values and convictions and stick to them. It just means that what you feel is right isn’t necessarily what feels right to someone else. Respect these differences in opinion and perspective. While it’s important to live with your inner morals and guidance, it’s not loving to impose them on others - especially by the use of force -and doing so will bring only harm.
            Having wisdom means developing a respectful sensitivity and clear understanding of other people’s rights, too. Simply put, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ That’s it.
            To be wise means to bite your tongue, bide your time, forgive the moment and respond to a difficult or infuriating situation with love rather than fear or anger. Having a wise heart entails being in control of your passion, instead of allowing it to control you. It means channelling your aggression or passive aggression into thoughtful actions rather than being enslaved by your reactions. Engaging the wise heart asks you to embrace the old adage ‘This, too, shall pass’ and choose to live in the peace and calm that comes from using your higher reason, as opposed to constantly facing the damage control that hotheaded emotional reaction necessitates.”

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Basics of Nonviolent Communication

(A workshop in San Francisco)

With Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD

Part 3: Empathically Hearing Others

“There’s only two things that human beings are ever saying: please and thank you. That’s all human beings ever say. The only thing is jackal-speaking people have learned to say please in a suicidal way. Think about that for a moment. What are human beings ever saying except,’ Please – you’re behaving in a way that isn’t meeting my needs’ or ‘my needs are not getting met by something else, will you please do this to meet my needs?’ We need to know how to say that well to survive in the world. When our needs are not getting met we need to know how to say ‘please’ in a way that makes it enjoyable for people to give it to us.”

“With giraffe ears all you can hear are feelings and needs. You can hear no criticism.”

“Do not hear thoughts. Only use the thoughts as a window. Look through the thoughts to the needs that are behind. Hear the needs behind. It’ll be a whole different world. Don’t hear thoughts.”

[i.e. you hear the positive message: ‘please, please, please’]

“It demonstrates that you value what’s alive in that person, that you’re taking th time to try to connect with what’s alive in that person. When people trust that that’s what has interested you already we can solve anything. What makes it hard to resolve things is when people feel the other person is only interested in winning. They don’t care about me. They’re just out to show me I shouldn’t do this.”

“Never hear what a jackal-speaking person thinks. You’ll live longer…Do not hear what the person thought. Whatever thoughts they express, never hear what a jackal-speaking person thinks, especially what they think about you. So we’ll show you other options than that. We’ll show you never to hear a criticism…”

“That’s how I would say ‘bullshit’ in giraffe. Giraffes are not nice. See, much of, I think, the violence in the world is created by nice people. So, don’t mistake the word ‘non-violence’ as being nice.”

[You can only hear the person’s heart with giraffe ears, he says. “And you don’t need to say it out loud. You can do it silently.”]

“You’ll show that your attention is here [in the other person’s heart] by your eyes because when we’re hearing what is in a person’s heart, our eyes are different than when we’re hearing their criticism. Or when were making the criticism. Our eyes – it’s not subtle.”

The jackal: “I need reassurance that if you’re there you’re doing it for you and not for me. You see. They want to be sure that if you’re giving you’re giving out of self-fullness, not selflessness.”

[Don’t do it if you’re not 100%].

“I would suggest you heed Joseph Campbell’s advice when he, having studied all the basic myths of the world and the basic religions concludes that if there’s one wise thing that seems present in all the basic religions it’s this: Don’t do anything that isn’t play. Yes, don’t do anything that isn’t play. And it’ll be play if you’re meeting your own needs. So don’t do things for other people.”

[The issue/general fear for a jackal is really feeling that their needs matter to others. “Just takes empathy. But there’s a lot of pain in there to get through before she can hear your sadness that their needs aren’t being met.” “Empathic connection before education.”]

“And the solution will find us when the connection is made: when the connection is there the conflicts usually resolve themselves.”

“There’s plenty of resources for getting everybody’s needs met. But we lose that when we get up into our head and start to analyse wrongness…It’s not necessary to compromise. Everybody’s needs can get met. Nobody has to give in. nobody has to give anything up.”

“Don’t hear it. Don’t even hear expectations. Hear what the need is.”

[You don’t have to meet their need – there are 7 billion other people out there who can do that].

“The other person can hear a ‘no’ if they first hear empathy for their feelings and needs. That will leave them feeling at least that their feelings and needs matter. But, then again, you’d have to learn how to say ‘no’ in giraffe…Never use the following words when you’re saying ‘no’ in giraffe: no, I can’t, I don’t want to, I don’t have time, it’s not possible.’”

“Hear the need behind the ‘no’ – find out what the need is that prevents them from saying ‘yes.’”

“All no’s are tragic expressions of a need. So say the need that keeps you from saying ‘yes.’ Don’t say no.”

[We never tell them what they’re feeling but:]

“See we never say ‘you’re feeling.’ We always say, ‘Are you feeling?’ We may be wrong but we’re trying to get clear what’s going on in this person. Are you feeling afraid and need to protect yourself?”

“Try to hear the feelings and needs without you.” [Take/leave yourself out of it].

“I’m saying that the purpose of this process is to get everybody’s needs met, and that the needs are met by people giving willingly, not out of any coercive motivation. And I’m saying that, when you say ‘no,’ it gets in the way f the likelihood that everyone’s needs are going to end up getting met.”

“It’s important that I not think that her reaction was because of what I said. If I expressed my feelings and needs it would be impossible for a person to react this way if they heard it. they would have gotten a gift. They would have the eyes of a little child getting a gift from Santa Claus.”

“If you want to have people understand you differently, never tell them, ‘You’re misunderstanding me.’ Never say, ‘That isn’t what I said.’ Say, ‘thank you for telling me that’s what you heard. I can see I didn’t make myself clear. I’d like to try again…”

[It’s easy to get empathy from a jackal – if they don’t hear what you are really saying, keep asking them what they heard you say, and say it again in a different way. ‘Three ear pulls and I got it.’ And there are some eight-pull jackals out there too though.]

[That precious connection does the healing, not your advice, etc.]

I interrupt when they talk about the past because we don’t heal by talking about the past. We heal by talking about what is alive in us right now. We’re stimulated by what’s in the past but it’s what’s here now. And when I connect at that level they won’t keep talking about it. They’ll heal.”

“Just be present, not trying to fix things and when that happens there’s a very precious connection. That’s what I mean by enjoying it.”

[Someone else can’t cause our emotional pain. Emotional reaction: that part is up to us. It’s not the stimulus because different people react in different ways to the same events. Creating pain on top of pain by how one looks at it.]

Giraffe Gratitude

1.      “So that’s the first thing we need to say in appreciation. We need to bring to the person’s attention concretely what they did that made life more wonderful for them.”
2.      “Second, at the moment we’re giving the gratitude, to say how we feel at that moment about the person having done that.”
3.      “What need of yours was fulfilled by my saying what I did that leaves you feeling hopeful and relieved? And that’s the third thing we need to see in a giraffe gratitude.”

[And it’s also important how we receive gratitude.]

“If you want to terrorise a jackal, express love or appreciation.” [Sincere gratitude or love makes them nervous and scared.]

“See, jackals have this dangerous concept in their heads: deserve. It’s a very violent concept. Se, it implies you have to deserve appreciation…See, the concept of deserve is a key ingredient in a violent way of life. If you believe in deserve, you think certain things are worth things, and you’ll set up a very destructive correctional system. A very dangerous concept.
            The main reason that I believe gratitude is so scary for many of us to receive is beautifully and poetically written in A Course of Miracles where they say it’s our light, not our darkness, that scares us the most. See, having been educated in this jackal way to hate ourselves, to think there’s something wrong with us, it’s a big jump to really see what I was saying, that we have enormous power to make life wonderful. And there’s nothing we enjoy doing more than exercising that power. That’s unfortunately a pretty big jump for us to come to but we can come to it. So that’s how we say gratitude: observation, feeling and need. Same literacy. Make sure it’s coming from the heart to celebrate and revel to praise, compliment, reward.”


The Basics of Non Violent Communication 3.1

Greg Hildebrandt, Jack the Giant killer

You are frequently feeling the disquiet of others

By Saul 

Channelled through John Smallman, 15 January 2012

Attitudes are changing – sometimes in what must seem to you to be the most unlikely of places, and this is not “chance” or “luck,” but is the result of your intent for this to happen…

Now, with ever-increasing numbers of you intending to release any unloving attitudes to which you are still attached, those choosing to continue clinging to them are feeling quite threatened.  This is because, without their having made a conscious choice, their issues are, nevertheless, coming up to be acknowledged, addressed, and released; and this is extremely uncomfortable for people who have for a long time relied for their self-esteem and self-confidence on inflexible ideas and beliefs which they have unquestioningly accepted as true. To have those beliefs shaken or stirred up is most unsettling, in fact quite frightening, and it is these people who are being so effectively helped by those of you who volunteered to help by working with and releasing more general issues.

When people’s ideas and beliefs are shaken up, their energy fields become disturbed and cause turbulence to flow out from them, affecting many others; and this turbulence is what many of you are picking up on and experiencing as personal doubts and skepticism about the awakening process.  Understand that you are in fact frequently feeling the disquiet of others who have very little idea of what is going on, and for whom the idea of awakening or ascending probably makes no sense at all.

Intensify your focus on the Light you are all bearing, and strengthen your intent for it to burn brightly in everyone as you also maintain your intent to release all unloving attitudes and behaviors in preparation for your awakening.  By doing this you help those along who are having difficulty seeing or following their path to awakening.  All the help and loving energy that you offer is exponentially expanded and strengthened by the divine energy field as they meld, integrate, and interact together.  Doing this is essential; you are here at this time to do it; you are greatly honored for doing it; and your success is divinely assured.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

You have undergone the very convincing but completely unreal experience of intense suffering

 'All shadows will have dissipated as the clarity of Reality surrounds you'

By Saul

Channelled through John Smallman, 26 February 2012

any of you are feeling down and depressed as it seems that your awakening is not getting any nearer.  You feel that you have been holding the Light, changing your attitudes, practicing loving behavior and yet nothing is happening that indicates your efforts are in any way effective.  Remember, the illusion is fighting for its existence, it is a collective egoic structure that is maintained by fear, suffering, and violence, and what you see happening, if you focus on the bad news around the planet, are its death throes.  It is making its last desperate efforts to renew itself, but its foundations are crumbling prior to its inevitable collapse.  Continue to have faith in God’s divine plan for you to awaken into the brilliant Light of eternal day where all that has caused you pain and suffering will be gone, leaving only Reality, Love, the absolute bliss of being one with your Father, complete, joyful,and forever at Peace in the enlightened Knowledge of His loving embrace.  Then all will be clear and all shadows will have dissipated as the clarity of Reality surrounds you.

You have been working your way homewards towards this glorious conclusion to the game of separation in which you have been engaged for many lifetimes, and that conclusion, that awakening into awareness of who you truly are is fast approaching.  Do not let the apparent reality of the illusion, with the chaos and confusion it is spreading in its final attempts to convince you that it is real, drag you down into a morass of self-doubt and self-recrimination about your worthiness to experience God’s Love for you, or, worse still, into doubting the existence of God.   You are, you always have been, and you always will be perfect creations of your divine Father, forever at one with Him in Heaven – Paradise, Reality – because there is nowhere else.  That is where you are, and the realization of that, the awareness of that, the truth of that will show you, once and for all, that you have been asleep and dreaming of a nowhere place that you had made up in your minds to amuse yourselves.  The amusement ended, and since then you have been endeavoring to awaken, and the moment for that to happen is at hand.

God in His ineffable Love and Wisdom could not and would not allow you to remain asleep and unaware of who you really are, which is why He provided you with all that you need to awaken, and why He has been actively encouraging you to do so since you first entered that unreal state.  He knows you want to wake up, He knows you have undergone the very convincing but completely unreal experience of intense suffering, and He wants only for you to release yourselves from that nightmare by embracing one another in the Love that is your true state of being.  Love is infinite, utterly complete in and of Itself, and within It nothing that is unloving can possibly be present.  Your awakening is a process of letting go of anything that is incompatible with that divine state, and you have been working towards it for what seems like an interminable length of time.

The point at which you started to realize the insanity of behaving unlovingly was the moment when it became possible for you to consider letting go of the illusion, because it became immediately apparent that what you were experiencing so vividly could only be unreal.  Nevertheless, you were reluctant to disengage from the behaviors that had become endemic as you sought safety, acceptance, and love in that strange illusory environment from which they had been excluded.

Those very behaviors that you thought would protect you were, and continue to be, the ties that bind you to the illusion, because, as you have often been reminded, anything unloving cannot be present in the state of Love.  You have been reluctant to release them because of the intense sense of insecurity with which the illusion presents you, and because as you look around you you see intense suffering from which you wish to be separated.  But separation is suffering, it is the delusion that separation from others provides you with safety and security from attack, and enables you to attack others to keep yourselves safe. As all are one to attack anyone is to attack yourselves.

Your awakening process continues to move rapidly forwards because your awareness of this truth is intensifying and spreading, and more and more of you are intending to cooperate in loving behaviors that will enable you to release that fearful need to be separate.  It seems to many of you that you have one foot in Reality and one in the illusion – you believe that there is only oneness, that separation is an illusion, and yet you are still experiencing separation.  However, this concept is in itself a great step forwards.  And with each step forwards you increase your acceleration towards your inevitable arrival at your heavenly destination.  Just continue holding your Light on high; doing so reminds you of your divine heritage and strengthens your intent to awaken, and this will assist and encourage others to do the same.  It is an acceptance of the reality of your oneness and it helps to further dissipate the sense of separation that binds you to the illusion.  The bindings that remain are far fewer then ever before, and are now close to breaking. You know this, so relax into the certainty of your impending awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.