“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” - Meister Eckhart.
Gratitude in the face of fear and adversity
"For it [is] within [the] gratitude of simply knowing that everything is perfect, every single moment in your life experience, whether it is pain or joy, laughter or sadness, grief or pain, or certitude and magnanimity, each one is perfect.
And each expression of the self, is a way to learn, if you go into the right vibration of gratitude. For it is within the vibration of gratitude that you then transform the adventure that you felt before into a sublimation of yourself, into a higher, ethereal form, that then takes three more steps up the rungs of the ladder of ascension towards the ephemerality of the 5th dimension.
For it is in the ephemerality of releasing the density of all there is that you begin to be admitted to the higher levels of light and love. For there is no room for density there. It cannot stick. It will be most uncomfortable. It will be cloying. It will be disastrous.
And so it is that we suggest to you that whenever you have been confronted with unexpected change, whenever it is that you been destroyed within, and you feel that there is an external Shiva out there that is destroying the innards of your certainty, of your roots, of your foundation, take a few minutes to acknowledge the fear. For you are human, and it is natural to be fearful.
But then, step out of the statis. Find a way to go into the adventure of it all. And from there find a way, eventually, to go into the vibration of gratitude. And, from there you will be led by your guides, as you go into the ephemerality of all there is, into a more direct communication with those beings of the light, from the many planets and stars, that are gathered here to assist."
- Nikita from the Bootes Constellation (channelled through Shariq, 18 October 2009, 'Vibrational Choices,'
www.lightworkers.org/node/90576 and
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character…
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfilment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.
- Excerpts from the poem ‘Be Thankful’ – Unknown Author.
Message From The Goddess Isis
Channelled through Elisabeth Jensen, 30 January 2006
"Blessed Be Dear Ones for I see a world where Peace prevails coming to you all, if you wish to follow my lessons and advice.
I will be teaching to many soon as along with my dear brother Archangel Hamied, who makes many miracles to occur for you all, as I wish to speak more through Elisabeth.
Dear Elisabeth wishes to be a healer quietly in her room in Adelaide, but we wish her to spread our healing energy and messages to many and so it will be!
We are asking that the focus of your intention this year be upon GRATITUDE B feeling it, living it, being it and offering it freely to others. Be it easy or a challenge, this is where your safety and security in the coming years will come from. You need only then ask for my presence B or the presence of the Angel & Divinities you are aligned with ‑ and then after listening for guidance from your heart and us always you will be totally safe at all times in the futureY
Have no fear dear ones about the world, terrorism and so called natural disasters. We promise you a life of some joy, some sadness, but at no time will you or those who follow this advice be left alone in great pain or suffering or spiritual or emotional distress.
Many seek Enlightenment or Ascension but in reality this is but GRATITUDE at its highest level. If you can give gratitude when difficult events occur for you and others, give gratitude for the lessons learnt or gratitude for chaos around you knowing Human Chaos is usually Divine Order B is not this Enlightenment? The state of knowing that we will not always have answers, but trusting if you have sought Divine Assistance constantly in your life then your life is guided at all times, and all is in Divine Order, brings great peace.
The energy of living a life of constant gratitude opens your heart and crown chakras B indeed all your chakras and allows for the free flow of energy through and around you. You open yourself to health on all levels and great abundance and wisdom.
Fear and anger close down your heart chakra and energy system so you attract more fearful situations into your life.
Now I, ISIS, Queen of Egyptian Magic and Healing offer you the chance to change this with my White Light from Sirius.
Sit in a chair or is best if done outside
Visualise me in front of you as a White Energy Form B like a big cloud.
Then see me envelop you in this White Light. I surround you as you draw out all pain and anger from your heart and body and return it to the Earth God Geb and Earth Mother Gaia. Then I will put waves of bright white and violet light through and around you. Simply see me surround you with the Energy Form of GRATITUDE. Feel gratitude to me and for this energy dear Elisabeth and I send to you.
Then for 24 hours try to give gratitude for every event in your life B the fact you have a home to live, even a toothbrush for your teeth, a safe place to sleep B the list goes on. Continue the next day but make your acknowledgements of gratitude brief, but longer at bedtime. We ask you to continue to visualise all persons on the earth living in peace and harmony surrounded by my White Light and that of Hamied, Angel of Miracles. Continue this practice for a year and we promise you enlightenment Dear Ones!
Finally I do tell you that there will be many sad and difficult events for the next two years on a world level. But we wish not to focus on them, but give gratitude that you are safe, that Mother Earth is responding and releasing her pain and healing. When this time passes it will be a time of Joy upon Earth.
Blessed Be to all who follow my simple, inexpensive path to Healing, Enlightenment and Joy."
Excerpt from ‘5:5 Accepting the Beauty of Life’
By Mary Magdalene
Channelled through Michelle Eloff, 5 May 2010
“Because you face tremendous intensities in the form of challenges within your life, and you are bearing witness to the Earth changes around you, it is necessary to find and accept the beautiful aspects of life, the aspects which make your life worth living.
Because the world you live in currently faces the intense challenges of change, you are called upon in your personal capacity to serve the greater whole by accepting the beauty of life, by choosing to adopt the attitude of gratitude, by being grateful for the good things in your life. So many times you have been asked to do this, it has been suggested to you, however, when you are in the throes of dark challenges it becomes difficult to focus on the positive aspects of your life, and it is even more difficult to accept the beauty which lies within life.
The very first and most important step in being able to successfully accept the beauty of life is to accept the beauty of yourself. You are being urged to accept the beauty of life, therefore, that of yourself too. Too often you are swayed by the negative projections of others, which undermine your true strength and beauty and keeps you separate from your authentic self, therefore, in order to better manage the current dilemma of most being unable to accept beauty, you need to understand what beauty is, and how to embrace it in every area of life.
Beauty is not limited to visual aesthetics. Beauty is the inner quality of accepting love, surrendering to it and allowing it to radiate out through you. That acceptance and surrender to love creates the beautiful rays extending from the inner core of Source inherent within you, and touches everything within its reach.”
Live your life
so that the fear of death
can never enter your heart.
When you arise in the morning,
give thanks for the morning light.
Give thanks for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.
And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks,
rest assured the fault is in yourself.
- Chief Tecumseh,
Shawnee Indian Chief
“A loving and
grateful heart purifies the consciousness and creates tranquillity and peace of
mind. It develops into a constant State of Being and not just an occasional
practice.” - Archangel Michael (channelled through Ronna Herman, ‘It's Time To
Share Your Radiance,’
“Remember God and
remember Mother Gaia as both are like your parents, they have always been
watching you and providing you with help. It has been given even if you have
not known the source of it, and now it would be nice for you to acknowledge it
and show your gratitude. A loving thought or prayer would bring even more Love
and Light back to you, and that is the Law of Attraction working at its highest
level.” - SaLuSa (channelled through Mike Quinsey, 29 June 2012,

P'taah's Morning Song
From the God/Goddess of my being
I give forth thanks.
For the love that I am,
for the love in my life and the love that surrounds me,
thank you.
Thank you for the miracle of life that I am and
thank you for the miracle of life I see reflected all about me.
Thank you for the gift of life that I am.
Thank you for this perfect body, my health and well-being,
thank you.
Thank you for the abundance that I am and
thank you for the abundance I see reflected all about me.
Thank you for the riches and the richness of my life and
thank you for the river of money which flows to me and through me,
thank you.
Thank you for the excitement and adventure of the millions of wondrous possibilities and wondrous probabilities,
thank you.
Thank you for the wonderment and thank you for the joy.
Thank you for the beauty and harmony.
Thank you for the peace and tranquillity.
Thank you for the laughter and thank you for the play.
And thank you for the privilege of serving and sharing the gift that I am.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
(channelled through Jani King, www.ptaah.com).
"Be good to yourself. Cultivate a genuine Love for Life, and for Being. Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day, for bringing you into Being, and for his bountiful provision. You have ‘survived’ this far, have you not? You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need, in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do. Give thanks for that. Show acknowledgment and gratitude to the Infinite Creator, for all that It has done, and is doing for you. It has given you the gift of Life Experience, and offered you the Free Will to decide what you will Create with it. Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. When you are coming from a place of Love for, and Service to your Creator, a life of Service to others will become a natural outflowing from that. Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow Beings. Be of encouragement to others. Build people up, and do not put people down. Be a beacon of light, in a dark world.
Does that old lady need a hand with her shopping bags? How do you treat the homeless man who asks you for some spare change for the shelter? Ever heard about ‘Angels in disguise’? Look and see the Divine Spark in the Heart of all Beings. Treat them as you would like to be treated yourself, and as you would your Creator if he was speaking directly with you. ‘For even as you are doing it to the least of these, you are doing it unto me.’ The Law of Radiation and Attraction. Your thoughts, words, and actions return to you. Ultimately, cultivate a spirit of humble Gratitude. You won't go far wrong with that. Desire to Serve flows naturally from a grateful heart."
- ‘Hidden Hand’ (Illuminati Insider who responded to questions on the ‘Above Top Secret’ forum for a few days in October 2008).
“Where you are trying the hardest to control your life is where you are most stuck. The very fact that you are attempting control indicates not only that you are stuck in that particular area, but also a lack of gratitude for that one area as well. Want to get things moving again? Surrender the situation and find the blessings that always exist if you have the eyes to see them. That is the way to shift back into the flow and align with the movement and magic the universe is sure to bring.” - Archangel Gabriel (channelled through Shelley Young, 2 July 2012,
“I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.” - e. e. cummings.

Ghosts by Stefanie Klück
Heavenletter #4271
Rejoice and Be Glad
By Gloria Wendroff, 4 August 2012
God said:
The way to get what you want is by appreciating what you
have. If you want greater financial independence, then be grateful for the
means at your disposal now. If you want greater love in your life, value the
love that is in your life now. If you want greater health, support the health
you have now. The way to plenty is to endorse the plenty you have now. Be grateful
now. It’s obvious, isn’t it? If you want greater miracles, be grateful for the
smaller miracles you have now.
When you think of what you don’t have, you support lack.
Why, you may have kept thinking about what you want with an emphasis on your
despair about what you don’t yet have.
Your wishes may be crying out about how much you are
missing. It is good to desire. Desire all you like. Picture all that you
desire, and start from where you are. You are not at the bottom of the heap. If
you feel you are at the bottom of the heap, how are such feelings going to help
you rise?
If you have a beat-up old car, be glad that it takes you
where you want to go. You have wheels. You have tires to kick. Be glad for what
you have. No more emphasizing what you don’t have.
If you have no car, be grateful for the buses you catch, the
legs you walk on and places to go to. If you have to stay home, be glad to stay
If you look in a candy store window and see the beautiful
sweet confections and want them, you don’t think: “Uh, the awful candy I’ve had
in my life. Not good at all. I have been denied the sweetness of really
delicious candy. I am only allowed to look at it through the window but not
taste it. Always the bridesmaid, but never the bride.” No, you desire what you
desire and are happy to desire it.
Well, Beloveds, if you keep affirming what you don’t have,
what are you going to have but more of not having what you don’t have. You are
saying: “Alas, I don’t have. I can’t have. I won’t have.’ That is what you may
be broadcasting to the Universe. Think.
Begin by giving thanks for what you do have right now. This
works. This works to your benefit. This works better than a listing of a
hundred thousand unfulfilled wishes. You are worth all you desire. I am telling
you how to bring your desires to you.
Watch your thoughts and how you say them. The way you are
thinking points to what you will bring to you. You may have been creating more
of what you don’t have. Turn something around. No more plaints.
When you want more flowers in your garden, appreciate the
ones you have, and they will blossom.
You are not a helpless waif who must wait for goodness to
come to you. Goodness has already come to you. Why would more goodness go out
of its way to come to you when you may kick aside what you already have? Value
what you have, and more value will be added unto you. Happily, more of what you
desire will rush to your side. More of what you desire will be clamoring to
stake itself with you, for it is clear that you are already a good investment.
When you smile first, more and more smiles will come to you.
When you frown, more and more frowns will come to you. When you love first,
more and more love will come to you. When you appreciate, more cause for
appreciation will come to you.
This is simple. You catch more bees with honey.
Permanent Link: www.heavenletters.org/rejoice-and-be-glad.html
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
“The attitude of gratitude opens the doors to miracles, and the multiplication of your blessings! If you feel a lack of blessings in your life or desire to expand your blessings to a greater level, practice this ancient art, to improve all areas of your life, including your abundance.” – Joe Eigo.
“Through the experience of having nothing and being nobody,
my soul taught me that
gratitude is our default state. It's not so much
that we should count our blessings and be grateful for what we have that others
don't (although those are good practices to do in and of themselves) but that
it's infinitely more powerful and magical to simply realise that
is the natural response to experiencing existence as it actually is - One Big
Phat WOW! This is because Life, the Universe and Everything is a
Miraculous Magical Mystery. Fact!As I said in a previous post, this is how
we all naturally experienced existence as babies (when not in pain or hungry).
realisation of the nature of existence and our true default state, made me
probably the richest Big Issue seller in the world...and definitely the richest
living under a tree!” – Chris Paradox
(‘How I Used Soul Magic To Make
Much More Money,’ 24 February 2013, www.your-legend.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/how-i-used-soul-magic-to-make-much-more.html).