Thursday 27 June 2013

How to Get Rid of Your Fears

By Lazaris

Channelled through Jach Pursel

Fear is the base emotion absolutely. The base fear is fear of loss. From the very moment that you separated from your beingness, from God/Goddess/All That Is, there was that fear: What if I can’t get back? The very core fear, expressed biblically and mythologically in other forms, is the fear Can I return to paradise? That basic fear then produced all kinds of fears, which produce all kinds of emotions. A lot of your anger, hurt and self-pity comes out of fear. But it is its own emotion as well, and there are ways to handle it. It is, perhaps, the blockbuster of blockbusters. And one of the most powerful ways to handle your fear is to face it.
Now indeed, you can back up from a fear to get perspective on it. We’re not saying you have to jump right in to every one of them. But if you’ve identified and have a fear of something, move toward it, metaphysically, meditatively. You don’t have to literally go fly in a plane and see if you crash. You can play it through in your mind, and it’s just as real to your nervous system and to your body.

There are two approaches:

1. If there’s something you’re afraid of, play it through meditatively. That can release those kinds of phobic fears.
2. More of the fears are emotional fears, however, and those you work with by facing them. Go into a meditation and face it. Experience the worst thing that can possibly happen. I’m afraid I’ll lose my job. Fine. Go into a meditation and lose your job. Get fired in the worst possibly way. Play it through and then make an alternative plan. What will I do? I’ll sell the house, the RV, go on vacation, and figure it out when I get back. Plan out your approach. Then play it through the way you want it to be. It sounds so simple, and it works.

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