Saturday, 31 August 2013

Separation of Worlds

“During the 2012‑2017 transition, the particles of Earth that are unable to fully shift into the faster pulsation rate, those that cannot reach an accretion level of 3.5, will create a Phantom Earth that will return to the D‑3 time cycle (2.5 accretion level). The Phantom Earth will no longer remain attached to the morphogenetic field (MF) of Earth. This condition is referred as a planet being ‘cut out of the grid.’ A Phantom Planet is no longer capable of evolving out of the Harmonic Time Cycle in which it is placed, it is no longer considered an Ascension Planet, it is called a Descending Planet.”
– From the Voyagers books (2001) by Ashayana Deane which are “translations of the Pre-Atlantian Cloister-Dora-Teura Record Plates of 246,000BC, the original teachings of the Law of One, together with those of the Eieyani Priests of Ur and the Freedom Teachings inherent to the Emerald Covenant.” (published by Azurite Press of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order).
Please note: I do not recommend these channelled teachings as I believe they are from a corrupt extraterretrial source and, as such, an elaborate disinformation exercise hooking the intellect and ego young Indigos with 90% truth, whilst also engaging them with endless padding, in order to gain credibility and to distract to the point of fantaticism and blind faith, like a religion, and make the colossal lies and deceitful accusations they want people to swallow more digestible).

The following article was included as an appendix in the original Monstaville Memoirs but I appears to have removed from the appendices collection altogether. No idea why but I just found it as it was referenced in my article on DNA (which began life as a smal section in said book).

Separation of Worlds, Between 12/12–12/21/09

 By Metatron

Channelled through Beth Trutwin, 12 December 2009

You and Mark have seen enough today to understand the Worlds are dividing.

This Earth is creating a parallel Earth and this is done as part of the ascension process of Earth.

This parallel Earth already exists. The things and people which are moving to that parallel Earth will simply project their physicality in another place in time, which is better known as a dimension.

How does that happen? By focussing thoughts into a certain place, for example, worrying about bills, putting down other people, being angry at a stranger who just cut you off, jumping to conclusions about the neighbours, feeling you must gratify with possessions, stepping on other’s feelings.

These examples of petty thoughts are what hold a person to a certain vibration. For the past three decades those in the Angelic realms have been sending messages to all who will listen to focus your thoughts on love, forgiveness, peace, right action, to name a few. We have warned again and again the importance of forgetting about petty things and raise your vibration to higher thoughts. Thoughts are Things. You are Creator Gods. Some of you have Created an Ascended Earth of Peace. Those desiring to live on the Ascended Earth have done so by projecting their energy to the Highest Good of all involved.

Those desiring more duality have consistently and persistently focused their thoughts on duality. And so it is. This Co-Creation of duality consciousness has made way for a massive shift of Souls to the parallel Earth and to Other Planets. This transition will be as seamless as going out of body, as in your dreams. These people will begin to project their physicality onto another dimension and they will be as unaware of it as when you are in a dream state. This new place is in every way identical to Earth and they will not know they are projecting somewhere else.

The other thing that will take place is there will be Decloakings and THOSE WHO STAY HERE HAVE CREATED IT SO.

The Ones in your group ‘worried’ they will be missing a family member who is not, as you say, awake and aware, WILL SURPRISE you after their half step increase and will suddenly grasp everything. This is what we mean when we say: No One Will Be Left Behind.

2.9 Billion people is a lot. What we would like you to have compassion for are the starving ones, the ones who suffer systematic rape, the homeless refugees, the orphans, the ones who are extremely ill and living in the desert, the children living on the streets in cardboard boxes. These are the ones who will be projecting their physicality in another place. They will be put on to another Planet to continue their duality lifestyle as long as they feel necessary for their own Soul growth. There are others in this group, but we do not want to limit with generalities.


For the hours between now and the end of 12/12/09 be mindful of your thoughts and actions and Be Love. Soak in all the love this open portal allows. Send love and light to the ones needing compassion who are leaving. This is helping raise the vibration of Earth in ways that will bring about the changes you seek.

We have asked you to meditate again and again because it focuses your thoughts on leaving duality behind, embracing love and all that goes with it. It increases the healings needed to move to the next step. We want as many prepared as possible for the Love Portal of 12/21/09. 

A Sinister Day. Scene 2 by sinistr

  The StarGate Love Portal of Winter Solstice 12/21/09

We are moving through the Triad of Portals 11/11/09, 12/12/09, and 12/21/09. The 11/11/09 StarGate portal was about individual change. The 12/12/09 StarGate portal involves changes within Groups. We have seen on 12/9/09 a vortex open in the sky over Norway which is a Celestial Sign and also a StarGate portal allowing in vast StarShips from another Galaxy. These Ones are here on Earth from the Cosmic Forces of Light to assist the Galactics already here in massive joint operations for completion. This Operation will last 72 hours and then this portal will close.

Simultaneously and Synchronistically there is a burst of love energy pouring onto Earth and everything on her which will effect a shift in change point. It is wise to embrace this high energy time and allow as much love as possible into your system to raise your frequency as high as possible. Also, turn away from troubled thoughts, even if just for a day or two. Take a Holiday from worry. Meditate more, go inside and be in touch with your true identity. As you raise your thoughts you release old programs and become prepared to meet your Twin Flame in the physical.

The 12/21/09 StarGate portal is about Completion.

This is a time when we will be living on an Ascended Earth. This takes place 9 days after 12/12/09 when all who cannot sustain their vibration here will project their physicality somewhere else.

12/21/09 is when the Earth will be fully prepared to coexist with the Galactics. This portal opening will happen to allow in more Ships from other Dimensions who will come here to live on Earth side by side with all who are here. They will be carrying the massive equipment and technology needed to change Earth, to free her of pollution, bring water supplies to dessert areas, medical technology for healing, and training facilities where Mentors and Advisors will work with those living here. These Ships may come in cloaked or decloaked.

That depends on when disclosure takes place.

We say no dates, no nukes, no flukes. That signal will come from Admiral Sananda and Captain Ashtar. This portal opening will be close to the time of decloakings and decloakings could happen before or after this.

A week after decloakings there will be landings.

These Ships will enter through this portal and be in place for landings and the very quick conversion to Terra Nova. There are already millions of Ships surrounding Earth and in place for decloakings.

The 12/21/09 portal opening marks the time when the vast MotherShips from our Universe and beyond will be ready to lend support and be here physically for landings, when the time is right. The 12/21/09 StarGate Love Portal is about completion of the old and new beginnings.

That is the separation: the apparent aloneness of a small and insignificant individual

By Saul

Channelled through John Smallman, 25 August 2013

The oneness of all of creation, its interrelatedness can no longer be ignored or denied, and from that follows inevitably the recognition that anything that occurs affects all of creation.  But this recognition is a new concept for those immersed within the illusion and it has only very recently become accepted and acknowledged by your mainstream science, although many would still like to deny it.  It is an inconvenient truth, recognition and acceptance of which demands changes in humanity – changes in beliefs, in perceptions, in opinions, in behaviors, and in human activities, all of which require a large reduction in self-serving personal agendas that are endemic and which are a major indication of the sense of separation and the concomitant need for self-reliance that is, and has been for eons, the general human life experience.

Self-reliance as a human is a sensed need – a means to escape from enslavement by a merciless system of rules, regulations, and harsh judgments into apparent freedom, but only a very few humans can rely on themselves alone for any measure of success.  You are interdependent, however much you may seek to prove to yourselves that you do not need anyone in order to thrive and prosper, as your various cultures and societies demonstrate quite clearly.  Some do believe themselves to be fully independent, in so far as they are sufficiently wealthy to buy whatever they need in the way of goods and services, but beneath the surface of that self-assurance lie intense fear and anxiety. And that is the separation: the apparent aloneness of a small and insignificant individual in a seemingly indifferent and limitless universe.  It is utterly unnatural because you were created as one with God – and that can never be changed – and yet it does seem that you are alone, and that is purely because you chose to deny your true identity as a whole that is part of that infinitely greater whole: the One that is God.

That state of denial has been maintained since the moment you chose to experience separation eons ago and now seems absolutely real . . . except that humanity is at last beginning to recognize that separation, individuality, independence one from another is illusory.  Over many eons and many lifetimes you have associated with teachers, wise ones, who have attempted to show you Reality, and although your eyes remained closed, seeds were planted which slowly germinated in your collective mind.  Those seeds grew strongly and determinedly and are now blossoming into awareness of the impossibility of separation from your Source, although for many what that Source might be still remains a mystery.

The sense or knowing of your oneness with your Source is eternally implanted within each one of you at the moment of your creation, and is ineradicable because it is part of the divine creative intent.  But, by conceiving of and building the illusion into which it seems you have entered, closing and locking the door behind you, you made the conscious free-will choice to forget that divine truth and remain unaware of it so long as you believed in and supported the illusion.  That belief is failing; it is dissolving, and you are becoming aware of the senselessness of denying the existence of the Source of all that exists.  Many who strive and struggle in the fields of science, medicine, and psychology are still desperately trying to maintain that human beings are just a series of connected but basically meaningless chemical reactions in a completely randomly formed physical environment, but their inflexible attitudes cannot withstand the vast and rapidly growing amount of contrary evidence.

You are spiritual beings having a very limited physical experience in human bodies – an experience that once almost satisfied you momentarily, and that now most certainly does not.  How could it possibly satisfy the infinitely powerful children of God who do know, deep within themselves, that there is something very seriously amiss with their human life experiences?  You were made for Love from Love, and to live feeling unloved, as is the general human experience, is at least unsettling and more realistically extremely painful.  Consequently, you spend your lives seeking that missing and most important aspect of yourselves.  You mostly do not admit to it, but instead seek approval from others by developing and demonstrating numerous skills and abilities in desperate attempts to endear yourselves to them.  No matter how successful you are in these endeavors they cannot satisfy you, and your achievements eventually turn to ash, because your true and eternal nature is Love, which nothing can possibly replace, and to be without It because you have denied It or hidden from It causes you enormous pain and anguish.

The good news is that you are never without It, for to be without your divine essence is impossible, and the human paths that each one of you is following were carefully prepared to lead you out of your denial, your sense of utter desolation (denied and deeply buried in the majority of humans), and awaken you from the nightmare that you had entered with such high but ridiculous hopes of not needing a permanent connection to God.

Because you were created as such powerful, divine beings, free to use your powers just as you pleased, it was relatively easy for you to build the illusion.  The problem is that you did such a very good job that you now have great difficulty in perceiving that it is an illusion.  Even those of you who make the conscious choice to be aware that you are spiritual beings beloved of God still have to carry on a life in the illusion until the moment of your inevitable awakening.  And that life constantly seeks to distract you from any felt sense of your true, divine identity by drawing you down into the darkness of separation where it seems that to stay safely alive is an unending struggle in an inhospitable environment where you can trust almost no one. It is very uncomfortable for you, so forget about being self-reliant and ask us in the spiritual realms to help you in every moment to overcome your fears, doubts, and anxieties, and we will most gladly come instantly to your assistance.  We love you all dearly and want only to help you to awaken into the eternal joy of being fully awake and fully conscious in your divine Home, where in truth you always and already are.

With so very much love, Saul.

How many of you have daily “to do” lists?

By Saul

Channelled through John Smallman, 14 August 2013

We are all enlightened beings; some of you have just forgotten that.  Never mind . . . you will awaken and a most wonderful realization will dawn on you as Reality fills your awareness and your natural state of being fully conscious blossoms.  It is as though your natural state of existence had been resting, asleep, and a reduced state had been on standby during that moment.  Its abilities were severely limited because it was only there to keep things ticking over; it did not have to do anything.  And you, in order to awaken, do not have to do anything.

You have only to allow yourselves to let go of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that you have held on to for many lifetimes, and which no longer serve you.  It truly is very simple.  However, your grip on those outmoded aspects of yourselves, which you believed were essential for your safety and survival, has, over the years and lifetimes, seemingly welded them to you.  It has not – but you do need to focus on unclenching, on loosening your grip on them, and after spending all that time holding on tightly, letting go is perhaps more than a little unsettling.

Ask your guides for help to show you, or bring to your attention, those aspects to which you are clinging and that no longer serve you, and ask for help to want to release them.  Often you have held on to them for so long that they can seem like essential parts of yourselves, making you feel that if you release or discard them, there will be no you left.

What you identify with as yourselves, as you live your human lives, is frequently just a mask, a very firmly attached mask, displaying your beliefs, your prejudices, and your opinions which are so firmly embedded and ingrained that you have come to identify with them.  It almost seems that you are them because they have blocked out your self-awareness, your awareness of your true divine Self.  Thus it may seem that if you discard the mask there will be no one left.  Of course this is not the case. Your true Self is not noisy, it is quiet, peaceful, relaxed, undemanding, and joyful, but you are so used to being driven by shoulds and musts that the peace and quiet you experience when you release them is shocking: you enter a vast space inside that seems empty, and your inclination is to immediately fill it up!

When you take time out daily to meditate you are allowing yourselves to enter that inner space of peace and quiet.  Sometimes it is very inspiring and uplifting for you, but more often you are conscious of trains of unending thought flowing through you which you try, without too much success, to disperse or disregard.  Spending time daily in that space, a set time – five minutes, fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, even an hour – that you have agreed with yourselves is appropriate or adequate can, in and of itself, be a major block that prevents you from entering that space.

You may find it more helpful to decide first thing each day, when you have woken up and are planning your day, to agree with yourselves that you will take time out whenever too much stress builds up, or whenever you are waiting for a late client, for a bus or train, or for the lights to change – any moment that “needs!” filling, or that is not filled with physical or mental activity – and just use that for your meditation practice.  Removing the “should,” the responsibility for meditating for a fixed time at a fixed time can be very freeing.  And when you feel free, wonders can be experienced.

The purpose of life is joy.  But most of you are so weighed down with anxieties and responsibilities that the thought of finding joy in your lives seems ludicrous.  What is ludicrous is that you allow yourselves to be so driven.  Yes, you allow yourselves to be driven, because being driven is a state of mind that you choose to accept and which you can change, instantly, should you choose to.  But for many of you being driven has become normal, so normal that you cannot imagine not being driven.

Things need to get done; that is part of your human life experience, but you do not have to allow those things, situations, or people to manipulate you into driving yourselves.  What often happens is that you are in a situation and your mind wanders – “I have to get bread . . . the laundry . . . I am going to be late for that appointment” – and then snaps back, and it seems that you missed something important as you are asked a question that you did not hear, or you just lost a little more of your precious but severely limited time.  Your mind starts to race and a state of overwhelm envelops you.  Does this feel familiar?  And so often you think that there is nothing that you can do about it.

How many of you have daily “to do” lists?  Lists that you never succeed in completing?  That in itself is telling you something very important.  Possibly you often strike off half the items or more before you start or as the day progresses, and it becomes apparent that you cannot do them all.  For a change make the choice not to have a list.  At first, that may cause anxiety, an increase in your stress levels, a sense of playing truant, but when you have given yourselves permission to do without one, you will gain a sense of freedom.  Once you get over the guilt of feeling free, which should take only a moment, joy will flood in.  It may not last, but it will demonstrate to you that joy is possible.

When the truth of that realization sinks in you will find your selves far more willing to listen to the real you, the you that wants to be loved and loving, and which knows that that is its true state, and you will ease up on yourselves.  You will deliberately choose not allow yourselves to be driven by yourselves, situations, or other people, and a more peaceful sense of freedom and rightness in the now moment will envelop you.  Then you will be ready to awaken into Reality, and the short waiting-period before that happens will become a joy and not a trial.

With so very much love, Saul.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther Kings' 'I Have a Dream' speech

Either by Amy Wolfman or she found it online somewhere and shared it without a reference. Either way she has been totally unclear about the source and people in the Oracle Report group do not care one hoot!

“I have a dream, that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
- Martin Luther King, 28 August 1963

Here's a message for the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. From Dr. Martin Luther King: "You are right. The United States has not come as far as I hoped it would have come. It seems that the dream I had in the '60s hasn't totally been realized. Now I'm looking around at the country and wondering what happened. There are so many people who are lost. There are so many people who are blaming their issues on the wrong "cause", and, anyway, if there is a cause for our problems as American citizens, it cannot be pinned on any particular circumstance or person. The citizens of this country, and the members of Congress, have been looking very hard to find the solutions to the issues that are currently being faced- and they are looking in the wrong places. We are one body, one heart, one mind- we are the same on the inside. We are facing a problem in this country today because there are those among us who don't believe this. There are those among us who cannot see that we are all interconnected. I firmly believe that we are all equal. We are each given the same rights by God. The differences that exist between us are superificial, and it's a shame that many of us can't see it this way. Notice that I say "many of us"- I am acknowledging the fact that we are all one."

Note: Apparently, Dr. Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech was an impromptu addition to his planned speech. At the end of a book channelled by Virginia Essene (New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity by The Christ) Archangel Michael contrinutes a message in which he says that he leant his power not only to Jeshua (Jesus) but also other important leaders such as Martin Luther King.



“One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

A question of forgiveness

By Tara Smith

Oracle Report, 23 August 2013

I have a question about forgiveness. I've spent the last two years forgiving everyone including myself and felt I had done a pretty good job. Last nite, I went to a Shamanic workshop on Releasing the Past. The first tool he went over was forgiveness. He said the 1st step to forgiveness is having compassion for the other. The next step is praying 9 times for them. It went something like this. "Great Creator, please look kindly upon this person. Bless them with well being, happiness and all the blessings of a good life... "

I felt resistance. It didn't make sense that I should be praying for someone who hurt me in the past, who was no longer in my life, who I didn't think about. Plus praying for someone who didn't request prayers seems to be in violation of their free will. The teacher felt that my resistance against blessing this person indicated that I hadn't truly forgiven them. So here's my question. Have any of you forgiven someone who hurt you very deeply to the extent where you now wish them happiness and all the blessings of a good life? Do you think forgiveness includes the heartfelt ability to bless them?

Excerpt from Matthew's Message

Channelled through Suzanne Ward, 1 November 2013

Now then, it does appear that we have been pointing fingers at the “bad guys” around your world who persistently have resisted changes that would be in the best interests of the peoples, and we repeat our urgings in previous messages: Forgive them!  This does not mean condoning their actions. It means refraining from judgment and condemnation by understanding that those individuals are the weakest links in the unbreakable universal chain of souls, and the love-light in your forgiveness uplifts them at the same time it advances your soul growth.     

The vital importance of forgiveness extends far beyond those individuals into the pre-birth agreements every one of you made. Because agreements are made by souls with conditional love and are designed to further the evolvement of all participants, each soul plays a role that offers others advancement opportunities. Persons whom you may resent deeply for what you perceive as cruel, unfair treatment may be fulfilling perfectly their agreement to provide you with that experience. Please do not forfeit your growth opportunity by holding onto resentment or bitterness—understand, forgive and feel grateful that you have completed the karmic lessons you chose and they provided. 

If by words, actions or inaction you have done an injustice to any persons, tell them I’m sorry, please forgive me. Then forgive yourself! Letting go of guilt and remorse as well as bitterness and resentment will let peacefulness, joy and excitement flow into your heart—that is what ascension feels like!